Cultural Arts & Rec Minutes 1-23-18CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 23, 2018 @ 6:30 pm Adele Grage Center Present. Bob Burch, Grant Healy, Beverly Norman, Paula O'Bannon, Dawn Pope, Joe Schwarz, Timmy Johnson (Liaison) Absent. Marina Kaplan, Jay Wilson 1. Call to order— Chair, Grant Healy called the meeting to order — 6:30 pm Procedure and Protocol of Board Meetings — Timmy Johnson Procedure and protocol was addressed for a better flow of Committee meetings as done during the Commission Meetings to be as follows:. a. Roll Call, Absence approval (3 unexcused member off Committee) Committee decided to dismiss Jay Wilson from Committee for missing last 3 meetings without advising absence until after office hours. b. Action Items - Members will be recognized by Chairperson for motion c. Members are to be recognized by name by the Chairperson before speaking d. Chairperson asks for a vote, Chairperson recognizes update e. Side conversations taking place during other conversations can be deemed illegal/against Sunshine Law, need to pay attention to the conversation being covered in case a vote is deemed necessary. Minutes from December 12, 2017 — Grant questioned 4d/c/3 — schools contribution vs line item. a. Timmy explained that it is currently different and will be discussed for decision during budget time for funding. b. He explained Contributions vs Line Item 1. Contributions are requests from non-profit groups requesting funding for support of their event with applications and interviews. 2. Line Item is for budgeting of specific items supported by the Committee that is voted on for continued support without interviews/applications. 3.. A workshop date will be determined by the Committee as time draws near for better understanding of procedures for Contributions. Beverly motioned to accept the minutes as written, Joe seconded the motion; all in favor 6-0. 2. - Recognition of Visitors — Kim Rogers in support of Tennis Rules being presented, Greta Jalandoni, Mary Cloutier, Michael Hoffman interested in jazz funding and ideas for Committee, would like to make sure African American performers given an opportunity since Jazz comes from the culture. 3. Ongoing Business - The Chair added an Agenda Item to be 41) — Assignments for Events a. Jazz Festival — Pam White 1. In discussion of possible performers, Della Giovanni advised the Committee that the Chris Thomas Band has been secured to be the finale group and reviewed other potential artists have verbally committed, including UNF Jazz Ensemble I, Larry Wilson, tentative schedule has been made. a. Need decision on announcer for event 2. Grant addressed a replacement need for Pam a. Joe volunteered to assist until September 1. He will be out of town for event. 1. Currently. advised thus far not attending event is Paula and Joe (Jay dismissed, Pam & Grant resigning from Committee before event). Dawn, Marina, Beverly, Bob status of availability unknown. b. Contributions - Grant 1. Commission accepted proposal of $2700 for Common Threads program 2. Organizations have received checks except for First Act & Comrimon Threads 3. Would like the Committee to be included in the presentation of checks at a Commission Meeting. c. Arts in the Park — Della 1.48 applicants; reminders have been sent 2. Deadline January 31St 3. Committee judging at Adele Grage February 12 —16. d. Grant moved agenda item 5B ahead of item 4D -Tennis Rules 1. Motion made by Bob Burch no second made 2. Timmy read the proposed rules to the Committee; motion made by Paula O'Bannon to accept rules as written, seconded by Joe Schwarz a. Timmy explained to Joe that courts 5 & 6 were chosen to allow open play on courts 1— 4 and helps with enforcement b. Timmy explained to Pam that the permit fee is per time slot for a permit, if someone holds a permit others will be expected to respect it and move off the court. c. To Bob, Timmy compared Jacksonville to the proposed rules in that Jacksonville monitors their courts by pros; hoping this will eliminate instructors taking over the courts, current issue of complaints d. Kim Rogers explained to the Committee that more and more instructors are using the courts for 4-5 hours, making good money without paying to use the courts which prevents residents from using the courts; courts should be available to the AB resident community. She feels the time restrictions will help. e. Paula reiterated that the City Manager can adjust the rules. 3. Vote taken, all in favor to accept Recreation Department Rules for Tennis. Vote unanimous. e. Projects List To Do — Members signed up for City and Committee Events, list to be distributed at next meeting in February. f. Structure of Committee — Timmy explained to Grant that he is awaiting response from Commissioner Stinson. 4. New Business — Timmy a. Facility Fees reviewed according to Code for Non -Profit usage $25 b. Commission has asked that the Committee review for input — Code was distributed c. Code does not currently cover for profit usage d. Long Term contracts reviewed 1. Habitat — gave $75,000 in renovating the Jordan building 2. ABAA — maintains the fields at no cost to the city of $12,000 3. Theater contracts — they do not give back to the City; City covers all costs to run the theater — maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc. e. Grant was upset that the Commission is making the request of the Committee since there is a current dispute with the theater organizations, putting them in the middle of the dispute f. Timmy explained to Bob that comparisons have been made with neighboring cities and that there have been some concerns from the public who also want to rent the theater g. Confirmed that the contract proposed from the Recreation Department, approved by the Committee, was submitted to the City Manager. h. Joe stated that the original contract submitted, as long as it applies to the Ordinance, stays as is. Grant was in agreement that the one given by the Recreation Department to the Commission should stand. i. Timmy will send Committee a list of current fees for their review. j• 6. Next Meeting -February 27, 2018 @ 6:30 pm in Meeting room a. Bocce Ball 1, b. Project Distribution List c. Facility Fees d. Meeting Times 7. Adjournment -with no further business, Joe motioned for adjournment, Beverly seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The nyeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:10 pm. Grant Healy, Chairperson