1600 Atlantic Beach Drive Change of Address 01.19.2018 City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Telephone(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 http://w .wab.us January 19,2018 CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION Please be advised that the following addresses have been changed and adjust your records. x Residential Commercial Address BE# Lestal Descritntion Old 550 Timber Bridge Lane 169505-1140 67-52 08-2S-29E Address(es) ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 01 LOT 178 New 1600 Atlantic Beach Dr. 169505-1140 67-52 08-2S-29E Address(es) ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 01 LOT 178 This address change is being done in order to clarify the address of the above referenced property. Please note: This address establishes a new lower limit for the address range for the street Atlantic Beach Drive. Please update your address records accordingly. It is the property owner's responsibility to paint the correct address on their meter can(s)in black enamel and to install numbers on the front of their house in a contrasting color that are a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of'/2 inch (12.7 mm). Please be aware that addressing does not determine required zoning setbacks related to front, side or rear yards. Should you have any questions regarding this matter,please feel free to contact our office at(904) 247-5826. Sincerely, Dan Arlington Building Official City of Atlantic Beach cc: City of Atlantic Beach: JEA Shannon Leggett AB Police Department lep.¢sk(diea.com Frederick Gilbert cc: Gerald Donkey falbertncoab.us DonsGW(@,iea.co Shawn Thagard AB Planning Department thagscea iea.com Derek Reeves dreeves(@,coab.us City of Jacksonville Property Appraiser AB Public Utilities Department Land Records Division Kayle Moore Vicky Conner kmooreAcoab.us vconner(a)coi.net cc: Dawn Barnes AB GIS/Cross Connection dbatnesAlcoi.net Malcolm Clemons mclemons(acoab.us City of Jacksonville Addressing AB Public Works/Utilities Clay Whitfield Lisa Showman cl�(a.coi.net IshowmanQcoab.n Jennifer Perrone City of Jacksonville iperrone(o.coaKus Planning and Development Chris Schoenig AB Finance Department cschoeni¢ncoi.net Carlene Matthews cmatthewsr7a_,coab.n Duval County 911 Emergency Coordinator Pat Welte AB Cost. Svc. Supv. patricia.welte(d�iaxsheriff or¢ Jim Perkins iperkins(acoab.n 911 GIS Coordinator David Quintanilla AB Building Department David.quintanilla(a),iaxsherifEor¢ Toni Gindlesperger tgin@coab.us United States Postal Service Jennifer Johnston Attn: Post Master ii ohnston(acoab.us 1001 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Duval County Tax Collector 231 E Forsyth St. Jacksonville Fl, 32202 lot. nn teen: MU b�w Ifi LylOwolpEmc W..M� 1! .l no 1.17