03-27-61 v COMMZSZXOF MEETING CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH MARCH 27, 1961 1. Call to Orde17, 2 0 Minutes of Meeting of March 130 1961. 30 Recognition crE Vis itasa 4. Communications to Cams issio +,., 1. Lot is S Ci w7t,, Swam. 20 Httd`3®n and McLeod, Portable ; !,na ure Graff Course. 5. City Nanager 1. Entrance, Behr ??ori ; Drive. 2, Ice Cream Pedder, Ev_rgess 30 4" Pump0 Quotations. 60 Ordinances. 14 Dog Ordinance° Final Reading, 2. Subdivision Ordinance, Firtut Reading. 3s Water Ordinance,ce, First I eadin j. 7. Commissioners. MINUTES OP THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OP TT-MAMA/ITN REACH_CITY• COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY .HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 27TH., 1961 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm.. S. Howell Preben Johansen J.B.-Claiborne Chas. R. Moore W. Laney Whitehurst z .Gomm;sioners- and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, • Jr, , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was ca.LlecL-to- order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Hr,-Howell. Minutes of the meeting of March 13th, 1961 were- approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen,_ seconded by Mr. Moore and carried, Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor.. Mr. Leonard Wood of the Prudential Life Insurance Co. presented a proposal for Group Insurance for City Emplpyees which he requested be studied and given conside!;'ation. Reverend Mr. Hudson, Pastor of - the Assembly of God Church on Mayport Rd. at the corner of W. 7th St. advised that there was a very bad sand hole in W. 7th St. which made it almost impossible to get into the church yard to park without getting stuck. It was the consensus of opinion that something should be done to relieve this situation if possible, and Mr: Waggoner is goingl-to get -sone shell put in there before Sunday, if possible. A request was presented from Mr. Louis Stuart for sewer ser vice to his property on Atlantic Blvd. west of Mayport Road. , and he advised that he was willing to pay his portion of the cost of same . Mr, Waggoner advised that Mr. Parks, our Engin- eer is presently working on plans to extend our sewer lines across Mayport Road which plans could be extended to take care of the Stuart property. It was decided until we get the plans from Mr. Parks before making any decision. A request was presented from Messrs. Hudson and McLeod for per- mission to put a portable minature 4olf course on the Ramos property at the Northeast corner of Ocean Blvd. and Atlantic Blvd. It could be moved in60 days if needed and there would off street parking provided, It was also specified that the type of construction is to be approved by the City Manager and proper street width left on Beach Ave. Following discussion Mr. Claiborne moved that they be granted a license, under con- ditions as stated, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Minutes 3-27-61, Page #2 Drawings covering a proposed sign which the Selva Marina Company would -like to erect in the parkway at the entrance to S.M.Dr.were.. pre- _sentedThe matter was discussed and Mr. Johansen moved that we accept the plans for this sign with the provision that they main- tain the structure, and that it be shortened so 'as' to be at least 5 feet from the pavement on each end,that if for any cause it should have to be removed, either knocked down, blown down or any other reason, the Selva Marina Co . will do the removing, deconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. \lm. Burgess , Frozen Goodies requested that his Ice Cream Peddlerts license be approved . He did not get it renewed last July due to illness, etc . but he would like to resume his business again. Mr. Claiborne moved that approval be given-.for issuance of this license, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented bids for a diaphragm pump as follows: Wallace Equipment Co . Marlow Pump 1;l48 .50 Rioe Model Pump 1,029.65 M.D. Moody & Sons ;. Model C.H, & E. Pump 1,026.00 The bids were studied, and after due consideration Mr; Moore moved that the M.D. Moody & Sons bid for the C.H. & E. pump be accepted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. The Commission next went into session' for public Hearing on Ordi- nance #954,61-4 covering the licensing, etc . :of doffs, which ordi- nance had been read in full by Mayor Howell. Notice of Public - Hearing on this Ordinance has been posted in line with charter. As no one appeared either for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed, whereupon Mr. Moore moved its adoption on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and it was unanimously carried. Whereupon the Mayor declared said Ordi- nance #95-61-4 adopted. Mr. Johansen presented an Ordinance covering requirements for street paving in sub-divisions in writing in full and ni ved its adoption by Title only on first reading, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and it was unanimously carried. The date for Public Hearing was set for April 10th, 1961 at 8 P.M. Mr. Claiborne presented an Ordinance covering water rates, ' etc . in writing in full and moved its adoption on first reading, sec- onded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and it was unanimously carried; The daze for Public Hearing was set as April 10th, 1961 at 8 P.M. There being no further business the Mayor de � • d the meeti _ _ad- journed. _/ Attest. - �:�%0 dor, ' m. . 'o e '�T or— Omm1ssioner Adele . rage, it Cler