12-13-17 ESC AgendaEnvironmental Stewardship Committee 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017 Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Report on Beaches Town Center landscape plan-BTCA President Jay Handline (presented to ESC by request of Mayor Glasser) 3. Approval of minutes 4. Courtesy of the floor 5. Tree Subcommittee Report-C. Drysdale 6. Report (#3) on ESC request to staff for new permit application signage & website access to permits per ordinance -D. Reeves 7. Report (#2) 2017 Tree City USA event planning -D. Reeves 8. Review of ESC committee work plan results from priority setting workshop/schedule setting for work list 9. Tree Fund-procedures and expenditures review 10. Agenda plan for ESC meeting Jan. 10, 2018 11. New business 12. Adjournment