06-11-62 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA - JUNE 11_ 1962 AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes of meeting of May 28, 1962. 3. Recognition of visitors. 4. City Manager: a. City radio system. b. Approval of water and sewer plant operator's starting salary. c. Request for sign permits: (1) A & A Grocery (2) Red Barn Restaurant (3) General Outdoor Advertising Co. - Station d. Request for permission to advertise for bids for: (1) Tractor - loader (2) Tractor - mower e. Approval for engineers statements. 5. Correspondence: a. Beaches Aquatic Pool's Inc. b. City Engineer - Water service lines. 6. Appointment plumbing examination board. 7. Request for extension of tax roll inspection date from July let to August 1, 1962. 8. Commissioners. 9. Adjournment. v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 11TH, 1962 AT 8 P.M. Present: Henry Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne C.B. Lawrence Chas . R. Moore, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney John R. Printon, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs . The minutes of the meeting of May 28th, 1962 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Isaacs recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not listed on the agenda. Mr. Howell ad- vised that on the utility easment given to the city on E. part of Lot 6, Block 6 ABP an error was made, it read Lot 6, Block 4, ABP. Mr. Claiborne presented Resolution # 62-15 reciting the error and authorizing the issuance of a new easment with correct description, and disclaiming any interest in present easment, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution #62-15 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Printon advised that we have had orders from the IAC to change our radio from the police band to a new band, preferably the local government band. It will cost approximately $450.00 to change our vehicles over to the new hand. The government advises that there will be no waivers from this order to change over, so we have applied for a local government band, as the details and change over must be made by November 1st, 1963 . The City Manager was directed to go ahead with necessary plans to make the change. Mr. Printon requested that the starting salary of $295. for water and sewer plant operator be approved for the new man we have hired as we could not secure an experienced operator at a smaller figure. It was discussed following which Mr. Johansen moved that approval be given for starting salary of $295.00 for this operator, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Printon presented a request from the A & A store for permit to put a sign flush against the building on the west side . The sign will be made of plywood and our ordinance calls for sheet Minutes of 6-11-62, Page #2 metal ?zaaover he has talked it over with the Fire Chief and he has advised that in this particular location and with the flush installation against the building it will be sati'factory, and the City Manager recommends that the permit be granted. It was discussed following which Mr. Moore moved that the permit for sign as requested be granted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. A request for a neon sign to be put in at the Red Barn Restaurant was presented for approval. It was advised that the application is in order and the City Manager recommends that the permit be granted. Following discussion, Mr. Moore moved that permit for the sign as requested be granted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. A request for permit to erect a sign for the American Oil Co. on their own property was presented by the City Manager who ad- vised that the application was in order and recommended that per- mit be granted. Whereupon Mr. Moore moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Printon asked for permission to call for bids on a loader tractor and a mower tractor which are desperately needed as our present equipment is not usable. Also he discussed with the commission the poor condition of the trucks and we will have to do some catching up in next year 's budget. Mr. Moore suggested going into the cost of rental of equipment, which the City Man- ager is going to look into. After further discussion during which Mr. Printon advised that he had an estimated figure from one company of $3550.00 net for a loader tractor and $2800.00 for a mower tractor, these prices net after trade-in, Mr. Lawrence moved that the City Manager be directed to call for bids as re- quested, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Printon presented two bills from our Engineer, Mr. Walter Parks and asked for approval of same. There was discussion as to the percentage charged on the W. 8th St. Sewer line project, Mr. Lawrence feels we should get a letter from Mr. Parks stating the scale to be charged on services rendered by him, so that we can have same on file. Following further discussion Mr. Johansen moved that the invoice covering services on the W. 8th St. sewer project be turned over to the City Manager to go over same with Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Johansen moved that the bill from Mr. Parks for services rendered on the well and transmission line be approved for pay- ment, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. The amount of this bill is $967.03 . Minutes 6-11-62, Page #3 Letters were read from Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc. relative to their pool. Also a letter was presented from Mr. Walter Parks our engineer giving information on plastic pipe. It was sug- gested that we check with our local plastic place, Duverre of Florida located on Levy Road, on the plastic pipe. It was the consensus of opinion that the following be appointed to the Plumber 's Examining Board: E.G. Roche, Carl Roumillat and City Manager, Mr. Printon. The plumber 's examination will be held June 15th. The City Manager requested that the date for 1962 Tax Roll to be opened for inspection be extended to August 1st instead of July 1st. Mr. Johansen moved that the date be extended as re- quested, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Moore registered a complaint with reference to the way the Red Cross Life guards drive their truck up Beach Ave. They speed and are reckless with it. Mr. Printon is to confer with Mr. Powell of the Life Guard Corps about this matter. Mr. Lawrence advised that the committee would be ready at next meeting to make recommendations on insurance. Mr. Claiborne questioned why the "No Playing" sign was on the ball park. It was advised that the rains had made the ground so soft that it wasn't good to let the children play on it. Plans for fixing street-ends was discussed. A letter of thanks for the flowers was received from the Ocean State Bank. Reports for the month of May, 1962 were received and filed from the Chief of the Fire Dept. and the Police Chief. Mr. Printon is to study the Personnel Program with salary scale and make recommendations as soon as possible. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. 4') ( Attest : C ` ,�1 Y Henry G. s acs, Mayo - Commissioner Adele S. Grage, City Cler RESOLUTION # 62-15 WHEREAS, HAROLD J. GABEL and JACK B. WALES, intending to grant and convey unto the City of Atlantic Beach an easement and right-of-way over and across the East five feet of Lot 6, Block 6, Atlantic Beach Parkway, Unit No. 2, according to plat recorded in Plat Book 15, page 83 of the current public records of Duval County, executed and delivered to said City that certain instrument recorded in Volume 1402, page 211 of the Official Records of said County, wherein the land was erroneously described as the East five feet of Lot 6, Block 4, said Atlantic Beach Parkway, Unit No. 2; and WHEREAS, said Harold J. Gabel and said Jack B. Wales, intend- ing to convey to said City an easement and right-of-way over and across the East five feet of Lot 4, Block 6, said Atlantic Beach Parkway, Unit No. 2, executed and delivered to said City that certain instrument recorded in Volume 1402, page 213 of said records, wherein the said land was erroneously described as East five feet of Lot 4, Block 4, said Atlantic Beach Parkway, Unit No. 2; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach such proper instrument or instruments as may be necessary or expedient to correct said error and to disclaim on behalf of said City any inter- est in the lands described in said instruments recorded in Official Record Book 1402, pages 211 and 213, respectively, as aforesaid, and to acquire on behalf of said City the easement and right of way intended to be conveyed to said City as aforesaid over and across the East five feet of Lot 6, Block 6 and the East five feet of Lot 4, 13Jock 6, said Atlantic Beach Parkway, Unit No. 2. **************************************a************************** Passed by City Commission June 11th, 1962. O_Cek -C ADELE S . GRAGE City Clerk (SEAL)