12-27-17 ESC Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DEC. 27,2017 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Andrews Sarah Dark OTHERS: Richard Arthur, Neptune Beach City Council member Jay Handline, Beaches Town Center Agency president Josh Messenger, Neptune Beach Ish Brant Beautification Committee president Larry Ritter, Rockaway Gardens business developer 1. Call to order. The meeting began at 3 p.m. in the Commission Chamber. 2. Review of the proposal to renovate the Beaches Town Center landscaping. The participants continued to discuss plant palette options and other design and maintenance considerations for the proposed project. The meeting's outcome will be presented at the Jan. 10, 2018, Environmental Stewardship Committee meeting. L. Ritter reiterated that when the suggested alterations are finalized, he will revise the drawings and proposal for final approvals. 3. Other business. No other business was discussed. 4. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:17p.m. (Minutes respectfully submitted by Kevin Hogencamp on 1-3-18) ~l'Ak ~nScott Secretary ATTEST zlb :z~"--f'Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager -2­