11-09-64 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA November 9, 1964 AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Minutes of regular meeting of October 26, 1964 4. Opening of Bids a. Police Cars 5. Recognition of visitors 6. Correspondencez a. Fletcher High School P.T.A. ' 7. Reports.: a. East Juval County Mosquito Control Contract 1964-1965 b. Negotiations on Lot 47-Saltair (Park site) c. Proposed Dog Ordinance d. Selva Marina-Club license e. Inspection Kon-Tiki premises f. Inspection and report on repairs to water tank. 0. Approve payment 1964 taxes on Lot A, Saltair 9. Request for refund - charges for culvert paid by Elder Silas Green-work not done. 10. Approve Building permits: a. Sign-2020 Mayport Rd. b. Sign-1461 Mayport Rd. 11. City Hall roof and building repairs 12. Resolution-Utility Bond Fund Savings Account 13. City Manager 14. Commissioners. 15. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY/ NOVEMBER 9TH, 1964 AT 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Chas. R. Moore Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and A.J. Craig, Acting City Manager Frank Thompson, City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk Absent: Don Goodling, City Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commj_ssioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of October 26th, 1964, Mayor Olsen declared them approved as written. Bids on 2 police cars were received and opened as follows: John Deihl Chevrolet Co. $4, 278.09 4-8 weeks Lynch Davidson Motors, Inc. 4,409.40 As soon as possiblc. Mr. Olsen advised that due to the wording in the "Call for Bids" that they could be delivered or mailed by 8 P.M. , that it was his feeling that any bids received postmarked before 8 P.M. November 9th, 1964 would be legal bids. Mr. Thompson said he concurred. Mr. Moore moved that the bids be referred to the Finance Chairman, Chief Vogel and the City Manager for tabula- tion study, and recommendation at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Olsen advised that dealers could check with the Clerk's office to see if any other bids were received. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. A letter was read from the Fletcher High School P.T.A. request- ing support in their efforts to get the County Commission to widen 5th Street in Neptune Beach to 40 feet along the east side of the new high school to help with the traffic problem there. The present plan calls for a 20 foot wide street. Mrs. John Lauwaert and Mr. Glover of the P.T.A. were present and dis- cussed the matter at length with the Commission. Since Fletcher High School serves all three Beaches, they felt it was of inter- est to all. Following discussion Mr. Weldon moved that the Minutes 11-9-64 Page #2 matter be pursued with the County Commission in an effort to have the street widened, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Olsen will fellow up on this. The 1964-65 Landfill contract with the East Duval County Mosquito Control District has been changed in line with the City Attor- ney's suggestion, and in the present form meets the Attorney's approvh1 as to form. The matter was discussed further following which Mr. Parks moved that the contract in amount of $2, 175.25 be approved in its present form and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same for the City, seconded by Mr. Weldon. It was brought out in the discussion that the landfill would con- tinue in the present location for about another year with the fill being done near the Aquatic Pool during the winter months. Mr. Craig will get with Mr. Whittlesey of the Mosquito Control District to get the litter and paper cleared between the high- way and the dirt dike. Following this discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Mr. Craig reported that he has written the owner relative to negotiations for Lot 47, Saltair, but has not heard from her. We have endeavored to contact her by phone without success, but will try phoning her in early evening. Mr. Craig advised h a is in theprocess of preparing a Dog Ordinance as directed . Mr. Thompson advised that he will have an opinion ready by the next meeting on the Selva Marina Club license. Mr. Craig advised that he and Chief Vogel had inspected unanounced the ground floor area and operation at the Kon-Tiki and found it remarkably clean and neatly kept for old building and found no evidence of license violation in operation. They found two light wire leads which they are taking care of with some re- wiring. There was question as to a sign on front of building which is a hazard, and Mr. Craig will check on same. Mr. Parks reported that he has found that the Pittsburgh Test Laboratory offers this inspection service on the basis of $75.00 per day including inspection of interior and exterior of tank with report in detail to-,•ether with recommendations. The charges are predicated on our supplying a man to raise and lower the in- spector in a bosun's chair. The charge usually averages between $250.00 and $300.00, and they will submit a proposal to-morrow. Mr. Parks moved that the City Manager be instructed to accept the proposal for the City , when received, up to the amount of $300.00, seconded by Mr. Moore. Mr. Craig inquirer? if they would furnish all necessary equipment and we only furnish the helper. Mr. Parks advised that he understood that the help on the ground Minutes 11-9-64, Page #--3 The City Clerk presented 1964 State and County Taa,: bill on Lot A, Saltair which is the old Colonial Oil property which the City bought in April, 1964. The taxes were prorated at time of clos- ing and Colonial Oil Co. 's share deducted from our payment to them. Mr. Moore moved that the bill be paid from Account 1050, seconded by Mr. Weldon and the call vote was : Aye: Moore, Parks, Weldon, Olsen Nay: None Absent: Goodling Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Approval was requested to refund to Rev, Silas Green $28.92 which he paid for 12" culvert to go in front of the church at 1832 George St. The work has not been done. Mr. Moore moved that the refund be made, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig requested approval of building permit for a sign at 2020 Mayport Road, and advised that it meets all requirements and he recommends issuance of permit. Mr. Moore moved that the permit be issued, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Craig requested approval cf permit for a sign at 1461 Mayport Rd. and advised that it meets all requirements and he recommends issuance of permit. Mr. Moore moved that the permit be issued, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Henry I. (Buddie) Jones of Jones Roofing Co. was present and discussed with the Commission the termite infestation of the City Hall roof area and the necessity of additional work which will have to be done to repair the building due to damages caused by Hurricane Dora. Mr. Jones advised that he had gotten an esti« mate from Orkin for termite treating the City Hall building of $132.00 which would cover treating and a year guarantee, also guarantee may be renewed for 14 additional years (at owner's op- tion) for $17.00 per year. They also quoted on a tent treatment for borers for $337.00. The matter was discussed at length fol- lowing which Mr. Parks moved that the City Manager be authorized to contract for services necessary to bring the termites under control with one year guarantee for $132.00 with the 14 year continued protection for $17.00 per year, seconded by Mr. Weldon and the call vote was : Aye: Parks, Weldon, Moore, Olsen Nay: None Absent: Goodling Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Minutes 11-9-E4, Page 04 There was further discussion regarding the wood borers and Mr. Jones recommended that we wait until after the first of the year and have :inspection made to determine if there are borers. Mr. Parks moved that we defer action on borers until after 1st of year as recommended, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. As tc the work on the building and roof which was outlined by Mr. Jones and Mr. Craig, Mr. Weldon moved that we go ahead with the repairs to the building and roof, re-roofing the gabled section as outlined, seconded by Mr. Parks and the call vote was : Aye: Weldon, Moore, Parks, Olsen Nay: None Absent: Goodling Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Craig advised that there is not sufficient protection for the air conditioner in the City Hall attic as the opening on northeast side is without covering and he would suggest a louvre with some type drain to keep the water out. There was discussion following which Mr. Moore moved that Mr. Craig be authorized to negotiate the installation of louvres to protect the equipment at a reason- able cost, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. A Resolution was read by Mayor Olsen covering transferring of $10,000.00 from the Utility Revenue Bond Fund in the Atlantic National Bank to a savines account in the same bank to be carried. as Utility Revenue Bond Fund. This is a part of the $13,404.40 we are required to keep on deposit in the Atlantic National Bank as outlined in Water Ordinance 0172. The matter was discussed and referred to the City Attorney to check out thoroughly and defer action until we get his opinion. Mr. Craig advised that some work has been done at the Community Presbyterial Church; that Mr. Bloom of the Bikini Apartments had been written relative to assessments; and a letter has been writ- ten to the State Road. Dept. relative to re-location of traffic light. Mr. Parks advised that he talked with Mr.. Aiken who advised that plans and profiles being prepared by the Expressway Authority should be received in net 10 to 12 days. Mr. Craig advised that the lot cleaning program was being checked on. Also the Sherman Creek ditch work has been completdd and drainage in Donner section will start to-morrow. The latter two will come under OEP re-imbursement. Minutes 11-9-64, Page #5 Mr. Parks asked if there had been any answer from B.H. McCormick & Sons on letter about streets. It was advised that our letter was a few days late getting out, and we have had no reply. Mrs. Grage advised that there has been nothing further from Mr. Shuman the architect on the theatre building. Mr. Parks advised that he and Chief Vogel have not had time to look into feasibility of interconnecting Neptune Beach and Atlan- tic Beach water systems. Will try and have a report within next two weeks. Mr. Moore reminded Commission of need for repainting traffic lines at Po toffice. It will be done as soon as paint is received There was a discussion of the fire station improvements and addi- tions and Mr. Craig advised that plans for the new addition will be ready by the next meeting. Mr. Olsen brought out the need of re-surfacing of certain streets not traveled by the big construction trucks and asked if we should call for bids or not. The matter was discussed at length dur- ing which Mr. Craig listed the following as needing resurfacing and are not being used by the trucks: Country Club Lane from Sel- vamarina Dr. to Seminole Rd. ; Park terrace West and Park Terrace East from Country Club Lane to Seminole Rd. ; 13th and 14th Sts. from East Coast Dr. to Ocean Blvd. Mr. Parks moved that we pro- ceed with preparation of plans and specifications and call for bids to be received by 8 P.M. Ilovember 23rd, 19(4 on streets as memtionecl - which are protected against damage by contractor 's trucks-, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Parks offered assistance in preparing specifications. There being no further business Mayor Olsen declared the meeting adjourned. Ai16400 4 . 1614- eorge R. Olsen, Mayor. - Ccmm _:: sion r Attest: ? (/?(;/..e...6 Adele S. Grage, City Cle