SAFW 15-1054 1089 Atlantic Boulevard . . . , Pet At 2560 , . APPLICATION FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WAIVER City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Phone: (904)247-5826 • FAX (904)247-5845 • http://www.coab.us 7-24-15IOS'1 Date File No.) —SA Receipt Section 24-46 (d) permits the City Commission to authorize limited Waivers, on a case-by-case basis, from a specific provision(s) of these Land Development Regulations when it is demonstrated that compliance with such provision(s) would be unreasonable, in conflict with the public interest, or a practical impossibility. A Waiver from these Land Development Regulations may be approved only upon showing of good cause, and upon evidence that an alternative to a specific provision(s)of this Chapter shall be provided,which conforms to the general intent and spirit of these Land Development Regulations. In considering any request for a Waiver from these Land Development Regulations, the City Commission may require conditions as appropriate to ensure that the intent of these Land Development Regulations is enforced. A Waiver shall not modify any requirement or term customarily considered as a Variance or any requirement or term prohibited as a Variance,and shall be considered only in cases where alternative administrative procedures are not set for the within the City Code of Ordinances. 1. Applicant's Name Ashland Investments, Inc. 2. Applicant's Address 7880 Gate Parkway Suite 300, Jacksonville Fl 32256 3. Property Location 1089 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number 177616-0000 5. Current Zoning Classification CG 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation CM 7. Requested provision(s)from which waiver is sought: Article III - Zoning, Subsection 24-156 - Exceptions to height limitations 8. Size of Parcel 4 .6 5 9.Utility Provider JEA 10. Provide all of the following information: a. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner,a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. b. Survey and legal description of property. c. Required number of copies(2) d. Application Fee($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed n Randall Whitfield Signature(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name: Randall Whitfield Mailing Address: 7880 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville FL 32256 Phone: 904-992-9000 Fax: 904-992-9389 E-mail: randalljax@yahoo.com 10. Statement of facts and any special reasons for the requested Waiver,which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-46 (d) of the Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Regulations and specifically describing how the request complies with the Conditions necessary for the City Commission to approve this request. Please attach additional pages if,needed. We are requesting relief for the following item: Allowance of an appurtenance which exceeds the maximum thirty-five (35 ' ) height pursuant to LDR Section 24-10 (f) (2) . The building will replace an existing building and will greatly improve the appearance of that area within Atlantic Beach. We have made numerous improvements to the property and with this new building, we will continue to make other improvements . The proposed building has a maximum thirty-seven (37) ' building height . Article III - Zoning, Subsection 24-156 - Exceptions to height limitations and Article XIV - Zoning, Section 59 states that the City Commission may approve, requests to exceed the maximum building height of thirty-five (35) feet for exterior architectural design elements, exterior decks or porches within non-residential land use categories . The subject property has a commercial land use and a commercial zoning. The majority of the proposed building meets the City' s maximum height requirement with the exception of two (2) small areas (south & west sides) that house the elevator shafts and elevator electrical equipment . "Appurtenances on Buildings" , are usually required to be placed above the roof level of a building and not intended for human occupancy. These "non-habitable" spaces allow for maintenance to occur and are located away from the front of the building and will be difficult to from ground level . We have worked diligently with the City on the architectural appearance of the building. We will provide the most recent approved elevations along with the requested roof plan and line of sight perspective drawing. , pt' 'gl�-! SiARM OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT Randall Whitfield is hereby authorized to act on behalf of Ashland Investments, Inc . , the owner(s) of those lands described within the attached application, and as described in the attached deed or other such proof of ownership as may be required, in applying to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for an application related to a Development Permit or other action pursuant to: ❑ Zoning Variance Ti Comprehensive Plan Amendment ❑ Use-by-Exception -ening Map Amendment ❑ Building Pe • ❑ Plat,Replat or Lot Division Ti Sign P> tt Ti Tre- Permit I"I • er A..- -Tt,-•. .r Land Dev-. opment Regulation Wavier BY: , S`_na . e : 0 C, • OCric..--1 rint Name Signature of Owner Print Name 7:0 V— 92'2 - 7-t '0 e. Telephone Number / State of County of .4u.✓Q/' Signed and sworn before me on this , ' ' day of,201 4 By 41).:4 ,r W LLk�'`-�" Identification verified: rj Oath sworn: Yes No 1 el." w a "' ' — ' -LC ORIS WALKER 4 it AI. + frotsr,wreli--Slat.of Florida I Notary Signature �, _. Comm.Expires Sep 2.2015 �,,�o��fCommission I FF 135877 I My Commission expirOs.— FINsNCIA1,,'llr.:. ,,,,t,..." rORA 110.5 11TATtTORY WARRANT .50 • (CORPORATE) THIS INDENTURE,Made this 27th day of March ,A.D.la 81 BETWEEN ATLANTIC BEACH MINI STORAGE, INC. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida of the County of Duval ,State of Florida ,party of the first part,and ASHLAND INVESTMENTS, INC., a Florida corporation, 629 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, of the County of Duval state of Florida Party of the second part, WITNESSETH: that the said party of the first part,for and in consideration of the sum of TEN and NO/100 Dollars, to it in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted,bargained and sold to the said part y of the second part, its successor S X.Niftlfgand assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Duval ,State of Florida,to wit: See Exhibit A hereto attached. • • • This instrument was prepared bye HARRY G.KINCAID (NIGHT,KINCAID,POUCHER&HARRIS 1030 American Heritage Building Jacksonville,Florida 32202 And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its President and caused its Corporate Seal)iiMStfl)il}A5l)(R>FXDOt FM0 be hereto affixed the day and year first above written. ATLANTIC BEACH MINI STORAGE, IN (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST i r17(15.21-,..../ ' Mike Ash Its Secretary Its President SI , • and Sealed in Our Presence � ^+ u f --- -- / --r- +-4 ATE OF F a^ID,- i---- ---- 1 COUNTY OF DUVAL 1 •Before me personally appeared MIKE ASH the President o=_ATLANTIC B AQLLMIIII_B_TQB E, II3C,, a corporation under the laws of the State of F1oricra ,to toe well known to be the individual. and flcer dees�cribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ne acknowledged the execution thereof to belliS own free act and deed as such officer thereunto duly authorized;and that the official seal of said corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said conveyance is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 27th day of MarQb ,19_RI._, at Jacksonville ,County and Stet aforesaid. C...-i". e .1-XJn-G No Public in and for the County and ate Aforesaid. My Commission expires: Neter),PuMe.State el Honk at lace - My Comaen,:oe Fid Hoc.M.15'52 r,u..h A.,.n...,..t Ensor G.'v... • • EXHIBIT "A" A part of the Castro y Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: For a point of reference connnence at the intersection of the Southerly projection of the Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road with the Westerly projection of the Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard; thence North.89°19'35" East, along said Westerly projection of the Northerly right of way of Atlantic Boulevard, and along the Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard, a distance of 360.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 0°40'25" West, a distance of 335.75.feet; thence North 89°19' 35" East, a distance of 382.27 feet; thence South 7°04'25" East, a distance of 337.86 feet to the aforementioned Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard; thence South 89°19'35" West, along said Northerly right of way • line a distance of 420.00 feet to the.Point of Beginning. • • • • • I MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF A PART OF THE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT, SECTION CR TOWNSHIP0 SOUTHERLY UNE A DISTANCE OF 812.45 FEET TO THE SOUTH, R 29 EAST.OUVAL COUMY. RDWOA: BEING MOREWESTERLY UNE OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED M OFFICIAL RECORDS PARTICULARLY DESCRIED AS HOLLOWS FOR A PONT Cf REFERENCE VOLUME 3373, PAGE SOB:THENCE SOUTH 0794'25- EAST,ALONG COMMENCE AT TIE INTERSECTION OF TIE WESTERLY PROJECTQN Cf SAID MSTERLr UNE A OSTANCE OF 037.88 FEET TOA PONT CN E NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD(STATE TIE AFOREMENTIONED NORTHERLY RICHT OF WAY UNE OF ATLANTIC I ROAD NOS.A-I-A AND 10) S NOW ESTABUSHEO AS A 100 FOOT BOULEVARD:W ENICE SOUTH 11919']5' NEST ALONG SAID NORTHIELr l''; / RIGHT OF WAY WTH TRE SOLIBLERLUCCTOR OF' THE RIGHT CfACECE 530.00 FEET;/ : CRiS :CR: THEEA20YB3GHTOf0.OUGHT TO TICOAD,ADISTANCE oF OM HAY r oRT THE / / SEATER,UNE 0SE LANDS DESCRIBED IN OFFICAALL TM D THE / YauME 5276, A 4213;THOLE NORTH 8219.55•EAST,ALONG / 1 .F OFFICIAL RECORDS VOLUME 3278,PALE 400— ems'nos - c u r�>- czi ;kJ > Z- N 89'19'35'E 612.45' r e M r % �. f - r ,,.,, /I, jri wing* a — - r r >W r r ,rte r / /F AF / / .. .-; ■ I POINT OF BEgNNIN� % R °z f, ,1 w/., /./Y .1-7'..t:•'..�:+ I r /..L.•..• r• 9 / ° D ' I _ / \ /�I .'� 2 ri ✓/✓' lir r / Ifni V /Ffaf - "tqe 4✓ o >rf rr,,I. ;or>I I 6. .r / / / t t ga l OJ .t/i I(\ f :E a Tt6 e a II o �'f/ �. • - • kl lyyyqLf yQ / ;'& • / 0 ,,_� as /r g 1! i Iii( a . ��l�I k A, l�' { / ��' s // ys \\°a�a4" / ' f^f/Ili( R t g I�Ea g ��{ g4r$ € ' ! i / in" t g r /1" ii s \NA 4 ` ea'a�s✓ vr✓ ^ li a E i Ili/ B 12 M J� 4 ,Y``'A•dcfn� a�'av g' ! 'I f /�✓ f d> / / N/ / : :g we man m�romee�a mum Ix 0 • 9z.s. .., OFop.L RECORDS NOWNE q A ,. i W� � > 8 4.240,PAGE H7 41‘1. ��A � r/;fA .s,, > FE rias.R.v.... � g t I .... POINT OF REFERENCE ( �� .• .. /P >°�✓ _f rt' A.E e t i , .•,. •..• I' I.r" _- _.Y�"pI^-°F`SPC'p' 'yam ��t'�::...'t r .I .. J I WTBgrna r,THE MEMO ' PReErna a NaTHH.AY nWT acwa aTmauzYNow .� \� "w.4�.a" a ,,,. $b +.r�..mTLm —... -' �. ._ al.., v^G_IE L`s- y:. ."W . _- .4 -1....• q - mom Pm sma • NaFAR n Of MEW.UNE IE.R iumax � Q• ��2MM w ,aM C '. 520 00 OF A E ARAM r�2Eam — — pm me .,a ',�'�t>- g_ - 4E—_. _ ..g.., qq n.... 2. 11 $t 0 R of-0 # d F 9 1---,_ `,fin ATLANTIC BOULEVARD (STATE ROAD NO A-1-A AND 10) (ROD PAYED RIGHT or WAY) Roos NA E zoom soE of capuURE t BCV-LOT HARDER 1828) RE mTHIS SURVEY WAS NE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ASH THIS INC. THE ORtt SHOWN HEREON APPEARS URVEAP To LE N ROOD ZONE.2.(AREA AS Sp111.1 ISCITOST BEST OUTSIDE OF 0.25 ANNUAL CHANCE ALs musAM MN ors - TLODOPLNN)AS WEIL AS CAN BE DETERMINED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE 12031C0.10101,REY.SEO x ,INE 3.R3. OTS FCR DUVAL COUNTY, _ xc RRsmicnas. TOPOGRAPHIC EROS,APITI.I,SOI. DONN W.BOATWRIGHT, P.S.M. Tow o,,,,0‘onryogyo.o.op000uo,olo,.o.,, FRONT.70 real FLORIDA UC.SURVEYOR and MAPPER No.LS 3205 ILWIW.VaI® To FLORIDA UC.SURVEYING w MAPPING BUSINESS No.IB Ben Ca II Of A Za-ION N.I IrtvsEn Fc''' x Iz,xwli CHECKED BY:tRLEF; LRARN s BY, BOATWRIGHT LAND SURVEYORS_ inc. 1500 ROBERTS DRIVE JACKSONVILLE BEACH FLORIDA !DATE; MAY 9,1995 ISHEET=OF� (904)241-8550 1,'F. _ , r 4t _.„. il tail Hi Ipi P Eli 9" :• 1 8 ills so riffs Ns t,.as y.I.. 9" Q� T g 4 ;, Mq ■_ , / DR r 1 = { \ �' \ RDAD z I� _I ij nil �Il 4 L• 1 .' I ate % I MI et MIME II 1 cE.9; {C{Qi 11111111 3. II ; m ti I -�® D ! I II r_ MIN 1 I iy E.9;0 MI I7 _ 11 jo I.� i MEM POEMS BERM MUM 1 O — Ir11111:11111M1 N j • I II amj I, irj IMi ��, E.9; E"• \ '\ l ' I fel I _ - 5.1 s - -m1�_ ig --m11 - =-.o'~- 4.9; s m —111' 0_ {i°1 1 -_• • II 7 MI IMO 5 I 3 RAl101irrIECTURO Atlantic Self Storage .4t1>;1,::::.:i• r WEE.r.LSE BM e DIFFEEEN 00EGm70411« 1089 Atlantic Blvd. SkECnlalomEOm*S Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 NV1d 800 14 se, --.1.---,,o Eb. FIV ...- ? ummunm .... si-ttl V, -trt1'7==''••=••.11 1-34. ..-m A'Vnk iNnIP,,,,,I,1n17AY,,,., AMTiIr WO li" "PI" .... '.. '. „.. .0-.• a....• i'F-s:':i' 10'-• 4'.Id ' a 1 vamp+.1...0.1 Cr ,Qii '''''' .:LYAMAIN !.,:, El El 0-.:), ', 4 , .4, •: .. -iiTECINIE-1 ti i.: la _ ._ ,_._ @ ..:. ..._1 _ ..,,....!; . • 0 c>..... e., _`Fp.am 1 ..sil .::-"Xill,.. ram, ...... .... ... ..... .,... •,,•I . _ . 8 0 .... OVAIK 3 00,40 W.. 061,A, OPIO .7c. i .0 0'' 411 ill .1 7' 7Er -won. o z,-.1 -.•aktu.„ ®.4,1F 1„ • ... ., ,., , 4 ., 1 Via --,,,G .... 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Eli 4 i —IV— _ ez ) 167 l 11 11 IP 01 1( pp( sir I i$ii I 181 il 11 IllIII111111II1111111111 [II,: 1 ,i p ,, p 1( 1,1 4 I pil __ lid i '9 Atlantic Self Storage 'DE PR-FERrf a,SnialIC ti 1 I E J,;. r. i Sk.... 17, a• ,;moo�^vµ 1089 Atlantic Blvd. '"'r 2 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 m0,14„„,,, ,EP.�7i If (04 fWetriS Cor^rrerC141 CoN'!do. • 54,144,111:6 Atlantic Self Storage SW6143 SW6141 SW7035 SW 7005 47€ (/ We Blue Basket Beige Softer Tan Aesthetic White Pure While //7( O 15 e350,6- — _ 1 / TOS T �P • . U U ,' ATLANTIC 4"MODULAR BRICK ROWLOCK IIIII, SELF STORAGEEl 11 1 ' --- .iiW; rigour - �Z 4 , _. 3RD FIR ....... _ +� m 4"MODULAR MIMI = BRICK VENEER / - .. - FIELD COLOR L. v2ND FLR .. _—..--_ .. a --- =1111111111111111M1111: _ p .. . .., ISS' • 12112MI® on L IST FLR SOUTI-I ELEVATION