911 Interlocal Agreement 1996-97 v •. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the parties hereto are the City of Jacksonville Beach, the City of Atlantic Beach, the City of Neptune Beach, hereinafter referred to as the "Cities" and the City of Jacksonville; and WHEREAS, the parties have entered into dialogue pursuant to creating a distribution formula for dividing the proceeds collected via the 9-1-1 User Fee to be used to pay a portion of the salaries and related expenses for 9-1-1 Call Takers for that portion of their time spent answering and handling 9-1-1 calls under the provisions of Section 365. 171, Florida Statutes, as authorized to be imposed by the governing body of Duval County; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Jacksonville acting as the governing body of Duval County, Florida has maintained the 9-1-1 User Fee at $.44 per month for the present fiscal year 1996-97 and has authorized the fees collected to be used to fund an Interlocal Agreement wherein the Cities will receive their pro rata share to be used for lawful purpose; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto are entering into this Interlocal Agreement pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of Section 365. 171, Florida Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed: 1. Each of the parties hereto shall receive a distribution proportion of the 9-1-1 User Fee calculated by taking the total Call-Takers actual salary expenditures from each party, adding 30% for benefits and applying 9-1-1 call volume data to determine the amount of distribution. The maximum amount to be distributed as a result of this calculation is as follows: Neptune Beach $ 50, 318 Atlantic Beach 66,809 Jacksonville Beach 128, 117 2 . Fees collected shall be remitted to the Tax Collector on behalf of Duval County and a salary reimbursement shall be remitted to the respective City Manager or Finance Director or his/her designee on a quarterly basis when the appropriate documentation has been submitted. 3 . The 9-1-1 User Fees collected and distributed as provided herein shall be utilized only for salaries and associated expenses, as provided for in Section 365.171, Florida Statutes. 4 . Each party accepting funds hereby agrees to provide an audit or accounting of such funds and how they were expended in accordance with Section 11. 45, Florida Statutes. 5. Each party hereto hereby acknowledges full payment and performance under all prior agreements on this subject and hereby waives any rights to assert any claim for failure of performance in prior years. Tasunoo guagsTssV :pano.zddV tutod L61/ :agpa NaeiD A AuPC[E][MON •3 utgOr ' .10APH sq. aW/DWD 'sxauEH 'H A3pag __---.__________ .---,.--..,!-:--_,,,:Ag ce4frway, HOKma Txnsaax ao Lim :ssas x : : L bb/ 'T '9a0 :agEa 1.4111+1/°"1 .zc1pm sq.'," ApVir / Of Ho'Iaa DI/MUNN JO IIIo :sassy :a4Pa .zabpupW AgTO s.I :Ag .zo4pW s:I :Ag 'lovas a'IZIA&omIoyr ao IIIo :sassy :agpa .zoApw 'AaupTac ugor Aapgaaoas uoTgp1odzo3 :Ag ,' aarlimosxofrr .w xSIo :ssassy •ogaaaq saTg.zpd aqg Aq MoTaq uTa.zaq paquoTpuT saqup aqg go SP pagnoaxa A