Cultural Arts Board Members v CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Created by Resolution#02-13 July 8, 2002; Amended by Res. #03-5 Meet at 7:00 p.m. the 4th Tuesday of the month 2-year term; 4-term limit NAME/ADDRESS EXP. DATE PHONE/E-MAIL Ingrid McCawley 07/08/2008 349-1839 (Cell) 345 4th Street (3rd term) ingridmccawley@aol.com Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Ray Coleman 07/08/2007 241-3006 (Home) 438 Inland Way (2°d term) flatortlaw@aol.com Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Kelly Mannel 07/08/2008 247-7844 (home) 312 East Coast Drive (2"d term) 707-7650 (cell) Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 kmannel@imagepartners.net Alicia Paley 07/08/2007 242-0197 303 9th Street (1s`term) aliciapaley@gmail.com Atlantic Beach Jolyn Johnson 07/08/2008 249-1654 2322 Beachcomber Trail (1"term) Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 lnyloj@bellsouth.net Laurie Melancon 07/08/2007 241-2050 (Home) 675 Beach Avenue (2nd term) Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Darrell Prather 07/08/2007 1135 East Coast Drive (1st term) dprather6ofl0@hotmail.com Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 VACANCY Linda Ginabcrg 07/08/2006 246 4061(Home) 1654 Beach Avenue (2"d term) 881 4467(Ccll) Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 ginsl@bellsouth.net Julie Dias 07/08/2007 Teen Council Member President (1st term) Timmy Johnson—Director of Parks& Recreation 247-5828 (Work) Staff Liaison Margret Reeves —Administrative Assistant 247-5828 Recording Secretary mreeves@coab.us Rev.7/25/06