Cultural Arts and Recreation Minutes 2-27-18CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 27, 2018 @ 6:30 pm Adele Grage Center Present: Bob Burch, Grant Healy, Marina Kaplan, Beverly Norman, Paula O'Bannon, Dawn Pope, Joe Schwarz, Pam White, Timmy Johnson (Liaison), Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) Absent. None 1. Call to order -Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order - 6:29 pm Meeting Procedure - Timmy Johnson quickly reviewed from last month's meeting Minutes - Dawn Pope Motioned to accept the minutes as written, Bob Burch seconded the Motion; all in favor 6-0. 2. Recognition of Visitors - Mayor Ellen Glasser 3. Ongoing Business - a. Jazz Festival - Della Giovanni 1. Vendors, Stage and food secured 2. Poster Contest ends March 1St a. Voting at next meeting 3. Entertainers: Two Secured, Two waiting on contracts b. Contribution Update - Timmy 1. Checks have been distributed to all recipients except for Common Threads & First Act 2. Organizations are starting to return financial reports c. Arts in the Park - Della 1. Vendors, food & face painting secured 2. Artists notified 3. Music pending confirmation 4. Poster quotes in process 5. Timmy reviewed the process of artists being accepted into Arts in the Park a. A letter was received requesting a reconsideration of allowance of textiles in the festival, the requesting artist was for quilting b. Application specifically states no textiles c.. Joe Schwarz Motioned to accept the request, Bob seconded the Motion. 1. After discussion among Board Members describing art forms, Joe withdrew the Motion and suggested to reconsider for next year since others were also denied the textile acceptance. 2. Exception of Textiles in Arts in the Park vote taken: 0-6 all oppose d. Fee Schedule - Timmy 1. Explained that the Commission is asking input from the Committee regarding existing fees charged for rentals and permits_, according to the Ordinance. Suggested changes in red 2. Marina Motioned to accept fees as written, Dawn seconded a. Discussion included Long Term Contracts - Commission reviews for renewal b. Request to have ABAA current contract in writing stating length of contract 3. Vote taken, all in favor 6-0 to accept fees with changes as written in red 4 - New -Business — Timmy a. Meeting Times — Bob Motioned to move meeting times to 5:30 pm, Joe seconded the Motion. 1.Timmy explained why the past meetings have been 6 pm, why it was changed to 6:30 pm 2. Visitors schedules to be considered in order to attend 3. Discussion of other Committee meeting times 4. Vote taken on Motion: 1 yea (Bob) — 5 nay 5. Pam White Motioned to change meeting times to 6 pm, Beverly Norman seconded the Motion; vote taken: 5 yea —1 nay (Bob) b. Creation Health — Timmy 1. Request to hold healthy classes free at Adele Grage during Well Being Wednesday time slot 2. Faith Based Wellness Program for healthier life styles a. Secular vs non -secular concern was addressed by Grant b. Timmy explained there was no religious undertone to the classes c. Request made by Pam and Joe to hear from program advisor d. Grant tabled discussion for presentation at next meeting c. First Act Request — Timmy 1. Explained request of using awarded funds after deadline date and reasons 2. Paula O'Bannon Motioned to accept request to delay use of funds, Beverly seconded. a. Pam reiterated to Committee that Contribution Outline was clear on deadlines b. Marina Kaplan addressed consistency with Committee c. Vote taken: 0-6 to accept delay use of funds d. Bocce Ball - Timmy 1. Since the founding member who organized event no longer on Committee, new chairperson needed to organize or consider no longer having event a. Joe agreed to take over event — Grant agreed to assist with organizing, Mayor Glasser volunteered to assist b. Request was made for another event — Timmy explained guidelines to new Committee Members of the procedure to getting events to the Committee for consideration 6. Next Meeting -March 27, 2018 @ 6:00 pm in Meeting room a. Creation Health b. Arts in the Park Sign ups c. Jazz Festival Poster Voting 7. Adjournment -with no further business, Joe Motioned for adjournment, Pam seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:40 pm.