06-12-67 v 1011 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING 6/12/67 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3 . Approval of Minutes 5/22/67 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Communications : (a) Certificate of appreciation from Fletcher High Athletic Department. 6. Reports: (a) City Manager on Reva Mae Silmon Sewer line (b) Committee on Reva Mae Silmon Sewer line (c) Sewer Plant Chlorinator (d) Committee on George Bull - Re: Septic tank application. (e) Interconnecting water line with Neptune Beach (f) Committee on request for water - McKinley, North 41110 Atlantic Beach 7. Tax Roll - 1967 C . Ordinance - 1st Reading (a) Closing Street 9. Fire and Police Chief Reports 10. Street re-surfacing 11. Commissioners 12. Adjourn i MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1967 AT 8: 00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. W. J. Parks, Jr. , (Late) , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney R. C. Vogel, Acting City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: John W. Weldon, Commissioner (Out of City) Murray H. Bennett, City Manager (Out of City) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Mrs. Grage, City Clerk. Minutes of the meeting of May 22, 1967 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Goodling, seconded by Mr. Howell and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Miss Freda Sanders and Mrs. Evamarie Heaney presented a Safety project for designated "Bike Ways" which the Pablo Pilot Club would like to sponsor with the approval of the governing body. Secondary streets would be selected as "Bike Ways " and signs put up so advising. Bicycle riders will be encouraged to use these streets. The Club will provide signs if the City approves the project. This does not prohibit riding on other streets, but concentrates bicycles on designated streets with minimum of other traffic. It was consensus that plan is good one and Mr. Howell stated that if no objections the Pilot Club get with Chief Vogel and take necessary steps to designate streets and proceed with the project. There were no objections. Mrs. Grage advised that she has Atlantic Beach name plates for front of vehicles which sell for $1.00. This is project for Pilot Club also. Mr. Glover Weiss inquired as to beach erosion. He believes Office of Emergency Planning (OEP) should be brought into this and believes more can be accomplished through them as money will have to come from Federal Government. Mr. Howell advised he had just come from a meeting where Chairman of Committee of 100, Minutes 6/12/67 Page #2 Mr. Maxwell Dickinson, had advised that they are getting ready to kick off quite a beach erosion program. The matter was discussed at length in which it was advised we have a couple of Resolutions to go out on this matter. it was agreed that we are going to have to have sand replenished on beach and "OEP" is place to start. Mr. Colin Tucker, Beach Director of Civil Defense, offered his services to contact Mr. Jack Weatherford, Director of City-County Civil Defense Council, through which the "OEP" operates, and see what steps need to be taken and what other doors can be opened. His offer was accepted and he will confer with Mr. Weatherford. Mr. George Bull asked that the report on his septic tank applica- tion and proposed property development in unpiatted area North of Country Club Lane be taken up at this time. It was agreed. The report of the Committee was presented and read, also Mr. Bull 's letter of May 5, 1967 containing proposals for develop- ment. Copy of the report and Mr. Bull 's letter are attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The matter was discussed at length as to number of lots or parcels sold before sewer installed, septic tanks to be in front yard, type and size of houses, etc. It was stated all of these items would be taken care of in the package agreement between Mr. Bull and the City. Mr. Bull did not agree to the escrow as referred to in last paragraph of report. Mr. Bull proposes to record plat immediately designating easements for ingress and eqress and utilities. Mr. Thompson advised City would have easement for ingress and egress of vehicles, garbage trucks, etc. , and the right to lay water and sewer lines, not that would put them in but we would have the right to. After further lengthy discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the report of Committee be accepted with the exception of the requirement for escrow and that Mr. Bull be informed to proceed with final plans and documents for consideration and official action by the Commission, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. A certificate of appreciation to the Commission from Fletcher High Athletic Department was received for information and filing. Chief Vogel read the City Manager 's report on Reva Mae Silmon's sewer service. Copy of report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In this connection, Mr. Howell gave a report of the Committee on this matter. The building permit was issued October 31, 1966 and the plumbing permit to J. V. Roche on November 26, 1966 with no mention on either application about septic tank or sewer. On the back of plumbing application there is a diagram of a 4" vent and connections for sink, lavatory, Minutes 6/12/67 Page #3 closet, tub and 4" sewer ". There seems to be a difference on part of Mrs. Silmon and the City Manager as to what happened, it was conversation, but apparently permits were issued without septic tank permit or any firm understanding in writing as to sewer line on street. The matter was discussed as to running a line down Richardson Lane or to get septic tank permit. If running sewer line is considered then we should know reaction of abutting property owners as to liens and assessments. Mr. Hilliard does not believe it will pass percolation test as it is fairly low. It was agreed that the Attorney 's letter should be answered - advising matter was brought to attention of the Commission. Following further discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager be directed to determine the exact cost as well as ascertain attitude of various property owners on Richardson Lane and report back at next meeting, also notify property owners going to take action, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Report on Sewer Chlorinator passed to next meeting. The City Manager 's report on interconnecting water line with City of Neptune Beach was received and as no action needed at this time, it was passed to next meeting. Report of Committee on Mr. R. D. McKinley 's request for water connection to North Atlantic Beach line was read. - Copy of report attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Goodling moved the request be denied. Mr. Holloway feels, if possible, to let them on line, but if pressure falls should have option to take them off. The motion died for want of a second. There was further discussion during which it was brought out that we are considering 3 applications, two of which were made prior to Mr. McKinley's. Mr. Holloway moved that we inform the appli- cants that they have option to connect on but if pressure drops would have to remove selves from line. Mr. Goodling advised ** not inclined to second as feels should not add service outside City as long as there are areas within that require service - sympathizes with applicant - but thinks easier to say nonow than later after have tied on, and also applicant who wrote letter is a tenant and that could change any time. Mr. Howell stated motion covers all 3 applicants. Mr. Howell then seconded the motion and the call vote was: Aye: Holloway, Howell Nay: Goodling Absent: Parks, Weldon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried. • Minutes 6/12/67 Page #4 Mr. Howell advised that the House Bill covering permissive use by the City of the County Tax Rolls had passed and is awaiting Governor 's signature. Mr. Howell advised he has talked to our Tax Assessor, Mr. Richard Hamilton, and he expects to start looking over our tax roll and assessments beginning next week. Also we will have to arrive at some decision on tangible _ . personal property assessments. Mrs. Grage advised that the Charter provides for the Tax Roll to be open the month of July for inspection, so some action will need to be taken on that. We should have necessary information for report and action at next meeting. Mr. Howell presented an Ordinance in full in writing for considera- tion by Title only on first reading. Said Ordinance abandons a part of Beach Avenue between Atlantic Boulevard and Ahern Street and a certain alley lying within Block 36. Mr. Goodling moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance passed on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Howell and carried. The Public Hearing was set for June 26, 1967 at 8° 00 P. M. Chief Vogel advised that the Life Guards are now on duty and doing a good job. After discussion it was agreed that our guards should keep close watchout and notify bathers of danger- ous runouts, etc. but not close the beach; also, that we post signs notifying public to watch for these beach hazards. We only have 4 life guards and a captain which spread them rather thin over a 17 block area. Mr. Howell stated that he noticed the street resurfacing was still as it was and he had advised Houdaille-Duval-Wright that in his opinion they had not performed contract. The specifications were to pave existing pavement, also Item 1 set forth certain widths. Contractor advised they did exactly as told - if ran 181/2 or 19 feet, then pave 18 feet. They were willing to pave existing. Looks as though we wind up in position where Houdaille- Duval-Wright has fulfilled contract and we are left with some rather bad shoulders. In further discussion, the contractor would be willing to furnish without cost necessary plant mix for City forces to complete job. Mr. Holloway moved we accept material from Houdaille-Duval-Wright of hot plant mix asphalt at no cost to be spread by City forces, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Howell advised has not been firmed up - but appears they are willing. Mr. Parks arrived late - unavoidably detained. Mr. Goodling advised that 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Streets are becoming parking problems on street ends. Mr. Parks suggested Minutes 6/12/67 Page #5 signs be posted at street ends that cars parked to extent of blocking driveways and garages will be towed away at owner s expense. It was discussed and Acting City Manager was asked to find workable solution acceptable to property owners so that driveways and garages will not be blocked. Mr. Goodling stated understand people are asking about repairs to street end steps, but we can 't accomplish at present because of tidal conditions. Mr. Goodling questioned if Texaco Station ever tied into sewer. It was advised they had not, and we had not found any agreement where Texaco said they would hook up, and understand State Board of Health has told them do not have to hook on if they have working system. There was a discussion as to understanding at time Enco station was built, and Mr. Parks stated that a search of the records will indicate that their septic tank permit was temporary, conditioned upon the permit being valid until sanitary sewer service was available. Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager be instructed to pursue and report back to Commission, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Goodling advised he understood a Motel on Atlantic Boulevard is on our sewer line but has own well and is dumping a great deal of water into our sewer system including that from its swimming pool. Mr . Goodling moved ask City Manager to look into, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. Willi.- S. Howell Attest: Mayor-Commissioner 62d?LQJ _ , . . i' Adele S. Grage, City C1=' k See minutes of June 26th, 1967 for direction to add the following to these minutes as correction: Mr. Thompson advised that if pressure falls will have to deal with everyone on the line and they will be raising "cain" and will say they gave up well to get our water and now can't get back on well, pp to us to get water- we 'll have problems. What are you going to do if they dons have any other source of water? i _. w . • . CITY OF , , , • AUt2tii4 13e04v-Teci*idG 11 .:. v?!J•4� . Clem• . �.. .. ... 13i-.. ... - n June 7 , 1967 REPORT ON GEORGE BULL'S PROPOSAL FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission - Gentlemen: { Your Committee, consisting of the undersigned, appointed at the City- Commission meeting on March 13, 1967 to consider a pro- posal for the development of residential property in an unplatted area North of Country Club Lane and West of Seminole Road as set forth in a letter to the City Manager from Mr. George Bull dated May 5, 1967, has considered the matter and submits findings and recommendations hereinafter. We see no particular objection to the details of Niro Bull 's pro- posal in the main as described in the previously referenced letter. However, we do believe it should be understood that the permanent facilities which Mr. Bull proposes for possible subsequent installa- 1 tion shall meet certain minimum design requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach, and that the property developed and sold under the proposal as outlined by Mr. Bull should be limited to not more than 10 parcels in any one area prior to the provision of permanent improvements, and the dedication of streets as rights-of-way rather than easements; this statement being predicated on the develop- ment of the property in 3 separate and distinct areas indicated on a map accompanying Mr. Bull 's letter. It occurs to your Committee that the City should be given more than verbal assurance as to the ultimate provision of permanent faci- lities. The deposit of funds in escrow for each parcel developed would conceivably be one method of insuring the City 's position in the matter. Respectfull submioted, W. Parks, Jr. / 1//14+. =Ilse Murray Bennett COMMITTEE XERO �xERO I%f NO xl.Rp COPY COPY11 7 ! 1 V . GEORGE BULL 321 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32003 MAILING ADDRESS REG.REAL ESTATE BROKER R,0 BOX 63 STATE OF FLORIDA May 5, 1967 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLA. Mr. Murray H. Bennett, City Manager, City of Atlantic Beach, City Hall, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32003 Dear Mr. Bennett: In furtherance to my letter of March 7, 1967 to Mr. Hilliard, the report of the Committee of March 24th to the City of Atlantic Beach, subsequent discussion at the last meeting of the City Commission and the conference between you, Mr. Parks and myself on Tuesday May 2nd, all relating to the development of the area just North of Selva Marina Unit #2, to be known as Selva Marina Unit #6, I wish to outline in more detail our commitments to the city and the prospective land owners so that our proposal will be approved by the city. (1) The owners of the land will cause a plat to be recorded for the dedication of easements to be used for access and utilities, so that the location and description of these easements will be more clearly set forth in the public records. Submitted herewith are copies of plats recorded for similar purposes in Leon County, Florida, being recorded in Plat Book 4, page 50, Plat Book 4, page 58 and Plat Book 5, page 4 of the public records of Leon County, to demonstrate the workability and progression of such a procedure. The wording of the dedicatory phrases would be developed to the satisfaction of the city attorney as well as the other jurisdictions involved. (2) The owners of the land agree with the City of Atlantic Beach and with the future owners of parcels abutting the easement to be platted, that at no cost to the city or the prospective owners there will be installed (a) Stabilization and other material to provide temporary paving at least 18 feet in width, to provide access to the full width of any parcel acquired by a future owner fronting on the easement as dedicated. (b) Permanent water mains of a size and location according to a pre- determined plan, to be approved by the city and the present owners, to serve any parcel acquired by a future owner fronting on the easement as dedicated. (3) The future owners of parcels fronting on the easement will be permitted, with the approval of the county health authorities, to install sceptic tanks for the temporary disposal of sewerage, which tanks will be located in the front yards of residences to be built in the future. - continued - ii;0 XI RI %I I4<' CI 1a,. rrrn -----� -- .. lir. • Mr. Murray H. Bennet, City Manager, - continuation - li Atlantic Beach. - May 5, 1967 - (4) The owners of the land agree with the city and the future owners of parcels abutting the easement to be platted that when one-third of such parcels abutting the easement as platted have been sold, that there will be installed at no cost to the city or the future owners sanitary gravity sewer mains of a size and location according to a pre-determined plan, to be approved by the city and the present owners, to serve the parcels already sold to the future owners and not previously served by city sanitary sewers. (5) If or when permanent paving is required to be installed at some time in the future, the owners of the land agree with the City of Atlantic Beach and the future owners of parcels abutting on the easements to be platted, that they will cause such pavement to be installed at no expense to the city or the future owners of the parcels abutting on the easements as dedicated. Very tru ours, P SELVA RI A REALTY COM • - By: /C1� George Bu Y, Secretary. GB/ec cc: Frank Thompson, Esquire Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. • xOP, xrpo x,No ,,,-,40 X rRol �-no ,x, r10 i%1.170 (.0/,r cr •• 1r, 1•Y i POP • CiTY OF itteahlk Beadefte-Fetneda June 5, 1967 REPORT TO ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION Subject: Interconnecting water lines with Neptune Beach. I have already applied to the State Road Department for permission to install an 8 " cast iron water main under Atlantic Boulevard at the Seminole intersection. After making a study of the possibilities of installing an 8 " water line under Atlantic Boulevard at the Mayport Road inter- } section, I found out that there was too much interference to installing a water line without going underneath the State Highway's 24 '' drain line. The elevation of this water line would be between 3 ! and 4 ' which would require considerable excavation. Since installing a water line at the Mayport Road intersection would be rather expensive, I have requested permission to install a 6 " cast iron interconnecting water line across Atlantic Boulevard East of Sherry Drive. I have been advised by Mr. Gordon of Neptune Beach that they are running a 6 " water line up Third Street and then continuing West with this 6 " line to somewhere in front of the Carleton Motel. It is necessary for us to remove the fire hydrant at Sherry Drive because the new pavement has a 25 ' radius turning onto Sherry Drive. I am writing to Harold Aikens of Reynolds, Smith and Hills to see if they would change the drain sump of this radius curbing and locate it approximately 10 ' East of the pre- sent location so as to make it possible for us to run a 6 " water line East in back of the sump. Since half of these water lines can be installed at one time and since Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company is planning on paving the South side of Atlantic Boulevard first, I believe it would be advisable to see if Neptune Beach wants to have Reinertson install these lines up to the center line of Atlantic Boulevard while he is working on their 6" water line along Third Street. We could then ask for bids on finishing the two water lines at a later date when Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company start to work on the North side of Atlantic Boulevard. This contract wo ld not have to be let for sometime. xEao xERo Murray H -znett, City Mgr. ar corn I !torr nom° r-1 7.74 CITY OF . , . •jilt=e Bcati0„-Featac, i ........=_______ ------ _ ... ,,,,..„ ,,,,,„ , - - , June 12, 1967 COMMITTEE REPORT ON POSSIBLE WATER CONNECTIONS IN NORTH RTLANTIC BEACH AND COST OF INSTALLATION OF NEW 611 MAIN. The Committee appointed at the last Commission meeting on May 22 to check the number of water connections on the 211 main in North Atlantic Beach finds as follows: The main runs from a 3 " main 50 ' South of 16th Street to a point 3 ' North of Lot 16, which is house 41675 Beach Avenue. A one inch (111) line serving two (2) 3/4 " services runs 168' West on Coral Street. There are fifteen (15) 3/4" house services on this line at present, serving a total of 19 living units. There is at this time before the Commission an application from Mr. R. D. McKinley for a water connection and it is the Committee 's understanding that there is a verbal one from Mr. Mike Scanlon to tie in to this 211 line. If the application for Mr. McKinley is granted, it seems to this Committee that the one for Mr. Scanlon would also have to be accepted. Mr. Scanlon's request was turned down because of the Commission's decision as of the meeting of June 271 1966, Page 2 of the minutes covering this meeting, copy of which is attached to this report. As of Today there have been no complaints filed from this area as to pressure problems, but with these two further connections we would. have no way of guaranteeing when or if there would be a problem of low pressure in this area. The approximate cost of running a 611 water main in place of the 211 now existing on Beach Avenue would be between $2.25 and $2.50 per foot. This price includes fire hydrants and service connections under existing house services. • XI ROI XI.:HO( fOOPY1 lit, nr'r, COPY i 1 , CCITY OF . , , • Aleamito Be444..Fe04414 Committee Report on New Water Main for North Atlantic Beach - Page 42 June 12, 1967 This price may seem high but it is much more expensive to lay a new line along an existing one than it is to start from scratch. In order to run a new main it is believed that a utility easement would have to be obtained along the right-of-way of Beach Avenue as it seems that the existing pavement takes up almost all of the right-of-way and we would probably get into private properties. . H. Hilliard /745-17/ne/74 Murray i. Bennett COMMITTEE • .}, • X¢RO raze) rr%ERO� rk�)OPY COPY 1Cor+Y w'�OPYT Minutes 6-27-66 Page #2 City Attorney will be in a position to advise the Commission as to the details of that ruling and the limitations of it, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. A request was presented from F. Reuben Bennett for rezoning of Lots 580, 587 through 591, Saltair, from Residence B to Residence C to permit building of an apartment complex, for which temporary plans were also presented. A part of the triangular plot on which the complex would be erected i$ already Residence C. Mr. Goodling moved that the request be referred to the Planning Board for report and recommendation at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. 'A request was received from Mr. Calvin England, 1710 Beach Avenue, North Atlantic Beach, to tap onto the line authorized * to go to Mr. Herschel Shepard, Jr. Mr. Craig advised that the line passes Mr. England ' s house and Mr. Shepard would have no objection to tapping onto the line for Mr. England, as he claims there is ample water and pressure. Mr. Craig feels it is practical to tap on as this will make 14 on line where on some 1 Donner lines we have 18. There has only been one complainant s, and he has moved. The matter was discussed at length especially Mr. Holloway's question that if we provide service outside City limits and this service is unsatisfactory, regardless of what they say now, do they have recourse if supply is inadequate? Mr. Thompson advised don't have any unless they contract for it, but thinks then we are going to have to do one of two things - either make adequate or get out. Mr. Howell stated that since we are running line right by his house we might as well let him have service but ought to take stand for future applications. Mr. Parks advised he is inclined to agree. Mr. Weldon moved � approval of application with the understanding that no further 1 taps be allowed on this line until enlarged, seconded by Mr. 1' Parks and carried. Mr. Holloway then moved that no future public service be provided to any areas outside the City limits I unless meet standards that are provided inside City, and when and if can provide service that we can maintain without any problems, and that we proceed no further until study is made for extension and meet minimum requirements of State Board of Health and meet requirements necessary for Public Health, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. An application for permit for two signs for 31-D Royal Palms Drive was presented. On studying the plans they do not indicate conduit to be used nor whether the backs will be covered to prevent glare since they are electrical signs. There was discussion following which Mr. Goodling moved that the applica- tion be rejected as the plans are incomplete, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling stated do not show electrical drawings and =,1 1g xI .. )CEORO III - i - 1 . I 1f \''.1.3' v2. p14''s 'FB' FRD"� 3 int — \ z— , ,G» 1LtoS. 1,:.y.> 1(0l) 14>, ... T 1-6- /6 /7 I`- i- • 6 \ /' 6 : 4 i0 alt _ . \ I Al 0 R r 1-1 A 7' L. A iN 7 / c CITY Of . , . meaftitic Bea -T&itk4a _,,.,„,7.,....,„...,,,,,,....„...,...%,...„ , 1 June 5, 1967 REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION Re: Reva Mae Silmon's sewer line. On June 1 we received a letter from Mr. Robert L. Rucker, Reva Mae Silmon's attorney, regarding the sewer line to her house. I have already turned this letter over to Mr. Thompson, City Attorney. When Reva Mae Silmon came in to get per permit to build the house on Richardson Lane we discussed the possibilities of running a sewer line from this house to the sewer line on Francis Avenue, and also to get the water for this house from Francis Avenue. Later we found out that the elevation of the sewer line on Francis Avenue would not allow us to run , I the sewer line to this new house, but we did allow Hiss Silmon to hook on to the water meter from her house on Francis Avenue. Therefore, she has two houses on one meter. I . After her house was started, she was told that it was 1 impossible to hook up to the Francis Avenue sewer line and that she should consider either a septic tank or pay for running the sewer line to her property. She could not make up her mind as to what to do until she appeared at the • Commission meeting on May 8, 1967 where she complained that we issued the permit without checking the sewer line. There is a manhole located on Donner Road and Richardson Lane that has an 8 " stub-out. To put the sewer line at the Richardson Lane address would require approximately 250 ' of 6 " VC tile. It would require a number of stub-outs on this line to take care of the vacant lots. 2/11/,f/Wle. 116'7/4' Murray H Bennett City Man ger cc: Mr. Frank Thompson • i%I RO a0OPY COnr7 1 :T.°r` 1 r„,,,) 4 0 ROBERT E. HUCKER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW 400 LAW EXCHANGE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA PHONE ELGIN 9-9657-9-9658 May 31 , 1967 City Manager Atlantic Beach, Florida Re : Reva Mae Silmon Dear Sir: We have been retained by Reva Mae Silmon, who built a house on Richardson Lane after having obtained a building permit from your office . I am sure you know that after she completed this home in March of this year, she found out that there were no sewer lines to this house, and that it would cost between $800.00 and $1 ,000.00 to bring sewer and water to this home for which she was issued a permit to build and did build. In addition to the cost of installing these connections, and line to the home , she has been unable to rent the house since it was erected and therefore has suffered loss of income in that regard. I would appreciate you turning this over to your attorney so that we can, if possible, work out an amicable settlement without going into Court. • Si' i cerejyyours,. ,A6)*r.. .%4%''' ROBERT E . BUCKER REH/jp • L)JAI . �.t :-, • 1,:ty ay TNS y�l fit-:`5rtAzfv ft. ?INXERY ii XERO XERO >tERO COPY .COPY COPYOPy pr -..