02-27-67 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING 2-27-67 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3 . Approval of Minutes 2/13/67 4. Recognition of Visitors 5 . Reports : (a) Acting City Manager (b) 15th Street traffic (c) Committee on Bids for 2 Pick-up trucks (d) City Attorney - Utility Tax Study 6. Mr. Donnell - Golf Driving Range - Attorney's opinion 7. Ordinances - 2nd & Final Reading - Public Hearing (a) Rezoning Blocks 57, 82, Sec. H to Business "B" . (b) Amending 1967 Budget - $25, 000.00 transfer to Sewer Fund. 8. Resolution on death of Norman A. Minchew 9. Request Approval for bids for E inch water line material from Account #1501 - Amount of approximately $1, 752 .00. 10. Request approval to get bids for Tractor. 11. Fire and Police Chief Reports 12. City Manager (Acting) 13 . Commissionerc 14. Adjourn • 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1967 AT 8: 00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Richard H. Hilliard, Acting City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Donald L. Goodling, Commissioner Murray H. Bennett, City Manager (I11) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. The minutes of the meeting of February 13, 1967 were approved 4111 as written upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Acting City Manager Hilliard presented written reports of work being accomplished. Copies of reports are attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mayor Howell reported that the Committee appointed to study traffic situation at 15th Street and Seminole Road has sent out requests for information on traffic signals and stop signs. They expect to have something concrete to report at next meeting. The Committee on bids for two (2) 1/2 ton Pickup Trucks recommended acceptance of the bid of Thor Chevrolet Company in the amount of $2, 789.62 as lowest and best bid, with delivery in 5 days. Mr. Weldon moved that recommendations of the Committee be accepted, seconded by Mr. Parks. In the discussion, Mr. Howell advised that for the record Mrs. Grage had found a bid from Lynch Davidson Motor Company, Tuesday morning, February 14th, in the mail container on City Hall back door. The bid was not low, and was not received in time, but we would acknowledge receipt. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried. • Minutes 2/27/67 Page #2 Mr. Thompson reported on his Utility Tax Study and advised that there is some ambiguity as to when the tax applies, caused by the changing of tax from straight 10% as he drafted the original ordinance to a sliding scale tax. When straight 10% it made no difference whether charge was on each delivery or on monthly bill, but on the sliding scale tax it would make a difference. Under present scale it would be difficult to audit. Actually from what he can see we have been paid all the tax due us - if the deliverer has overtaxed the customer that is argument between them. Mr. Thompson agreed that expense of auditing to determine if City is getting its just and fair share would be more than actual revenue from tax. Mr. Thompson reported that under this situation a golf driving range is not permitted under present zoning. The matter was discussed at length as to allowing a variance. Mr. Thompson advised that the complete activity - over and above anything that is permitted in this Business "AA" zone under the present Ordinance, stretches the variance pretty far. As to rezoning it was suggested better to change usage than than to rezone and open up to other types of business. There was discussion as to allowing septic tank if sewer is contiguous to the property. Mr. Parks advised did not believe septic tank and drain fields would work in this "landfilled" ground. Mr. Donnell advised County has tested and says it is O. K. Mr. Howell suggested due to distance from sewer line if did decide at future date to allow a septic tank that it would be possible to require that a bond be put up in some amount to assure the fact that once a sewer line is available would connect forthwith, or bond would be forfeited to City. There was further discussion as to bad precedent to allow rezoning, usage, etc. , following which Mr. Howell advised that unless we are going to change the zoning or the usage in Business "AA" the matter A sewer is mute. As there was no motion Mr. Howell advised sees no reason to go any further, and request would be in violation of present Ordinance. Mayor Howell presented on second and final reading Ordinance #90-67-30 covering rezoning of Blocks 57 through 82, Section H. to Business "B" and read in full, following which he declared the meeting open for Public Hearing. Copy of 01110 certified proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing on said Ordinance is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The required signs were also posted on property involved. The question was asked if beer joints, saloons and the like would be permitted. It was advised that beer and wine could be sold in this area but so could they in Jj Minutes 2/27/67 Page #3 Business "A" zone. However no more liquor licenses are available in Atlantic Beach, and there are State regulations on all as to nearness to Churches or Schools. It was also asked if rezoning was because someone desired to have busi- ness in area. It was advised that the original request was put in by Mr. Ira Bratcher who wanted to build a garage to house his construction equipment. There being no further discussion, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Holloway moved passage on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mayor Howell presented Ordinance #20-67-13 covering amendment to 1967 Budget for second and final reading and read same in full. He then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing, notice of which was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Weldon moved adoption of Ordinance #20-67-13 providing for transfer of $25, 000.00 to Sewer Fund on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. • Mayor Howell presented and read Resolution #67-4 covering the death of Norman Minchew, our Tax Assessor. Mr. Parks moved adoption of said resolution, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Howell suggested copy of resolution be sent to Mr. Minchew's daughter, Mrs. Jules Kaufmann, Ponte Vedra Beach. A copy of Resolution #67-4 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Hilliard requested permission to call for bids on material to extend a proposed 6 " water line down West 6th Street from Mayport Road west to Main Street. This material would cost approximately $1.752.00 and be charged to account #1501 in 1967 Budget. There was discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved approval to call for bids on said material as requested looking toward accomplishing this prospect, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Hilliard requested approval to call for bids on a tractor for mowing City Parks, ball park, road shoulders, etc. This tractor was included in 1967 budget. Mr. Weldon inquired if felt we needed it and Mr. Hilliard advised that he did. Following further discussion, Mr. Weldon moved authorize "Call for Bids " on basis that specifications be prepared by • City Manager for this, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. • Minutes 2/27/67 Page #4 11111 Chief Vogel presented Municipal Court Dockets for month of February 1967 which were received for information and filing. The Chief also presented information and pictures received from Chief of Police of Louisville, Kentucky, regarding ambulance service performed by his department. It could be done with present manpower and a police cruiser station wagon, which would serve as a cruiser on police work and when emergency arose where human life concerned, a person could be transported to hospital. There was discussion as to what would be an emergency and any conflict with private amublance services. There was further discussion and the Chief commended on foresightedness in the matter. It was decided to take the matter under consideration and study. Mr. Holloway inquired about the dog situation. It was reported there was an unpleasant situation today relative to an unlicensed dog. After discussion it was agreed we will have to look into this matter further. Mr. Weldon commented on Acting City Manager 's report and the fact that he has arranged for transferring garbage body to new chassis at a savings to City; also laying out streets for repaving program which will be submitted to the Commission. He congratulated Mr. Hilliard on good job being done in City Manager 's absence. He recognized fact that City Manager Bennett is improving and expressed the wish of the Commission that he will continue to improve in health. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. illi �owell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: 9r ado& a Adele S. Grage City Cler 'i'ej Ai — -` if- NA +! AJUJ{1 A.iQ A iQQ orf iw 'ONdX1 Otl3%I 01d7% • =IL INI40 0 aauoTssTunuo3 L7 // °.zr 'ApMoTToH '0 sTno' i.rry aabpu2W A4TO 6uT4DV PaPTTITH 'H "7~ ;' & / f •papbp go 4dTaoaa To sApp S uTr TM Spooa.s aTagq- To ;no paaanTTap eq pTnoo s%onaq. act. ;PLR pasTnpp aq pup 'TZ Axenaga3 'Appoq gogTps 'aw 04 pest ; I 'pa;.daoap aq. sTgf 4-eqq- 41111 puaunuoaaa pTnoM pup MoT eq 04 geToanag0 aogs To pTq aqq puT3 OM 'aanaboH •spaau ano ao; aTgp4Tns aq pTnoM pup suoTgpDTTTaads ano qaam TTP ;.2q4 puTs 'spTq TTP buTApn;s aa3Tp 'aa;;TunuoO aqy L9'Z9Z '8 'o0 gaToanag0 -Mae ugor 00'OLT 'E 'o0 saogow apTsg4nog 00'SZO'C gaTo.nag0 uosdwags, uopao0 00'b66 'Z 'o0 gaToaneg0 apTsaanTI Z9'68L'ZS 'DUI ';aToanag0 aogs 'Z-L9 uoT4P0TJToads aad SP sxonal drIXOTd uo4 Z/T (Z) oM; aq; uo panTaoaa spTq anTT ac. aap MoTeq pa;.sTq Z-L9 NOIZKOIaioadS smalls dnMOla Nos Z/T (Z) OM", No LU0d2111 aaJziwwoo L96T 'TZ Axenaga3 --E.--===.— - :. - - = . -prQ Iniseany • 2-The Beaches Leader-February 2, 1967 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on February 27, 1967 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida the City Commission of said City will hold a Public Hearing on an Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 90-59-3 to rezone all lots in Block 57 through Block 82, Section H, Atlantic Beach, from 111 Residence "AC" to Business "B". Said lots being located on East side of Orchid Street. All persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. Copies of said Ordinance are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida this 25th day of Jan- uary, 1967. • CITY OF . . . AL-1, ,44444, Beadepi-Temida 2/27/67 ACTING CITY MANAGERS REPORT Work completed from 1/31/67 thru 2/13/67 1. SEWER PLANT - Cleaned and rebuilt grit pump with new face plate, impeller and wear plate. Cleaned grit well and sump. Rebuilt defuser and riser. Digester Acid 5, 000 - Temperature 63 to 65 - P. H. 70 2. STREET ENDS - Lowered grade so water will run down to seawall and laid shell on both sides of a limerock walkway and sprayed with cutback. Rebuilding barricades on all streets. Work completed on 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th Streets - 70% completed on 1st and 2nd Streets, leaving Ahern, 13th, 14th and 15th Streets. Some black top work is planned if money holds out, also repair steps down to Beach. . WATER PLANT - Work on an18 x 13 foot storeroom is almost completed. For some time we have had to pile water supplies on top of each other inside the plant. This building will give us a work shop and storeroom. 4. Worked 2 men with garden club to rebuild bank on North side of Post Office and plant trees and flowers. 5. Dug out about 100 feet of Sturdivant Street on East and West side of Seminole Road and replaced with limerock base and sprayed with cut- back. This area will be black topped when weather warms up. 6. Repaired several catch basins in Royal Palms that had caved in from rains. 7. Patched holes in streets with hot black top, also with limerock when it got too wet to use black top. 8. Talked with Mosquito Control about cleaning ditch on West side of Seminole Road North of 16th Street and over to Club Lagoon, and work will begin on February 27. Our storm drain that will run from 13th Street north to 16th Street will be a 15 " storm drain and will tie 41111 in to this ditch. CITY OF . . . Dea -T&i*eda 2/27/67 ACTING CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Work completed from 1/31/67 thru 2/13/67 Page #2 9. Laying out streets to be repaved this summer. 10. After having 5 inches of rain this weekend we found no water backed up or standing where we have drain lines. We also hope to install more drain lines this year and some street crossing drains and catch basins. 41111 R. H. Hilliard Acting City Manager Mana er c CITY OF , . . At/earl& Beadie/"FetAlda 2/27 ACTING CITY MANAGERS REPORT Work completed 2/13/67 to 2/28/67 1. Work on repairing street ends with shell and black top limerock has been completed and also street end barricades have been repaired and replaced. Base limerock has been laid and sprayed with cutback in preparation for black top on 7th and 15th Street ramps. Black top to be laid as soon as weather permits. We have expended approximately $1500.00 on street ends this year. 2. The job on remounting the 20 Yd. garbage container from the old Chassis 0 to the new Chevrolet was estimated at approximately $600.00 by three different body companies. Arrangements have now been made to transfer this body by the City mechanic and City manpower with a rented crane. We expect to be able to do the job by handling this way for approximately $150.00. 3. Duval County Mosquito Control has completed cleaning on drainage ditch west of Mayport Road from Atlantic Boulevard to the fork in Mayport Road. This has drained out several small lakes that have been built up in the area and should eliminate a great deal of the mosquito problem that we had last year. 4. Grades are being run on the storm drains in the seawall on the North side of Atlantic Boulevard ramp up to Ocean Boulevard and from Ocean Boulevard to Ahern Street. This drain has never been used, and we propose to install 12 " storm drain to relieve some of the water that should be in this area most of the time after heavy rains. 5. The drainage ditch running west on west 3rd Street from Mayport Road to the Intracoastal Waterway has been re-dug and cleaned to allow water to run off the Mayport Road area and relieve some of the water going into the large drainage ditch in Royal Palms and bottling up 0111 at Atlantic Boulevard. This information on the relieving of some of the storm drains from this area should be turned over to the State Road Department before any work is done on Mayport Road. CITY OF Attemtic Deacka-Teohida, 2/27/67 ACTING CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Work completed 2/13/67 to 2/28/67 • 6. We enlarged the City Hall parking lot by a section 24 x 60 , and then turned the mail box around to keep traffic from going on the wrong side of the street to deposit mail, which we hope will improve traffic conditions on this curve. 7 . We hauled more fill dirt into the Jack Russell parking lot and graded fill. This just about doubles the parking area for that parking lot this year over last year. • // R. H. Hilliard Acting City Manager i CITY OF Neafak BeadlegjFe0411;14 RESOLUTION 67-4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, that, WHEREAS, the untimely passing of Norman A. Minchew has taken from our midst a good friend and, WHEREAS, Mr. Minchew has helped to make the City a more progressive and better place to live, having served on the Town Council of Atlantic Beach from August 1946 to August 1948, and from August 1952 to December 1957 , act- ing as President of said Town Council for three terms, and having further served as Tax Assessor of the City of Atlantic Beach from December 1957 to the date of his • passing, and, WHEREAS, through Mr. Minchew's leadership as President of the Town Council, the building of the Atlantic Beach Water System was brought to a successful conclusion, and, WHEREAS, The City Officials and the Citizens of Atlantic Beach feel that we have lost one who always had the in- terest of the City and its people at heart, NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY MADE A MATTER OF RECORD, that the City expresses its sincere regret at the passing of our friend and extends deepest sympathy to his loved ones in their hour of sorrow. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be given to Mrs. Minchew. * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on February 27, 1967 . 1111 Attest: (12-62,<- Adele S. Grage, City C rrk (SEAL)