07-25-66 v - - I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING 7-25-66 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. t 2. Invocation - Mr. Noel Roberts, Minister, Atlantic Beach Pentecostal Holiness Church. 3. Approval of Minutes - July 11, 1966. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Receive Utility Fund Audit Report 6/30/66 and approve invoice to cover. 6. Reports (a) Jack Russell Memorial (b) Planning Board - Rezoning Saltair Lots (Bennett) (c) Committee - Mid-year Financial Report 7 . Approve Call for Bids on Fir Hose„ 8. Correspondence: (1) Grady Holbert (2) Mrs. John Kusenda 9. Fire and Police Chief - Reports and Dockets 10. City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT TH CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 25TH, 1966 AT 8 P.M. Present: John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Murray Bennett , • City Manager Betty J. Barnes, Assistant City Clerk Absent, Wm. S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grage , City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Pro-Tem, Mr. Weldon. • The Invocation was given by Mr. Neel Roberts, Lay Minister , Atlantic Beach Pentecostal Holiness Church. The minutes of the meeting of July 11th, 1966 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Weldon recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the agenda. Er. D. Schwartz, Attorney, inquired as to operation of taxi-cabs located outside the City engaged in business in the City. His client, Arthur Corbett- owner of Cut Rate Cab- claims the police have interferred with operation as described. The cab company is not engaged in picking up in the city for delivery within the city, but does pickup at points inside for delivery outside city, or pickup outside for delivery inside city, primarily to and from Mayport Naval Base. They operate under permit issued by Florida Public Service Commission. They would like to in- quire as to whether it is policy of city to interfere and what is basis of law to so do. It was advised that the Public Ser- vice permit dues not authorize operation in htlantic Beach, but must have a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to oper- ate in Atlantic Beach. There was much discussion during which it was again stated that 'pickups and deliveries by this company can only be occasional and incidental to primary business, but if part of business they can be stopped. This company has pre- viously a_,plied for certificate from city and after Public Hearing it was denied. Mr. Schwartz stated appreciate being heard -- position clear and now know what to do. Iar. Weldon called for any further business from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. Henry Isaacs requested that action be taken on the Life Guard situation . Mr. Weldon advised that he shared the feeling in this matter, had made a check on Saturday and that investi- gation is under way at present time . There was further dis- cussion following which Mr. Goodling moved that the City Minutes- July 25, 1966, ;'age #2 Manager contact the captain of the corps and explore fully, sec- onded by Mr. Parks. It was further discussed during which it was brought out that we have 3 surfraen and a captain who are from the Beach Patrol which is a branch of the Life Saving Corps. They are recommended by the staff of the corps but are our employees and responsibility. Jacksonville Beach and the County also use the beach patrol. Mr. Weldon put the question and the motion carried. The City Manager was aksed to give this preferred attention in the morning. Mr. Nick Maestro of the State Board of Health was present to discuss with the Commission the problem of sewer service to the trailer park on Mayport Rd. outside the City__. owned by Mr. McDowell. There was a lengthy discussion during which it was brought out that this matter was before the City Commission in 1964, but the proper easments were not secured. Mr. Maestro ad- vised that the State Board of Health would prefer to see them tied into City sewer and is bringing up to find out what the City' s feeling is so will know what course to pursue. The City, while sympathetic and willing to endeavor to help, is not in a position to seek easments beyond city limits. There is also a question of water service and size of pipe. Mr. parks review- ed the City' s previous attitude and conditions. Er. Weldon ad- vised need an easment first according to certain specifications, need a determination of whether water is going to be required and these should be lined up before filing an application at which time we will give careful consideration to the matter. Mr. Maestro stated can see attitude and understands, their interest is only to see that something is done , Mr. Thompson stated the City is not going to accept conditional easement- there were certain conditions before that were attached to the easment that were unsatisfactory. Does not believe the Commissi .n would ac- cept is same as before. The semi-annual audit of Water Funds as of June 30, 1966 was presented to-gether with invoice in amount of 3200.00 to cover. This audit is made im line with water bond requirements. Mr. GoDdling moved that the audit be received and filed with the City Treasurer and that the invoice be processed for payment on City Treasurer' s ap ?roval, seconded by Er. Holloway and carried. Mr. Holloway reported that the dedication of the Jack Russell Memorial Park has been set for Thursday, August 4th, 1966 at 7 2.M. Mrs. Russell has been contacted and hr. Walt Dunbar will be the speaker. Notices will be giventd o':the news media and invitations sent to adjoining communities and others. The Little League will put on an All Star game . Mr. Hilliard stated that the fence will be left up until after this game . This fence was put up by the Little League at their expense. Mr. Bennett has agreed to store it for them at the Public viorks yard. Mr. Bennett was advised to tell them that while we will store the fence we will assume no responsibility for it. Minutes July 25, 1966, Page #3 The minutes of the meeting of the Advisory Planning Board for their meeting of July 20th, 1966 were presented and read. The Board recommended that the Commission defer action on the request of Mr. Reuben Bennett for a re-zoning of certain Saltair lots to Residence "C" to permit building of a 20 Unit Apartment com- plex until certain stipulations were met. Copy of the Planning Board minutes are attached to these minutes and made a part there- of. After discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the report of the Planning Board be accepted and the recommendations be approved, and that Mr. Bennett be provided with a copy of same, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. The City Manager will furnish Mr. Reuben Bennett with copy of recommendations and also study the plans submitted and make report at next meeting. The mid-year financial report prepared by the Finance Committee was presented. The report was discussed at length and it was the consensus of opinion that our financial condition is good at this time. The City Treasurer' s report on Bank Funds as of June 30th, 1966 was also presented. Mr. Goodling moved that the re- port of the Finance Committee be adopted as a part of the minutes, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Weldon asked the City Attorney as to investing in 5% time certificates, and Mr. Thomp- son advised that time certificates are not insured but savings accounts are. Also, the banks secure our funds with government securities, and it was therefore agreed that funds should stay in savings accounts. The City Treasurer is to look into placing of additional reserve funds in savings account. Copy of report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Approval was requested to issue a "Call for Bids" on fire hose, specifications having been prepared by Chief Vogel. Mr. Goodling moved approval of call for bids to be received Monday August 22, 1966 at 8 P.M. , seconded by Mr. Holloway and following further discussion the question was put and the motion carried. A letter was read from Mrs. John Kusenda, 365- 10th St. express- ing appreciation of the drainage work that has been done on 10th St. The letter was received for filing. A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs. Grady Holbert of 378 Plaza re- lative to noisy air conditioners installed by her neighbor at 374 Plaza, and asking the City to take some action. The matter was discussed at length and it was determined thatwe do not have ordinance covering, and that the Holberts recourse would be a suit in circuit court where it would be determined if this speci- fic case is a nuisance. The City Manager was directed to contact the Holberts to-morrow and advise that we have no power in this instance and what her recourse may be. Mr. Holloway suggested that the Building Code require certain standards . Mr. Weldon Minutes July 25, 1966, Page #4 Mr. Holloway to act with the City Manager in investigating and make any necessary recommendations or report. Chief Vogel presented the Fire Department report for the month of June, 1966 and the Police dockets for July 18th and 25th. they were received for filing. Mr. Bennett reported that he feels the City is fortunate to have so many dedicated people working in the office and in the field. He reported in detail on the drainage work that has been done in the City, especially on 10th St. , Seminole Rd. , and the area in the vicinity of the school and church. With the assistance of the Fire Department and the use of our new back-hoe equip- ment we have the water flowing more freely. We have received the new tractor and are in process of mowing all City land, and pre- paring to start on lot cleaning. There was a detailed discussion of the locations and the drainage work done at each. Mr. Holloway asked as to the committee to study the tax situation. It was advised that it wqs decided to defer to Mayor Howell in this and let him follow through. After discussion it was decided to ask the City Clerk to notify the Tax Assessor, Mr. Minchew, that we would appreciate his being present at the next meeting to talk over the matter of tax assessments with the commission. Mr. Goodling advised that Mr. Thomas Hoey, Jr . , 19, has volunta- rily enlisted in the U.S.M.C. and is now in boot training at Parris Island, S.C. We take pride in this citizen as an example of type of young men we produce in Atlantic Beach. Mr. Weldon would like for this to be in the minutes and a copy sent express- ing appreciation and commendation of the City Commission. Mr. Goodling advised that on July 18th Officer H.P. Craig and wife became parents of a new son. Thinks it proper for the Com- mission to send card of congratulations on new addition to family. Mr. Goodling advised he understands the Recreation )irectors are working on Sunday and he is not particularly in favor. He thinks Monday through Saturday sufficient, and Sunday should be a day of rest and don' t believe recreation required. Mr. Parks inclined to agree, however Mr. Weldon would like to take a different slant- he was aware but children are going to play and need supervision on Sunday as much as any other day. Thinks unfortunate supervi- sor called upon to work, but thinks end justifies the means. Mr. Bennett advised that Mr, Albright has advised that he has a num- ber of children on Saturdays but very few on Sunday- might be less than 10. Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager investi- gate and if deems not enough activity that this be discontinued Minutes July 25, 1966, Page #5 and recreation directors re-schedule and playground be so posted, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Holloway inquired if we are required to provide on Sunday, and Mr. Thompson advised "no" . Mr. Parks inquired of Mr. Hilliard about getting the old truck rebuilt, and presumes they are talking about installation• of the parts brought down in the new truck and having body rebuilt main- ly, and Mr. Hilliard advised it was. Mr. Parks inquired as to water meter repairing and/or rebuilding and Mr. Hilliard advised it is at standstill since last meeting because of rain. It was advised that Mayor Howell ' s absence was unavoidable due to illness in family. Mrs Grare, City Clerk, is on vacation There being no further business Mr. Weldon declared the meeting adjourned. /& z o'N. W. Weldon, Mayor-Pro-Tem F=ittest: R 119, 22e•� �� C 7,:3e 1 L� Bettycnes, 2issistant City Clerk