09-27-05 v MINUTES OF THE CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 27,2005 A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee was held Tuesday, September 27, 2005, in the Adele Grage Cultural Center. Present were Chair Rusty Pritchett, Linda Ginsberg,Alicia Paley, Laurie Melancon, Ingrid McCawley, Darrell Prather, Margie Reeves and Parks and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson. Kathy Love and Ray Coleman were absent. 1. Call to Order Chair Rusty Pritchett called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Committee members welcomed Darrell Prather to the Committee. 2. Approval of the Minutes of August 23,2005 Rusty Pritchett stated that the last sentence of item 4a should read: The Commission encouraged the Committee to consider all age groups when planning events. A motion was made by Committee Member Linda Ginsberg,seconded by • Committee Member Ingrid McCawley to approve the minutes of August 23,2005 as amended. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Old Business a) Events/Programs i) Songwriter's Concert Darrell Prather has taken over the Songwriter's Concert in place of Steve Piscitelli. Approximately 30-35 people attended the last event. ii) Acoustic Night This event had about 40-50 people in attendance. The last show will be held in October and will begin again in March of 2006. iii) Art Festival Linda is sending out"Call for Artists"letters. She will contact the various newspapers for advertising. The date is set for April 22, 2006. • Sb) AB Public Art Committee Update The Public Art Committee took the summer off. Timmy mentioned that he received a request from Tracie Parson's to put a"Call for Artists"on the webpage for something ABPAC is planning. He advised her to go through the Committee first since they are a sub— committee. Tracie plans to attend the October meeting and present the idea to the committee. c) Teen Council Timmy said he would meet with Teen Council about upcoming event planning. He also mentioned that they might have assisted with the Katrina fundraiser. 4. New Business a) Event Dates Timmy requested dates of events to place on a citywide calendar. Rusty can present the calendar to the Commission at the November meeting. > Holiday Sing-a-Long; December 10 from 6:30-8PM > Atlantic Beach Fall Farewell;November 19 at 6:30PM ➢ Tree Lighting; December 3 at 2:30PM 5. Other The committee discussed planning a Shakespeare in the Park event. The event could cost approximately$3000. The committee mentioned contacting ABET, speaking with Jacksonville Beach concerning the use of the amphitheater and funding the event. Rusty informed the committee that the November and December meeting would be combined;therefore, if anything needs to go on the agenda please contact Timmy. Laurie requested each committee member take a park and set up an event within the park. The committee agreed and will move forward with this ideal. Margie mentioned that she contacted several people concerning events and would email that information to the committee members. Laurie informed the committee that she spoke to the Principal at Mayport Middle school concerning an after school program. Laurie recommend setting up a choral program at the school, which will run two days per week,two hours per day. The budget is approximately$6,000,which includes a choral instructor,a piano accompanist, supplies and a spring concert. Rusty will • include this program in with his report to the commission. • 6. Adjournment There being no other business or discussion;the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. /-.111re--- Chairperson Rusty Pritchett •