Board/Committee Member Application v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Please check(v)beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on: (A summary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this form.) O Code Enforcement Board 0 Community Development Board O Pension Board of Trustees 0 Tree Conservation Board u--"Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee APPLICANT'S NAME: '' ,5L �' 5L 1 t f��, 'in A e ADDRESS: ),..2., t`>IaS s .t. .. ,,L"'. A.6 L .3 DAYTIME PHONE: —7 ``� EVE-NIN G PH NE:,'7O t/-7c 7-76.5`.° E-MAIL ADDRESS: ►' ,tei..-4.,,T.« t.>:fr ={ -FAX: manil c-f— C..,r;nrz\c- ?rs r*.+e>.... ,ete.c.'""' Please explain any employment experience,board/committee experience,and/or community volunteer experience relative to the board/committee applying for. o - '} Ga ,,,}.j_/+ c.. •.tC.+;..T.R.a K'-.riy d sir.ec...... - C nh:, t.\ L.« H' (c:... 5,.„,,,, 1 c• .tea,-?3, �--,vli iz, ss — C . rtie'r_r��.. `:; e 7 ti J n1 z tuc inr-4' ! �.% ,i-"-r , ,,,.., filcS'As.AS` +eac1C '''',,i`,vii(� t- e^-, t_. - b ..-Zt� *'=t Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this field and your reasons for wishing to be)appointed to this board/committee. rt -6.-i:� a".s�. ..J-- Aaury A:Lc.t -a r,. jl..1s.C%� v`f.r .AC..��} J'S.. C:Sv:.4. /9 #.�-;°'L<.,, r41,..• 1(Y1. e(.9: nt:r.1r.> , G`"s,,1,...1t i(4/.,c.. r.r t nc , t e fig.vtir{•� •j-f.. ,b::..4�` -t .W i- e 1 —' 1 /t-; ir4% A r//_ c.;� ^r ✓1 rr a,r.. 0,_((-- !i..r�s-1-._s_i.i..�� b�z e. y�1 '-i-&-''-- - C"4.+'II.'+W, "f'c7,,,,e7-44-4.— ( )? a e L� -4y C° C`2"P�1 , ✓ T LZr m r,rI-,) 3 p a 1 , l•-- I JI, /141i:iv-L.- Please return complet form _W Donna L.Bussey,City Clerk,800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 1 sales and marketing.Kelly is certified as a Senior Human Resources Professional (SPHR)by the Society for Human Resources Management(SHRM),where she acted as Certification Instructor for the oast ten years.Sne is a board member of the Public Relations Society of America(PRSA).As a member of the Jaci sonvile Chamber of Commerce,she has served on the Board of Governors and has been recognized for her outstand!nc community involvement.She is a oast president of the American Society for-raining and Development(AS'D).'Celly earned a degree in political science from Rutgers College in New Brunswick,New Jersey. %20C4 ImaggePartriers,Inc.At rights reserved. ImageArchitectu.e"is a registered trademark cf Imege.Partners,inc. 447 Atlantic 51..5„Suits 1,Atiant'ic Beech,FL.32233-904.246.9945 1 siarur tor..QuCASIanvny e-.l : 'latter_ Stens http://www.imagepartners.net/bio_mannel.htm 9/30/2005 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD / COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION FORM EcE1vED NOV 1 it 2005 Please check(.')beside each Board or Committee that you are applying to serve on: x; t1FCITY CLERK (A summary of each board/committee is available on page 2 of this form) Li Code Enforcement Board Community Development Board Li Pension Board of Trustees Tree Conservation Board Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee APPLICANT'S NAME: -J o N J cs -# l4 S ADDRESS: 2 3 a wt ‘De DAYTIME PHONE: 20 e=4. . I( S�-1 EVENING PHONE: 2 a ci- E-MAIL ADDRESS: t L a . ° FAX: c`vlSOLIT n. • SEc-h big 12k {}'TT ,"0-Rv_ Please explain any employment experience,board/committee experience, and/or community volunteer experience relative to the board/committee applying for. .c.-t)iari o,arxaLt/ Wr.) �%�1rsm�vn O.\ Coey,r� t,) (e.7,71" ' n D.,2) .eve! g K,1 S 'felt-114'SrI>L�° en Ir f� 1 o»`tit¢ $);;t,.E tee1 brFri Cv_eckn 0.0v.vo k. wrt ;a VI-- 100- Crajen c,,,r c c c o( 'eE Devi& .? t,"\-41, ,•„vct_vc�'tce Saleo� ,P^c c5 �' i c �E (20fi cS A�^ -- 41i 1,'..a )s-Z k -u.) ilkAA)2\o.r s exCc 5 oZ (04t .bio. SIc111S ky-5mDT-140;e ,NvoCatr+x. �Rt�pcc �RtCr. y RQu{Rase„ tsxzl eCl Esi RG€x4CJEs L uy 2�,'T-,"77�ConnphcC.S Rtpfoc_'rnPr NY .�e.E p�Eow(e 7' r r}tlt� liARn rt4.0 ret-yOSE W- ��fE f"c 0E-tvERySk► (QRte<�, in a� ,Lp�, =fi4?Q.olEet'r{t�'s;t�u i�.tr '), r� wrr SAt C LE443: t c5t tq ci'7-Z c l 'DE JEt.a p€ f_ kt-th 5 `i Ott f``.-1\ .w Ux7lT1-.oj'dGCoR4"c5 � Fcvaef;N.yT 1E-1P�C 5.S "DQTGri4E $lz..o e5 4 T744,eav D4K1f©9 LJT\ C, D icV0A10-6.rr.,tv,LE,f *AtzvZ REQ aC fl it,C i•-1On\E Moi 4.Rt tc1_Lc5.)•-e F+cT-fz�44-OD, jtrl rac•Cb S onk) Please provide a brief explanation of your interest or any special qualifications you have in this fie�and� c4,, your reasons for wishing to be appointed to this board/committee. {- 1),+04. My x IN 3Rv1NG e14. "Y dK'Tt4G5z 11-}kg., b-t.,14 (s mA, JL\ My Lcue o� -"14.11 ctry A-No P\( 1 5(es Tp F'SS sr- !!a 1E-Sf r'? .Omo' iiS7 £5r rJJn Pr co-, ; rZ.4mJE A'R1 iWe f 6)JgI L. erriaruS rcfn71-14t "7tC 4r-' & TG- - ,-u. rm .4/4-uc A t&Et,rI!Cr op •kft�t r�i Oce . CO-y• e..07)1)714- , e..07)1)714o A- boa•&D wot c.o iJecubF ou_ os6. ©, SL,,tf , . I ._. 811,-1111 RZ1f) v •�o oar` of TH E /5= *tis `: ILL..ttWC0 7"o CZA- .lei ---,plc 4,c 1 tiJ ,,LF:D,5 QrJ/, p,f) o,F" 6.g*. 1- ��F Ti✓ �y d}�s� ` Please return completed form to Donna L. Bussey,City Clerk, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 e ,f_c-T) A Omtr fir ) I InavE M o (ANLY... t c -c c= \F t)EtbEb .5 3 us to 8e0)•4 DeReo i B rxrupsN asr -i r,n e PecZt-sse-S I coon orri#J G %..a125 . PE o p r St,CL.c . 60.141. 4.11 oi- L vk"t t1 S eicc-4'i►u PA* titVELatYkE, fLL S ttSr COrel Ltjt 2SKtlts corn u'J C. bu. 71s �TI4,Nrr.�6,zt,(JS, r 1.457- ofoir�fcl+,x7T'ftz 6y. .-m - cr' So Ps #2 ,L 6s7 C m +tee- -Z.•_ 1.. ,Tz Re fi0 1 C�P Fl0,P1r, a---% sem- u oldie-,raC•FOR. F-10STSD Pet G.eiut, '. TicEs ( cRc-r or- Nc+ L R.Ts - m, .2 _ *s P., • Foe.. s• DAtst: W - + rJ . •�:..•� bi uJcD R::cz• G�E3:k ass, t" .L© 'W cE-.6 os to &IN 1 pe•S )eTAT, 4--6U)3 The 1J FLr1�cn3,41E, Vc'l Vt. e 4-• �� ST,`A 0 S RN c -C6R,y�if - zND+tA 6 Ss tt'_- we A +44yTRsk A s GEfl. Cewv-e- A1C E cr11 PA!NC.1xr ttSe vottJ6�+T ototkebcis-x- noN 8NNVAZ_ ?oapeti.ee•�C.F -t16��.YR R!U,k)to €DJC'ATA 1 .Foe. '" c rwr H+e'0 60•.11. JFr e�S TD 6 M µ eeED,T OJ1 S 71:0- U weft. "jeJ utix. oetiklt ILc.,",111 E44$je6D *Div_Doe c..".1 a„TZ1164 OF-aket,r' 0,3ots 7n' 05� y✓, d!ornp�d TEA-Tod.) •..� �'• t2 MA-A OR. I AltArtan.. Frzradfi 024x15 tOc.) N .Aft, rr — - Dib +T ftlof tt- 1.1Cccje.1), 967 4-11C-'? ►