06-28-05 v MINUTES OF THE CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 28,2005 A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee was held Tuesday,June 28, 2005,in the Adele Grage Cultural Center.Present were Ray Coleman,Chair Rusty Pritchett,Steve Piscitelli,Linda Ginsberg,Laurie Melancon,Ingrid McCawley,Alicia Paley,and guest James Strutchen and Parks and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson.Kathy Love and Dylan Goelz were absent. 1. Call to Order Chair Rusty Pritchett called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Approval of the Minutes of May 24,2005 Committee Member Rusty Pritchett mentioned that the last line in item 3a should read: Rusty stated that the committee does not discriminate by location or neighborhood. He also mentioned that the first line in item 3c should be placed in new business under ABAA. Committee Member Steve Piscitelli mentioned that the name Dylan should be replaced with "A representative". Committee Member Ray Coleman mentioned that the word refer should be defer in the motion of item 3a. Committee Member Linda Ginsberg mentioned that details should be added to item 3b(iv). 3. Old Business a) Events/Programs i) Songwriter's Concert Steve reported that the last event was the best one ever and that the email list has 120 names. ii) Acoustic Night This event had about 15 performers and approximately 100 people in attendance.The committee had an open discussion regarding the set up procedures for this event and the possibility of a new member taking over since Steve's term has expired. iii) Fun Run This event is scheduled for July 24,2005 at 6:00 p.m.There is still a need for volunteers to assist with registration.Ray and Laurie volunteered and Laurie will try and contact Teen Council for assistance as well. iv) Art Festival Linda wants to set a date for next year's event in order for marketing to be successful.Timmy mentioned the date would coordinate with the UNF Art Show around the end of April 2006.Linda would like to have entertainment this year like music.Alicia offered the possibility of putting on a dance performance. b) AB Public Art Committee Update Ray was out of the country and didn't attend the meeting. c) Teen Council There were no representatives present.Timmy will follow up with Kathy and Dylan since they've missed the last two meetings. d) New Year's Eve Event Timmy has not spoke to Hope about event.Timmy said Jim Hanson has concerns about charging to attend an event with the sale of alcohol-without having a license. The committee discussed and suggested many different ways to plan this event that would follow City and State guidelines. 4. New Business a) Atlantic Beach Athletic Association The ABAA won District and beat Jacksonville,Ponte Vedra and Fernandina Beaches.They will be going to State Play-offs in Sarasota. 5. Other Rusty stated at the City Commission meeting he mentioned and recognized CARAC members and events such as Art in the Park,Acoustic and Songwriter's event.Timmy said there's a resolution on the agenda regarding spreading out the terms so that multiple people aren't coming off the committee at the same time. Linda asked if a menorah lighting ceremony be held for a Hanukah in one of the parks. It would be free to public.Timmy will set up location and date with Linda to be announced. Linda would like to have"Shakespeare in the Park".The rest of the committee agrees it's a great idea. James is researching the idea of having a 50's&60's Party in the park and a Kid ID Program to be held at Donner Park. Alicia said she would try to put together something for the New Year's event. 6. Adiournment There be'i 4 '' Of'er business or discussion,the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 44,4ff Ru ' 'tchett,Chairperson