11-07-17 ESC Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING NOV. 7, 2017 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Sarah Dark Dawn Scott, Secretary STAFF: Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager 1. Call to order. The meeting began at 12:05 p.m. in the Commission Chamber. 2. Discussion about community branding, signage, landscaping, etc. D. Scott and S. Dark brainstormed ideas related to community branding, signage and other design­ related elements associated with their charge as members of the Environmental Stewardship Committee. They agreed that appropriately designed and planned signage, benches, bike racks, showers, fixtures with sea tmile-friendly lighting, and pavers and/or colored concrete reflecting the character of the area could enhance the appearance and function of beach accesses, thoroughfares (Atlantic Boulevard and Maypmi Road) and other high-visibility areas (Beaches Town Center, Seminole Road, Plaza Drive and Dutton Island Road). S. Dark discussed beach access enhancement oppmiunities in detail, saying that signage could include beach access numbers, water safety infmmation, information about protecting dunes and seat oats, and historical references. D. Scott said that Maypmi Road, in particular, looks gray due to its lack of trees and other greenery. They noted that ce1iain trees, like oaks and palms, likely cannot be planted along Maypmi Road because of utility lines. They also noted that landscaping opportunities also are restricted because rights-of-way space -including in medians --is limited. They said they'd explore greenspace improvements on the little right of way that is available, although site furnishings such as light posts, trash cans, etc., may provide the best oppmiunity to improve the appearance along Mayport Road. They also said that "welcome" and "goodbye" signs would be beneficial and that the Florida Department of Transportation would be critical to any plans to enhance Maypmi Road. D. Scott and S. Dark said they'll continue their research rather than immediately report their findings and ideas to the full committee 3. Discussion about tree-removal permit signage D. Scott presented a mockup of a, 18" x 24" pending tree-removal pe1mit sign and discussed the possibility of the City requiring a second , subsequent sign to be posted after the permit is approved. Verbiage, sign color and putting a City logo on the sign was discussed, and S. Dark suggested that the signs be given to petmit applicants when an application is submitted. D. Scott said that committee member J. Leroux desires to have a mockup during her presentation at the upcoming City Commission meeting. K. Hogencamp said he and Derek Reeves are meeting with the city manager on Nov. 7 and that he would provide an update of the committee's and staffs work on pending tree-removal pe1mit signage at the Nov. 8 ESC meeting. 4. Other business. No other business was discussed. 5. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m. (Minutes respectfully submitted by Kevin Hogencamp on 12-4-17) ~~CP\YC Secretary ATTEST -2­