Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning v Prepared by: Shannon Scheffer, Esq. Book 11375 Page 657 Office of General Counsel 117 West Duval Street, Suite 480 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Return to: Neill W. McArthur,Jr., Esq. Docl 200331 4508 Office of General Counsel Book: 11 375 117 West Duval Street,Suite 480 Pages: 657 — 674 Filed b Recorded Jacksonville, Florida 32202 09/23/2003 01:14:57 PM JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $ 73.00 TRUST FUND I 9.50 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT FACILITY PLANNING BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE, ATLANTIC BEACH, BALDWIN, JACKSONVILLE BEACH, NEPTUNE BEACH AND THE DUVAL COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD )e."/ : L- INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT FACILITY PLANNING co This agreement is entered into between the City Council of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville (hereinafter referred to as "Jacksonville"), the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach (hereinafter referred to as "Atlantic Beach"), the Town Council of • the Town of Baldwin (hereinafter referred to as "Baldwin"), the City Council of the City of ro Jacksonville Beach (hereinafter referred to as "Jacksonville Beach"), and the City Coun- a cil of the City of Neptune Beach (hereinafter referred to as "Neptune Beach"), which are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Cities"; and the Duval County SchoolBoard • (hereinafter called the "School Board" when referring to the elected board and "Duval County Public Schools" or "DCPS" when referring to the administrative staff of the r4 School Board). 0WHEREAS, The Cities and the School Board recognize the benefits that flow to the citizens and students of the communities by more closely coordinating their com- prehensive land use and school facilities planning programs: namely (1) better coordi- nation of new schools in time and place with land development, (2) greater efficiency for the Cities and the School Board by the reduction of student travel times and the place- ment of schools to take advantage of existing and planned roads, water, sewer, and parks, (3) improved student access and safety by coordinating the construction of new and expanded schools with the road and sidewalk construction programs of the Cities, (4) the location and design of schools so that they serve as community focal points,'(5) the location and design of schools with parks, active recreation facilities, libraries, and other community facilities to take advantage of joint use opportunities, and '(6) the loca- tion of new schools and expansion and rehabilitation of existing schools so as to reduce pressures contributing to urban sprawl and support existing neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville and the Duval County School Board, in March 2001, established a Joint Planning Committee to serve as an advisory body to the City Council and School Board, and charged said Joint Planning Committee to assist Jacksonville and the School Board in carrying out many of the public school facility planning responsibilities subsequently mandated in Sections 1013.33 and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, Section 1013.33(10), Florida Statutes, requires that the location of public education facilities must be consistent with the comprehensive plans and imple- menting land development regulations of the appropriate Cities; and WHEREAS, Sections 163.3177(6)(h)1 and 2, Florida Statutes, requires each lo- cal government to adopt an intergovernmental coordination element as part of their comprehensive plan that states principles and guidelines to be used in the accomplish- ment of the adopted comprehensive plan with the plans of the school boards, and de- scribe the processes for collaborative planning and decision making on population pro- jections and public school siting; and JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee 8 General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 1 WHEREAS, Section 163.3177(6)(h)2, Florida Statutes, further requires each county, which in this instance is the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, all of the munici- o+ palities within Duval County, and the School Board to establish by interlocal or other formal agreement executed by all affected parties, the joint processes described above consistent with their adopted intergovernmental coordination elements; and WHEREAS, the Cities and the School Board have mutually agreed that coordina- tion of school facility planning and comprehensive land use planning is in the best inter- est of the citizens of the Cities; and ti WHEREAS, the Cities have jurisdiction for land use and growth management 1.4 decisions within their boundaries, and WHEREAS, the School Board has the responsibility to provide school facilities to ensure a free and adequate public education to the residents of the'Cities, and WHEREAS, the Cities and the School Board agree that they-can better fulfill their respective responsibilities by working in close cooperation to ensure that adequate pub- lic school facilities are available to the residents of the Cities, and WHEREAS, the parties are authorized to enter into this interlocal agreement pur- suant to Section 163.01, Section 163.3177(6)(h)2, and Section 101.0.33(2)(a), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, be it mutually agreed between the School Board, the City Council of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, the Town Council of the Town of Bald- win, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville Beach, and the City Council of the City of Neptune Beach that the following requirements, criteria, site standards, and procedures will be utilized in the siting of pub- lic school facilities: Section 1. Joint Meetings 1.1 The City Councils or Commissions and the School Board will meet at least once per year in a joint workshop session. The joint workshop session will be an op- portunity for the City Councils, City Commissions, and the School Board to set di- rection, discuss issues, and reach understandings on issues of mutual concem; including, but not limited to, coordination of land use and school facilities plan- ning, including population and student growth, development trends, school needs, off-site improvements, co-location of facilities, and joint use opportunities. The City Councils or Commissions and the School Board shall decide who will be responsible for making meeting arrangements and notifications. Additional joint workshop sessions may be held as needed to carry out the provisions of this agreement. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee 8 General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 2 r . Section 2. Student Enrollment and Population Projections c 2.1 A consistent method for projections of the amount, type, and distribution of popu- lation growth and student enrollment shall be achieved as follows: 2.1.1 The Florida Department of Education (DOE) countywide student enroll- ment projections, expressed in terms of Full Time Equivalents (FTE), shall a be used. These projections will be shared with the chief planning officials for the Cities. If the DCPS staff and any of the chief planning officials for the Cities believe that adjustments are needed to reflect data that the DOE may have overlooked, such information shall be prepared and submitted *+ to the DCPS for review. 2.1.2 Any information provided by the chief planning officials of the Cities will be advisory only. The final authority for requesting any adjustments to the projections shall rest with the DCPS. 2.1.3 On an annual basis, the allocation of student population among the vari- ous planning districts within Jacksonville and any subareas within the boundaries of Atlantic Beach, Baldwin, Jacksonville Beach, and Neptune Beach will be carried out jointly by the DCPS staff and planning staff of the Cities. The number and boundaries of such planning districts or any su- bareas will be determined by mutual consent of the various staffs. 2.1.4 The overall enrollment projections and those of the planning districts or any subareas will be incorporated into the various plans of the Cities and the DCPS, e.g., Education Facilities Plans, Neighborhood Plans, etc., as required or desired by the respective governmental bodies. 2.1.5 The Cities and the DCPS shall maintain the data needed for both short tem (five years or less) and long term (more than five year) planning ef- forts. Section 3. Coordinating and Sharing of Information 3.1 Jacksonville, acting on behalf of itself and the other Cities, will coordinate and share information with the DCPS as follows: 3.1.1 Jacksonville's Department of Planning and Development will provide the DCPS with copies of the Annual Statistical Package, which includes in- formation on population, residential building and demolition permits by type and general location. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&Genera!Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 3 On or about April 30th of each year, this Statistical Package will be for- warded to the DCPS. The data will be current as of December of the pre- vious year. This package covers the cities of Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, and Baldwin. III a 3.1.2 Jacksonville's Department of Planning and Development will also provide a list of all approved residential subdivisions by name, location, phases, and number of units to school personnel at least once a year on or about April 30th of each year. r4 The subdivision information is current and can be provided on a more fre- c quent basis as requested by the DCPS. 3.1.3 When considering a Neighborhood Action Plan, District Vision Plan, a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), or similar plans, the Cities, which are parties to this agreement, will provide a draft copy of these plans to the DCPS for comment. 3.1.4 Jacksonville's Department of Planning and Development will provide to the DCPS land use maps showing the boundaries of the Community Re- development Areas and Neighborhood Plans and District Vision Plans. These will be updated as needed. 3.1.5 Population Projections and population data will be shared on an annual basis as outlined in Policies under 2.1 above. 3.2 The School Board shall coordinate and share information with the Cities as fol- lows: 3.2.1 Educational Facilities Report: By November 1 of each year, the Duval County Public Schools' staff shall submit a copy of the School Board's Five-Year Work Program to the each of the five Mayors, with a copy to the chief planning officials of the Cities and a copy to each member of the leg- islative body of each City (Jacksonville City Council, Atlantic Beach City Commission, Baldwin Town Council, Jacksonville Beach City Council and Neptune Beach City Council). The report will contain existing and pro- jected student enrollment, the number of relocatables at each school, and projected needs. The report will contain the School Board approved Capi- tal Improvement Plan including planned facilities and Capital Projects and funding for the next five years. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 4 3.2.2 When a significant renovation or school closure is approved by the School Board, the DCPS staff shall notify the chief planning official for Jackson- 0.1 ville and any other affected City. If the renovation will increase or decrease a school's capacity by 30 percent or more, the chief planning officials will also be notified of the capacity change. m Cl 3.3 The Joint Planning Committee including both elected and citizen members will a provide a review and coordination of the activities covered under this Interlocal fn Agreement. This Committee shall perform all of the duties outlined in Resolution 2001-65-A of the City Council of Jacksonville and the companion Resolution of the Duval County School Board approved on March 7, 2001 3.3.1 The Joint Planning Committee will meet as often as needed to cover such items, however, the Committee will meet at least twice a year to check progress and coordinate the activities set forth in the Resolutions. Section 4. School and Public Facility Site Selection 4.1 The DCPS staff will be responsible for reviewing and recommending potential sites for new schools, proposed school closings, and significant school expan- sion projects; and making recommendations to the Superintendent. The DCPS staff will include the Technical Advisory Committee in its deliberations, with the Joint Planning Committee providing an advisory recommendation on the pro- posal. 4.2 The Cities will provide a list of needs for potential parks, libraries, and community center sites to the Technical Advisory Committee and then to the Joint Planning Committee for consideration in formulating a recommendation concerning co- location and/or joint use. 4.3 The Technical Advisory Committee may consist of, but is not limited to, staff per- sons representing the following governmental agencies and departments: 4.3.1 DCPS Real Estate Officer, 4.3.2 DCPS Director of Pupil Assignment, 4.3.3 Jacksonville Department of Planning and Development, 4.3.4 Jacksonville Department of Public Works, including Traffic Engineer- ing, 4.3.5 Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Department, JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 5 4.3.6 Jacksonville Library System, m 4.3.7 City of Atlantic Beach (when needed), 4.13 4.3.8 Town of Baldwin (when needed), a 4.3.9 City of Jacksonville Beach (when needed), 4.3.10 City of Neptune Beach (when needed), iv] 4.3.11 First Coast Metropolitan Planning Organization, o 4.3.12 Jacksonville Electric Authority, 4.3.13 Jacksonville Transportation Authority(when needed), and 4.3.14 Florida Department of Transportation (when needed). 4.4 The following issues may be considered by the DCPS staff and the Cities when evaluating potential public facility sites: 4.4.1 The location of public facility sites that will provide logical focal points for community activities and serve as the cornerstone for innovative urban design standards, including adequate public facilities and opportunities for joint use and co-location of school facilities and, if appropriate, emergency shelters. 4.4.2 Whether existing public facilities can be expanded or rebuilt to accommo- date a school facility. 4.4.3 Consistency of the proposed new school site or school closing with the adopted Comprehensive Plans of the Cities and any neighborhood or dis- trict plan adopted by the Cities. 4.5 The Cities shall advise the DCPS as to the consistency of the proposed closure, renovation, or new site with the local comprehensive plan and any neighborhood or district plan adopted by the Cities. 4.6 The DCPS staff and the Technical Advisory Committee will meet on a quarterly basis to ensure ongoing planning for future public facility sites and explore oppor- tunities for continued collaboration. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 6 Section 5. Supporting Infrastructure 5.1 In conjunction with the site selection determination, the DCPS and the staffs of the Cities will jointly determine the need, responsibility for providing, and timing of any on- or off-site infrastructure improvements necessary to support a new school. To the extent that the proposed action affects on- or off-site infrastructure aimprovements, the same determination shall be made for the proposed renova- tion or expansion of an existing school. Section 6. Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Rezonings, and Development Approvals Y 6.1 The School Board will designate and appoint a representative to serve as a non- 0 voting member on each of the local planning agencies (LPA) of the Cities. The as representative will be noticed, provided an agenda, and invited to attend and/or provide comments to the LPA's for Jacksonville, Atlantic Beach, Baldwin, Jack- sonville Beach, and Neptune Beach. 6.2 The Cities willprovide the School Board's representative to their LPA with copies of all land use amendments and rezoning proposals that may affect student en- rollment projections or school facilities. Such notice will be provided pursuant to local notice procedures. This notice requirement applies to amendments to the Future Land Use Map of each Cities' comprehensive plan, rezonings, and Devel- opments of Regional Impact. The Cities will also forward to the DCPS all residen- tial subdivision reviews as part of the commenting agency review. 6.3 After notification by the Cities, the DCPS representative will advise the chief planning official for the appropriate City of the school enrollment impacts antici- pated to result from the proposed land use application or development proposal. The comments will include whether sufficient permanent capacity exists or is planned to accommodate the impacts, based on the Five-Year District Facilities Work Program. Schooi capacity will be reported following DOE criteria. All com- ments submitted by the DCPS shall become a part of the official record of the comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning or developmentproposal. 6.4 Based on the DOE definition of adequate permanent capacity, if sufficient capac- ity is not available or planned to serve the development at the time of impact, the DCPS will specify how it proposes to meet the anticipated student enrollment demand. The DCPS proposals to meet such demand shall bebased on the fa- cilities work program adopted pursuant to Chapter 1013.35, F.S. 6.5 In reviewing and approving land use applications and development proposals, the Cities may consider such issues, as applicable: JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 7 6.5.1 Reservations for school sites and facilities within planned neighbor- hoods. in 6.5.2 Compatibility of land uses adjacent to existing schools and reserved school sites. cri6.5.3 The co-location of parks, recreation, and community facilities in con- junction with existing and proposed school sites. ro6.5.4 The linkage of schools, parks, libraries, and other public facilities with bikeways, trails, and sidewalks. 6.5.5 Targeting community development improvements in older and dis- p tressed neighborhoods near schools. m 6.5.6 The development of traffic circulation plans to serve schools and the surrounding neighborhood, including any needed access improve- ments, sidewalks to schools, off-site signalization, or safety-related signage. 6.5.7 The location of school bus and mass transit stops and turnarounds in new developments. 6.5.8 Private sector identification and/or implementation of creative solutions to developing adequate school facilities in residential developments. 6.5.9 Use of a school building and/or site as a part of the emergency man- agement plan, e.g., as shelter bed space. 6.5.10 Available permanent school capacity or planned improvements to in- crease school capacity. 6.5.11 Results of the Population Projection Model developed by Jacksonville and DCPS staff. 6.6 Jacksonville will invite the DCPS staff to participate in the development of any Neighborhood Action Plans, District Vision Plans, or any other broader planning activities as may occur in the future. The DCPS staff will be extended the same invitation by Atlantic Beach, Baldwin, Jacksonville Beach, and Neptune Beach when undertaking such planning activities within their respective boundaries. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 8 Section 7. Educational Plan Survey and Five-Year District Facilities Work Pro- gram 1/40 7.1 At least one year before the preparation of the Educational Plant Survey update, the Technical Advisory Committee established in Section 4 of this agreement will make recommendations to DCPS staff regarding the location of new schools or aimprovements to existing schools. 7.2 The DCPS staff will provide the proposed annual update of the Five-Year Facili- ties Work Program to the Mayors of the Cities, with a copy to each chief planning official and a copy to each member of the legislative body of each City(Jackson- ville City Council, Atlantic Beach City Commission, Baldwin Town Council, Jack- sonville Beach City Council and Neptune Beach City Council). The chief planning officials will respond to the DCPS regarding any inconsistencies that are identi- fled with the adopted Comprehensive Plans of each of the Cities. 7.3 The DCPS will address capacity issues for each project in the Five-Year Work Program. Section 8. Co-Location 8.1 Co-location of facilities is important to the School Board, the Cities, and the pub- lic. The DCPS and Cities will continue to explore opportunities for future sharing of school sites, public parks, and libraries. The DCPS will consider co-location when preparing its Educational Plant Survey, and the Cities will consider co- location when preparing their Comprehensive Plan's schedule of capital im- provements. For example, opportunities for co-location will be considered for li- braries, parks, recreation facilities, community centers, auditoriums, learning cen- ters, museums, performing arts centers, and stadiums. In addition, where appli- cable, co-location of school and governmental facilities for health care and social services will be considered. Section 9. Joint Use 9.1 Joint use of facilities is important to the School Board, the Cities, and the public. The DCPS and Cities will continue to explore opportunities for joint use of exist- ing and proposed school sites, public parks, and libraries. The DCPS will con- sider joint use when preparing its Educational Plant Survey, and the Cities will consider joint use when preparing their Comprehensive Plan's schedule of capi- tal improvements. For example, opportunities for joint use will be considered for libraries, parks, recreation facilities, community centers, auditoriums, learning centers, museums, performing arts centers, and stadiums. In addition, where ap- plicable, joint use of school and governmental facilities for health care and social services will be considered. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 9 9.1.1 The DCPS and the Cities will create and complete a matrix that exhibits which sites are available for joint and/or public use. This matrix will be up- dated on a yearly basis and made readily available to the public. The DCPS and the Cities will have the final decision as to any joint use of their respective facilities. ro 9.1.2 Each joint use site will have a Memorandum of Understanding. The o. Memorandum of Understanding will include specific details of the agree- ment. These details may include such topics as: Legal liabilities of the parties; Use by neighborhood associations, public entities, and athletic a groups; co User fee charges, operating, and maintenance costs; Hours available for use; Staffing requirements, including facility supervision and timely clean up and maintenance plans; Requirements for liability insurance to be provided, if appropri- ate; Responsibilities for ensuring the facilities or property are prop- erly ready for the site owners primary use following use by oth- ers, including dispute resolution procedures; Dispute resolution, appeals, cancellation or dissolution agree- ments, including issues related to past financial expenditures; and Any other issues that may arise from joint use. 9.1.3 It is the responsibility of the second party user to satisfy the property-or fa- cility owner, via the Memorandum of Understanding, that the primary func- tions intended for the property or facility are not adversely affected by the second party's use. Such primary use purposes will be satisfactorily sus- tained as a condition of continuing operations under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interfocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE'Committee Page 10 r 9.2 The emergency management officials of the Cities shall work with the DCPS fa- cilities staff to identify schools, both existing and proposed, which can serve as emergency shelter sites. co 1.11 9.3 Jacksonville will work with the DCPS to ensure that the shelter bed fee described in Policies 7.2.5, 7.2.6, and 7.2.7 of the Conservation Element of Jacksonville's Comprehensive Plan are enforced. a Section 10. Resolution of Disputes 10.1 If the parties to this agreement fail to resolve any conflicts related to issues :ov- r4 ered in this agreement, such dispute will be resolved in accordance with the gov- ernmental conflict resolution procedures outlined in Chapters 164 and 186, Flor- o ida Statutes. co Section 11. Public Input and Oversight 11.1 Each of the Cities and the School Board shall hold at least one public hearing be- fore the adoption of this agreement and before approving any amendments to this agreement. The public hearing(s) shall be held, after notice is provided pur- suant to state law, following the normal rules and procedures of each of the Cit- ies. The public may provide both written and oral comments on the agreement at the scheduled public hearing(s). 11.2 A copy of this Interlocal Agreement will be posted on the City of Jacksonville website; and, if applicable, the websites of the other Cities. A copy of the Interlo- cal Agreement will be placed in each of the branch libraries of the Jacksonville Library system. 11.3 An annual report will be prepared by the Joint Planning Committee. This annual report shall be made available for public review and comment. A copy of the re- port will be sent to the Mayors of the Cities, the School Board and each member of the legislative bodies of the Cities. A copy of the Annual Report will be posted on the City of Jacksonville website; and, if applicable, the websites of the other Cities. A copy of the annual report will be placed in each of the branch libraries of the Jacksonville Library system. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has been executed by and on be- half of the School Board of Duval County, on this 27th day of June 2003. ATTEST: Duval County School Board: b ac-It.olt_ A.falL}LtLL By: Signature Signature Linda S. DeAbreu Kris Barnes Type/Print Name Type/Print Name a G Board Secretary School Board Chairman Title Title State of Florida, County of Duval WITNESS my hand and official seal this 27th of June , A.-D. 2003. \\ a 5�De4o'/ � :�y`o,vbe�,�•.• >• : Oitcrix P s R!SEAL) :*_ s;;t, #0DC5013 •` "..1 �. �4 sr t 4 hda S. DeAbreu Print Nailllannmoo My Commission Expires t /91105 JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25,2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has been executed by and on be- half of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, on this ilday of 4d- .0 2003. N THE CONSOLIDATED CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA: a ATTE T: CITY OF.J a - In By: 4 iii By: • —.. . ..ora ion - retary 117 117 West Duval Street '4 Jacks:v-t4s'ss . Jacksonville, FL 32202 (CORPO- ,l ,: • Form Appro .:a: �. . , i .. By: rid// of .L.:.o.' Assistant Ge eral Counsel State of Florida) County of Duval) On this g i "day of _j t,•,,e, , 2003, before me, the undersigned notary public appeared A . and Ateill W. nicit, ‘4,J. , whose titles are Mayor and Corporation Secretafy, respectively, for the Consolidated City of Jackson- ville, Florida, a party to the foregoing Interlocal Agreement, and acknowledging that they, being authorized to do so, executed said foregoing Interlocal agreement, in behalf of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, Florida, for the purposes therein contained. Such persons did not take an oath and /were personally known to me, produced a current Florida driver's license or identification; or produced as identification. WI fZ hada an ficial seal this °Z'�of ju,..cj , A.D. 2003. N AR Print Name , 474 shoronE.Chappell° My Commission Expires MYCOMPASSION s CC935460 EXPIRES I Aly n 2004 4, . • eowronD Iwo nor rail INSURANCE INC JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Approved by the Committee&General Counsel's office April 25, 2003 Revised May 5,2003 by PHSE Committee Page 13 r THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA: ATTEST: CITY 0 NT1C BEACH BY. 1Lo.- By: ity Clerk / May a n (CORPORATE SEAL) M r+ 0 State of Florida 0o County of Duval On this / Otcfamy of dUtT)Ci , 2003, before me, the undersigned notary public appeared CSC✓..►r_ and MDI l ttT Cfl IK l' , whose titles are Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for the City of Atlantic Beach, Floridaa party to the foregoing Interlocal Agree- ment, and acknowledging that they, being authorized to do so, executed said foregoing Interlocal Agreement, on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida, for the purposes therein contained. Such persons did not take an oath and X were personally known to me, produced a current Florida driver's license or identification; or produced as identification. r) 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal this / 3 of ,,i.l✓). ,A.D. 2003. 4U4- . 1.,L t ,SC,ifv.ht-best. L: C Print Name ��Ci ��1 LI CTFC.K- My Commission Expires Dl (AFFIX NOTARY SEAL) JENNIFER SCHWETER !F -%s MY COMMISSION i DD 12t301 •'I,pr Y•' eaaEXPIRESrPAW u�,M.. EXHIBIT A -Resolution 03-04 Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning Page 14 of 17 I . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has en executed by and on behalf of the Town of Baldwin, on this •cam` day of , 2003. N THE TOWN OF BALDWIN, FLORIDA: ATTEST: TOWN OF BALDWIN 1 - 1/14111(‘ nTow M Clerk Ma •r c (CORPORATE SEAL) 0 State of Florida) County of Duval) On this r3{) day of J,.,' e , 2-003, before me, the undersigned notary public appeared 4/ m,f-f,•// and G/6,J ;�eack/f,TiL whose titles are Mayor and Town Clerk, respectively, for the Town of Baldwin, Florida, a party to the foregoing Interlocal Agreement, and acknowledging that they, being authorized to do so, executed said foregoing Interlocal Agreement, in behalf of the Town of Baldwin, Florida, for the purposes therein contained. Such persons did not take an oath and ✓were personally known to me, produced a current Florida Driver's License or identification; or produced as identification. WITNESS is j2 of.1,(,/1n.0 , A.D., 2003. " SHEILA T.GORDON ' n MY COMMISSION it CC 920693 Notary: - EXPIRESJuly21,2004 ellie;Ogee iry es.") Print Name: &// My Commission Expires: P/41.01/ JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE APPROVED VERSION Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning April 2,2902 Page 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has been-executed by and on be- half of the City of Jacksonville Beach, on this /7 day of ,_14,✓z- , 2003. NTHE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA: sifD ATTEST: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH it ,�� -•. I '/ B .:meg. Ic<*0 r 4,4!°%i N City Clerk � Mayor r1 (CORPORATE SEAL) 0 0 m State of Florida) County of Duval) On this i y o •i. -. L,. , 2003, before me, the undersigned notary public appeared ' i _ , and N .' b 1 &A6AR1, bo 6' P14--, Those titles are Mayor and City Cle , respectively, for the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, a party to the foregoing Interlocal Agreement, and acknowledging that they, being authorized to do so, executed said foregoing Interlocal agreement, in behalf of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, for the purposes therein contained. Such persons did not take an oath and ere personally known to m:, produced a current Florida driver's license or identifica io ; or pradu as identification. ITNESS my d and fficial seal this l of u_>--)L... , A.O. 2003. 451 Ctnr —r—dd.d/v (AFFIX NOTARY SEAL) Print Nam€0/14=611Y-A--1-1--41.6.61---- My Commission Expires / -1 3 'a.ro /Y44s, NANCY A.UNDROS %11047 MY COMMISSION a DD 171563 'O o,po EXPIRES:January 13,2007 ,4c03- ClAny FL NOW),50,110.$Bon W IC Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning[5/25/2003) As Amended by City of Jacksonville Page 16 10 4 IN AMES'S WHEREOF, this Iraer'ocal Acre°ment has :been executed -by and on behalf of the City of Neptune Beach, on thiF, i 5 day of 5eFt-Cm be r , 2003. Ti-?E CITY CF i'4E -T"LUNE BEACH, FLORIDA: t r. kiD ATTEST: CITY OF NEFTUNE BEACH cu Di City Cleri'c Mayor N rn (CORPORATE SEAL) rr r .4 ` y 0 0 State of Florida) County of Duval) On this /5 day of , 2003, before me, the undersigned notary public appeared IT . - ,1_, aja J.41,c, and L-1. sa Vo.f pe , whose titles are Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for the City of Neptune beach, Florida, a party to the foregoing Interlocal Agreement, and acknowledging that they, being authorized to do so, executed said foregoing Interlocal agreement, in behalf of the City of Neptune Beach, Florida, for the purposes therein contained. Such persons did not take an oath and ✓were personally known to me, produced a current Florida driver's license or identification; or produced as identification. WITNE my hen rd official seal this /5 of , AD. 2003. .(AFFIX NOTARY SEAL) Print ame My Commission Expires i ,-",'is`Ru1 pf ii My CCS.+ ._'.;:?,.+;a CC 935040 'D'I E;; -Ady 2004 6arosc'�,�Not, vn unEorwrlt _ Inbrlocai Agreement for Joint FacTrty Planning[5251200Z] As Amended by City of Jacksonville . Paye 17