09-23-63 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 23, 19G3 AGENDA (1) Call to Order. (2) Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 9, 1963. (3) Recognition of Visitors. (4) Correspondence: 1. Florida Public Utilities Commission. 2. Chief Electrical Inspector City of Jacksonville. 3. Approval Stadium Advertising - Fletcher High School. (5) Request for refund permit #7537. (6) Mr. Ellis to appear regards proposed Shopping Center. (7) Report - Department of Public Safety. (8) Continuance of Public Hearing - Amendment to Building Code. (9) Continuance of Public Hearing - Amendment to Plumbing Code. (10) Report - Finance Chairman. (11) Request Sign Pernit - 226 Atlantic Boulevard. (12) Commissioners. (13) Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY 4 COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 19E3 AT 8 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne C.B. Lawrence, Jr. Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney John R. Printon, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs. Minutes of the Regular meeting of September 9th, 1963 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried. The Mayor welcomed visitors present and called for any busi- ness not on the agenda. Mr. Ernest Ehmann of 725 Sabalo Dr. appeared before the Com- mission to see if he could get his meter put back in and his water cut back on. He advised that he had cut the water on himself on Sunday September 15th because he was there painting and cleaning, and had failed to contact the City since which he realized was wrong without authorization. The City on finding the water cut-on when the records indicated it should be cut-off had taken the meter out. Mr, Printon advised that we are now taking the meter out on cut-offs and plugging the line, to keep unauthorized persons from turning water on and to protect the City from having the water supply tampered with. Mr. Printon said he would like to make the Commission aware of the problem in Royal Palms Sub-division with people moving in and out. On question from Mr. Moore, Mr. Ehmann advised he had not notified the City as he wasn't sure he would get the house back, but that he had and he was there now with his children without water. The Mayor asked Mr. Printon _if pos- sible to get the water turned on to-night. Mr. Printon advised he would have to get a man from his home to go do it. Mr. Edwin Rule of 383-2nd St. appeared to ask the Commission's indulgence to allow him to build a carport on the side of his house which would have sideline set-back of 1'4" instead of the required 711' . He advised that he has a letter from his neighbor stating they did not mind his building it that close. Mr. Rule advised that he and his neighbor plan to spend their September 23rd, 19E3 Minutes Page #2 retirement in these homes and that there would be no objection to the carport in the future. The matter was discussed as to putting in different _location, etc. and it was the consensus of opinion that Mr. Printon look the situation over and bring back a recommendation to the Commission. Correspondence was presented from the Florida Public Utilities Commission advising of applications of various companies for authorization and approval as movers of household goods, etc. and advising dates of public hearings on same. A letter was presented from the City of Jacksonville Electrical Inspector advising that the wiring at Louis ' Bar on Atlantic Blvd. was a fire hazard and immediate action must be taken to have same corrected. Mr. Printon advised that a permit had been taken out by a licensed electrician to do the work and also a permit for the addition they want to make at this location. A statement was presented covering our 1963 contribution to the Duncan U. Fletcher Stadium in the amount of $500.00. Mr. Moore moved that we follow the same procedure as in the pact paying same from Account 209 Advertising, seconded by Mr. Jo- hansen and carried. Mr. Printon presented a request from Mr. John Blow for refund of the charges on Permit #7537 as permit was never used. Mr. Frinton advised that this permit was issued February 25, 19(3 became void after 6 months, and therefore no refund was in order. It was decided to hold in abeyance as Mr. Blow might take out another permit to build in this location for a simi- lar building and this permit might be extended or the amount applied on the new permit. Mr. Tom Ellis next talked to the Commission regarding the con- templated shopping center on the Royal Palms-Interstate site on Atlantic Blvd. He feels Atlantic Beach needs a good shopping center and he has been asked by the developers to work up the details on one for this area. He went into detail as to con- tacts he has made and work he has already done, and advised that if he can get permits for an Humble Oil Co. station and a Pic 'N Save store he will then be in a position to go ahead and negotiate for other permits perhaps with A & P, a shoe store and Sears-Roebuck. There was a great deal of discussion but no action was taken at this time. The August, 1963 report from the Department of Public Safety was received and filed. September 23rd, 1963 Minutes Page #3 Ordinance #25-63-3 was presented and read in full. The Mayor then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Where- upon Mr. Claiborne moved that Ordinance #25-63-3 Amending Ordinance #25-59-1 by adopting the 19E0-61 revision of the Southern Standard Building Code be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen and the call vote was Aye: Claiborne, Johansen, Lawrence, Moore, Isaacs Nay: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and said Ordi- nance adopted on second and final reading. The Mayor next presented Ordinance 55-63-8 Amending the Plumb- ing Code Ordinance #55-58-1 by adopting the City of Jacksonville Revised Rules and Regulations for Plumbing dated May lst, 19E•1. The Ordinance was read in full following which the Mayor de- clared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ord- inance. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordi- nance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Johan- sen then moved that Ordinance #55-63-8 be adopted on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and the call vote was Aye : Johansen, Lawrence, Moore, Claiborne, Isaacs Nay: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and Ordinance #55-63-8 duly passed on second and final reading. Mr. Lawrence, chairman of the Finance Committee presented the preliminary figures on the 19E4 budget. It is estimated that our net taxable roll in 19E4 will be approximately $12, 000, 000. and the total budget requirements will be $272.905.20 which is lower than the 1963 budget by some $11, 000.00. The esti- mated revenue needed from the 19E4 Tax Roll is $71, 963. 70 which would require a 5.99 mills . This is slightly lower than the 19E3 millage of 6 .1335. It is estimated that we will have an estimated surplus of $45, 000.00 which is approximately the same as the surplus estimated for 19E3. Mayor Isaacs stated that this was an estimate and that the new Commission would get the new preliminary budget. Mr. Lawrence stated that this is what the City Manager will ask for, and he feels the City Manager should be commended for his report. • September 23rd, 19E3 Minutes • Page #4 A request was presented for a permit for a sign at 226 Atlantic Boulevard, and Mr. Printon recommended that it be granted as it meets the code and presents no wind or fire hazard. Mr. Lawrence moved that the permit be granted, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Claiborne complimented the office on getting the tax bills out on time this year. He also commented on Mr. Lawrence_'s financial report and stated he feels the City is in good finan- cial condition. Mr. Moore stated he would like to concur with Mr. Claiborne 's remark_ . Mr. Printon and Mr. Isaacs each thanked the office personnel for prompt handling of 1963 tax bills. Mr. Printon advised that we are on the alert and atand-by basis for any seawall emergency. The Police Department is making regular checks and we have , 10, 000 bags on hand for sand bag- ging. Mrs. Grage advised that she has secured the Clerk and Inspec- tors for the Primary Election of October 1st, 1963 . She also reminded the Commission that they will convene as a Canvassing Board at 8 P.M. on that date to receive the returns from the Election Officials. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. /4- _ (----- -/ .6 /1-)1 . or- .4 Henry G.� cs, Mayor- tri sioner Attest: 61d1R-CLie.. )1.:ki (. Adele S. Grage, City CI rk