1774 Atlantic Beach Dr RES18-0016 termite treatment Hom Team •u+ aertue• New Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment This ropan is subtNMtl far informationpwposea to Me Wilder an(re'M eonat"don..a wham hes mhd Mr prevention d auEtenenean hrmile limitation la requlrad by tlw Flonde Building Catle,Section 1 W.2.9. All M cts t ce bei\Yee TheP t C t l Oo ( d builder, nles=•+al^d oth Was Section 1:Hometeam Pest Defense State:FL Coma,Address:8684 Columbia PeM Drive Cily:Jedumvire ZIP 322W Company Phone No.:904-730-2522 B.I.License No.: 1640370000 2409 Section 2: Builder Information Company Name:TNI Branders taw Plwne No.: Section 3:Property Information guiding Permit No.: Laotian M SMtaure(e)Tressed 1774 Alan* Beech Dr Mi ndc TYPsofconaVuctlan: WSdb OaeaerMnt Och- Oms' Type Fill: Approximate DePM of Fcolih,. OuWda: Inside: Section 4:Treatment Information EPA Repistretion No:eg0i1-M Dide(s)of Tnetment(s):&1118 Brand Nam of Product(s)Uaad:e'o-Ca's Final Mix Solution23 Treatment Area Sc.FL 3892 Lmem FL226 LinenFLofMasbnrYVoids— TOW Gallons of TarmBidds Applied 4 Service Agreement Availadey ®Yea ON. Thtabuilon0,subtanmahwiNlas.Treatment lc MMe Llquldh chant: OYea OONO ,,,Of,on Liquid Final odanor bea0renl ❑Yes ®No FabdaDeeppadtront of AgriwXuml and Consume' Bursas minnent ®Yea [IN. I Balt in Ye,of Preheat. ❑Yee ®No Servios. InNeI S/� None'.Some State laws require servlde apreementa tc ba issued. This form doo rot Preempt Stam dw. Adachmerds(Lie) Comment Ceni9oticn No.: JE254M Name of APWicMor(aI:HARRY CRUZ -5af Data 0&1L18 AuMoneed SignaWre 0.NNRg5