1883 ATLANTIC BEACH DR - FORM BOARD ELEV FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Duval County I Clay County/Nassau County Left copy on site I No box Lot/Subdivision: jc40 65 c_k4 DATE: PERMIT NUMBER: "A--- • ADDRESS: /04,_ REQUIRED SLAB ELEVATION ON CITY APPROVED SITE PLAN: kut) ACTUAL ELEVATION OF FORM BOARD OR GRADE STAKE: R( ')\ SURVEY COMPANY NAME: Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. 1501 CR 315, Suite 106 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 SIGNATURE OF SURVEYOR: (Party Chief) i l ti Exi Ellis&Associates Inc. Corporate 7064 Davis Creek Road,Jacksonville,FL 32256 P:(904)880-0960 F:(904)880-0970 SEGroup of Companies Branch Location: Geotechnical•Construction Materials•Environmental•Facilities Brunswick: 134 Newman Drive,Brunswick,GA 31520 P:(912)279-0085 F:(912)279-0086 Daytona: , 2706 S. Ridgewood Ave.,Suite 2 P:(386)944-9588 F:(386)944-9589 ellisassoc.com ,�/ •South Daytona,FL 32119 I 0 Y /fi'(,,,,��2 i' 1 ' for. Work Order#: . REPORT OF IN PLACE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Project#: \. Subdivision: - L -, - Reported to: Report#: Unit or Parcel: Location By: Gauge#: Lot#Block: 5 5' Contractor: Date Tested: , Street Address: - t i City: -- Method: Course: Material: Specific Requirements: Pass/ Elev/ Base/LR/ Dry Max.Dry % of Max Moist Fail/ Location Depth Asphalt/ Density Density* Density % Retest /Lift Thickness t, t. . I, 2 *Source of Proctor (Project#and/or Work Order#) -.P-Test Meets Specification Requirements F- Test Fails To Meet Specification Requirements R- Retest To Be Completed In Field --i Standby Approval Employee Name , Time Superintendent Printed Name Start/Stop Travel Standby Job Superintendent Signature (Office use) EA-10(rev.04/16) white copy-office use yellow copy-personal use pink and goldenrod-client use Page of