03-27-18 MinutesCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Tuesday,, March 27, 2018 @ 6:00 pm Adele Grage Center Present: Bob Burch, Marina Kaplan, Paula O'Bannon, Dawn Pope, Joe Schwarz (6:30 pm arrival), Pam White, Timmy Johnson (Liaison), Della Giovanni (Recording Secretary) Absent: Beverly Norman, Grant Healy, Joe Schwarz (6:30 pm arrival) 1. Call to order with roll call - Co -Chair, Pam White called the meeting to order - 6:30 pm 2. Minutes - Marina Kaplan motioned to accept the minutes as written, Dawn Pope seconded the Motion; all in favor 5-0. 3. Recognition of Visitors - Mayor Ellen Glasser, Joann Wallace with Youth Empowerment, Andrea Richardson with Creation Health and Anthony Jenkins with Creation Health 4. Ongoing Business - Pam moved Item 41) ahead of Item 4A d. Creation Health - Presentation by Andrea & Anthony 1 Committee viewed video in advance/brochure distributed 2. Program sponsored by Florida Hospital in Orlando a. -Making good .choices of eating and living in a healthy life of creation b. Principles of living a healthier life; Blue Zone Studies coincide with Creation Health in California c. 4 week /2 hour classes, workbook & DVD would need to be purchased $30 1. Online registration 2. Classes can be ongoing if an interest is shown 3. No minimum required to register; paid instructors 4. "MUNCH & LEARN" first Sunday of month gives presentation d. Suggest having class during Wellness Wednesday e. Mr. Jenkins gave description of Blue Zones with mentality of "Change your mind/change your life" f. Rromotes'Christian God living a clean/healthy-spiritual life g. Classes are currently held at YMCA, churches and public library 1: Program has been in Florida since 2008; Clay County YMCA - 5 years 3. Dawn motioned for Creation Health to be part of Wellbeing Wednesday, Bob Burch seconded the Motion. 4. Board Feedback: Concern of being faith based due to separation of state; Evaluation Results were requested; Information packet was left for review; Bob agreed to get input from the Clay County YMCA and give results at April meeting; Wellbeing Wednesdayguidelines were reviewed; apprehension of charging a fee 5. Bob withdrew the Second, Dawn withdrew the Motion; Marina motioned to table to next meeting - Bob seconded the Motion to table for additional information a. Jazz Festival - Timmy Johnson 1.Poster submissions were nominated, #4 was most nominated. 2.Pam motioned to accept #4 as art_ for Jazz Poster; Dawn seconded the Motion; all in favor 5-0 3.Della advised the Board that the winner will be announced publicly on May 15 b. Arts in the Park - Della 1. Sign ups: Joe to assist with office work; Paula assist with park set up on Friday, 4/20 @ 10 am & assist with artist unloading on Saturday, 4/21 @ 7 am; Grant assist artists with set up at 8:30 am; Bob assist artists with unloading and set up @ 8 am on Saturday, 4/21; Marina assist artists with breakdown @ 5 pm; Dawn help First Aid table @ 10 am & assist with artist breakdown/loading @ 5 pm (Pam & Beverly Norman will be out of town for event) 2. Postcards/labels c. Bocce Ball Date Timmy 1. No date, Chairperson Joe Schwarz not present to discuss 2. Participants complained it was too hot to play in June last year a. Upon Joe's arrival, no suggested date was given; asked to table for April meeting 5. New Business — Timmy .1 a. Item 5A removed from Agenda - Request from Arbor Day Sub -Committee b. Budget Overview — Timmy 1. Will send out information via email — a chart of last two years; Board Members asked to review and respond to Timmy of suggested changes prior to April meeting. 2. April meeting Members will vote on suggested budget changes 3. Budget item cannot be tabled 4. Marina suggested Special Called meeting to alleviate extended meeting for Budget 6. Other Agenda Items - Timmy a. New Web Page - goes live on March 29th; Members asked to check it out b. Next Meeting -Tuesday; April 24, 2018 @ 6 pm 1. Timmy informed the Board, by request of City Manager, CARAC Board Meetings will•be held in the Commission Chambers starting with the April meeting and will be stream lined live 2. He suggested Board Members attend a Commission Meeting to be aware how a meeting is supposed to be run - speak through the chairperson, not out of turn c. Teen Council - Timmy and Dawn met with Mayor Ellen Glasser regarding bringing back the Council; Dawn has agreed to be acting Liaison on behalf of Board I. Timmy gave history of Teen Council and involvement a. Monthly Meetings b. Put on events c. Freshman to Seniors d. Atlantic Beach residents only 7. Next Meeting -April 24, 2018 @ 6:00 pm in Commission Chambers - 800 Seminole Rd. a. Creation Health b. Bocce Ball c. Budget d. Contribution Workshop details 8. Adj urnment - After Joe equested. review of part of missed meeting, he motioned for adjournment, Bob s.e`coided the r4ofign ton �fljourn t}�,meeting. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:59 pm. ealy,