1654 Atlantic Beach Dr RES18-0040 Permit ConditionsPermit Number: RES18-0040 Site Address: 1654 ATLANTIC BEACH DR City, State Zip Code: ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Applied: 1/26/2018 Approved: 2/20/2018 Issued: 2/22/2018 Parent Permit: Parent Project: Applicant: <NONE> Owner: TOLL FL VI LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Contractor: <NONE> Description: new single-family residence Finaled: Status: ISSUED Details: LIST OF CONDITIONS SEQ NO ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFY DATE TYPE STATUS DEPARTMENT CONTACT REMARKS 1 1/31/2018 DRIVEWAY APRON INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All concrete driveway aprons must be 5" thick, 4000 psi, with fibermesh from edge of pavement to the property line. Reinforcing rods or mesh are not allowed in the right-of-way. (Commercial driveways - 6" thick). 2 1/31/2018 EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Full erosion control measures must be installed and approved prior to beginning any earth disturbing activities. Contact the Inspection Line (247-5814) to request an Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection prior to start of construction. 3 1/31/2018 ON SITE RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All runoff must remain on-site during construction. 4 1/31/2018 ROLL OFF CONTAINER INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Roll off container company must be on City approved list (Advanced Disposal, Realco Recycling, Shapell's, Inc., Republic Services, Donovan Dumpsters). Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 5 1/31/2018 RIGHT OF WAY RESTORATION INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: Full right-of-way restoration, including sod, is required. Printed: Tuesday, 27 February, 2018 1 of 2 Permit Conditions City of Atlantic Beach 6 1/31/2018 RUNOFF INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams Notes: All runoff must remain on-site. Cannot raise lot elevation. 7 2/5/2018 UNDERGROUND WATER SEWER UTILITIES INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Kayle Moore Notes: Avoid damage to underground water and sewer utilities. Verify vertical and horizontal location of utilities. Hand dig if necessary. If field coordination is needed, call 247-5834. 8 2/5/2018 METER BOX SEWER CLEAN OUT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Kayle Moore Notes: Ensure all meter boxes, sewer cleanouts and valve covers are set to grade and visible. 9 2/5/2018 RT1 SEWER CLEANOUT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS Kayle Moore Notes: A sewer cleanout must be installed at the property line. Cleanout must be covered with an RT1 concrete box with metal lid. Cleanout to be set to grade and visible. Printed: Tuesday, 27 February, 2018 2 of 2 Permit Conditions City of Atlantic Beach