20181126 City Commission Meeting Recycling PresentationMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, November 26,2018-6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION BY: Abdul-Hai Thomas from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLLCALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor -Seat 1 Cindy Anderson, Commissioner -Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tern I Commissioner-Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner-Seat 4 Also Present: Brittany Norris, Commissioner -Seat 5 Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Russell Caffey, Director of Finance Phyllis Nadeau, Associate City Clerk/Recording Secretary 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on October 22, 2018. MOTION: To move Agenda Items 9A-9F and Items lOA-lOB before Items 8A-8F. Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Brittany Norris Consensus was given to move Agenda Items 9A-9F and Items lOA-lOB. Motion passed unanimously 5 to 0. 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS A. Presentation on status of recycling from Greg Huntington of Advanced Disposal. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Mayor Glasser introduced Greg Huntington from Advanced Disposal. Mr. Huntington presented a PowerPoint Presentation on The State of the Recycling Market which included the reasons for rising recycling costs and industry trends. He invited questions from Commissioners. All questions were answered. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. • Betsy Cosgrove spoke about the popularity and growth of "Deck the Chairs." and thanked the Commission for the City's sponsorship. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS A. City Manager's Report CM Gerrity announced there is a Code Enforcement Board (CEB) Meeting on Wednesday regarding a Special Magistrate. CM Gerrity informed the Commission that the City has budgeted approximately $24,000 for a Thor Guard System (a lightening detection system). He asked the Commissioners if they are still interested in pursuing this purchase. He announced the City is ready to send the pervious/impervious Ordinance to the City Attorney for a final draft and would like input from the Commissioners regarding ratio numbers by the end of the meeting. Discussion ensued about the Thor Guard System. B. Accept the 90-Day Calendar (December 2018 -February 2019) Consensus was given to accept the 90-Day Calendar. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kelly: • Reminded everyone about the Christmas Tree in the lobby at Adele Grage wherein an ornament can be chosen to purchase gifts for a deserving child or family. Commissioner Norris: • Informed everyone that she is not against acquiring park land (Johnston Island) for the City. However, going forward, she will push for comprehensive and finalized plans detailing cost sharing initiatives, accuracy about what can and cannot be done with the property, agreements and understanding amongst agencies that have a stake in the opportunity, and a thorough examination of long-term costs for Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Norris expressed her commitment to protecting the City's fiduciary responsibility to the citizens by properly investigating these types of opportunities. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Commissioner Waters: • Seconded Commissioner Kelly's recommendation to visit the Christmas Tree at Adele Grage. Commissioner Anderson: • Thanked the Staff for establishing the link on the City's website giving residents an opportunity to have trees in their yards declared "Heritage" trees and for the website information on obtaining a "Memorial Bench" for a loved one. • Expressed her gratitude for The Beaches Leader as it gives residents a forum to talk about what is important to them. Mayor Glasser: • Hopes everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. • Spoke about the success of the "Turkey Trot." • Announced a Christmas Tree will be put up outside of City Hall next week, and the lighting of the tree will be this coming Saturday. • Announced the upcoming CEB Meeting. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Building Department Activity Reports for August, September and October, 2018. Mayor Glasser asked if any Commissioners wished to pull this item for discussion. Commissioner Kelly expressed her wish to pull this item for discussion. She would like to inquire as to the process for checking the self-sufficiency status of the Finance Department. Russell Caffey, Finance Director (FD) explained the process for checks and balances with regard to the self-sufficiency of the department. MOTION: To accept the Building Department Report as presented. Motion: Second: Blythe Waters Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Moved By) Candace Kelly (Seconded By) Brittany Norris Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Board Member Review Committee Update Commissioner Kelly reported the Board Member Review Committee (BMRC) has chosen two dates in an attempt to establish all members for the new year. She will have further information once all the various entries have been received. 9. ACTION ON ORDINANCES A. ORDINANCE NO. 80-18-88, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES; AMENDING ARTICLE II, WATERWORKS SYSTEM, SECTION 22-27 CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE TO INCREASE THE CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE; AMENDING ARTICLE III, WASTEWATER SYSTEM, DIVISION SEVEN, SEWER USER RATES AND CHARGES, SECTION 22-166 MONTHLY WASTEWATER BASE FACILITY CHARGES TO INCREASE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BASE CHARGE RATES AND AMENDING SECTION 22- 167 SCHEDULE OF WASTEWATER VOLUME CHARGES TO INCREASE THE RATES FOR WASTEWATER VOLUME CHARGES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser opened the floor for Public Hearing. There were no speakers. She closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance 80-18-88 as read by title. Motion: Second: Cindy Anderson Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson (Moved By) Blythe Waters Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For B. ORDINANCE NO. 20-18-151, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2017 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2018, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance No. 20-18-151 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Second: Blytlle Waters Blytlle Waters (Seconded By) Candace Kelly (Moved By) Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Brittany Norris Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For C. ORDINANCE NO. 5-18-66, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, "PLANNING/ZONING/APPEALS", ARTICLE II, "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD" TO REVISE PROVISIONS REGARDING THE COMPOSITION, TERM AND REMOVAL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD; AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, "ADMINISTRATION," ARTICLE V. -"BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS," SECTION 2-131.-"REAPPOINTMENT TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES," TO ADD NEW SUBPARAGRAPH (C) TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE OF BOARD MEMBERS UNTIL REPLACEMENT APPOINTMENTS ARE EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers. She closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Kelly gave a brief overview of the initiative to streamline/standardize policies of all City boards and committees with a few differences being customized for the specific committee or board. The following were standardized: • Length of term. • The number of terms served. • Beginning and end dates of terms. • Resignation of board members requires notification to the City Clerk and the Chairperson in writing (added). Commissioner Kelly explained the change in the composition of the BMRC to include a fourth citizen and to exclude voting privileges of the individual committee chairperson. This committee originally had two alternates but this has been cut down to one alternate, and have emphasized that the role of an alternate is to attend meetings regularly in order to be ready to step in without notice. She invited CA Durden to explain why this has been added. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 CA Durden pointed out a typographical error on Page 2 under 14-17; "The alternate member are strongly encouraged . . but should read ""The alternative member is strongly encouraged ... Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers. She closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: To approve Ordinance 5-18-66 as read and amended by the City Attorney. Motion: Second: Blythe Waters Brittany Norris Commissioner Kelly stated the current BMRC has a fairly strong attendance rate and there has been no difficulty with meeting quorum. Therefore, it may be decided to leave the assignment of an alternate unfilled for a time. Mayor Glasser spoke about getting feedback from the BMRC members and they have communicated they prefer not to have any alternates. She suggested bringing up this issue at another time. Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Moved By) Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For D. ORDINANCE NO. 58-18-42, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VI, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 3, GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, SECTION 2-263(a), "BOARD OF TRUSTEES," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REVISE PROVISIONS REGARDING THE COMPOSITION, TERM AND REMOVAL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance No. 58-18-42 Motion: Second: Cindy Anderson Brittany Norris Commissioner Kelly stated this Ordinance has essentially the same provisions as far as aligning terms, i.e. a three term limit with January 31st being their breaking point. She explained this Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 General Pension Board will have one alternate trustee who was strongly encouraged to attend all of the board meetings and be ready to participate should another member be absent. CA Durden stated she had the attorney representing both pension boards review the documents and he gave the okay to go forward. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson (Moved By) Blytlle Waters Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For E. ORDINANCE NO. 58-18-43, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VI, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 4, POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, SECTION 2-302(a), "BOARD OF TRUSTEES," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REVISE PROVISIONS REGARDING THE COMPOSITION, TERM AND REMOVAL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Kelly explained, because this is a Pension Fund, it does not have an alternate, has a maximum of three (3) terms, handling vacancies and reminding members to communicate when resigning (a letter of resignation). Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: To adopt Ordinance No. 58-18-43 as read. Motion: Second: Candace Kelly Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson For For Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Blythe Waters Candace Kelly (Moved By) Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For F. ORDINANCE NO. 5-18-67, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 23 OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES; AMENDING SECTION 23-52, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE, SUBSECTION (c); "MEMBERSHIP, TERMS, APPOINTMENTS, GEOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS, COMPOSITION," AND SUBSECTION (e), "REMOVAL OF MEMBERS," PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Kelly reported this Ordinance is to streamline and standardize with three (3) year terms and three (3) terms maximum. It also clarifies a rule that members of this committee should not be a member of any other committee. CA Durden clarified, though this rule does apply to the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC), it may or may not apply to other committees. She also clarified the three (3) years and three (3) consecutive terms are following the expiration of the terms of the inaugural board members as those were very specifically set. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. • Sally Clemens pointed out that there is no statement regarding the requirement to be a resident. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing and asked the Commissioners to address Ms. Clemens question. CC Bartle addressed the Commission stating the change does not affect the section referring to residency. This is amending Section (2) only. The requirement of being a resident still stands. CA Durden stated Subsection (4) is applicable across the board and it is not written for that inaugural group only. It calls out geographical requirements and full-time residency as a defined term. It is addressed in Subparagraph (4) and this will apply to all future appointments to the ESC. Discussion ensued about the absence of an alternate for this committee. MOTION: To Adopt Ordinance No. 5-18-67 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Second: Brittany Norris Commissioner Norris: • Thinks what is here should pass, but for any other further amendments it should be given back to the BMRC and request insight from the ESC. Commissioner Waters: • Would like to come back later with an amendment for an alternate position for the sake of consistency. Commissioner Anderson: • Will approve what has taken a lot of work to get to the Commission at this meeting, and if alternates are necessary to make it all consistent, then have that done at a later time. Commissioner Kelly: • Is amenable to adding the alternate. Mayor Glasser: • Agrees with coming back later to amend this Ordinance as there are other issues relative to this committee that will have to be addressed, specifically district representation. This will be the only committee that allows a property owner as opposed to a resident. Candace Kelly (Moved By) Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters Motion passed 5 to 0. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS For For For For For lOA. Appointment to the Community Development Board (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser reiterated the Commissioners' vote to add one alternate with the Community Development Board (CDB). Mr. Tingen has been designated as an alternate and the 7th spot on the CDB is currently vacant. Mayor Glasser discussed having Mr. Tingen ascend to a full CDB position with the CDB Chair. She proposes the Commission appoint Mr. Tingen to take the vacant spot as a regular member for the unexpired term ending December 31, 2020. This would leave the alternate position vacant. MOTION: To appoint Mark Tingen to serve on the Community CDB as a regular member effective immediately for the unexpired term ending on December 21, 2020. Motion: Blythe Waters Second: Brittany Norris Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 8. Ellen Glasser For Cindy Anderson For Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS A. RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT TO OUTFIT FOUR POLICE FLEET VEHICLES DURING THE 2018-2019 FISCAL YEAR. CM Gerrity reported that at a meeting a few months ago, the Commission approved the purchase of four (4) vehicles. This Resolution asks the Commission to approve the purchase of the gear that goes into these vehicles. MOTION: To approve Resolution No. 18-48 as read Motion: Second: Blythe Waters Brittany Norris Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Moved By) Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. B. RESOLUTION NO. 18-49 For For For For For A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE RADIOS DURING THE 2018-2019 FISCAL YEAR. CM Gerrity explained the rotation every seven (7) years of police radios and this is replacing radios that are being taken out of service. MOTION: Motion: Second: To approve Resolution No. 18-49 as read. Blythe Waters Candace Kelly Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Blythe Waters (Moved By) Candace Kelly (Seconded By) Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Brittany Norris Motion passed 5 to 0. C. RESOLUTION NO. 18-51 For For For For For A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP PROVISIONS FOR THE CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE; AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS REGARDING THE TEEN COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CA Durden explained this is being done as a Resolution rather than an Ordinance because it was created by a Resolution and it is not a committee in the City's Code. Basically, the provisions state the standard three (3) years, the three (3) terms, and the expiration on December 31st. CA Durden informed the Commission that, during the course of writing the revisions to this Resolution for CARAC, a question arose as to whether or not the Teen Council is subject to Sunshine Law. The changes seen in Section 2, page 3, regarding the duties and the governance of the Teen Council are written specifically to be consistent with case law that provides that, if a group (or council) is formed merely to gather facts and information then that group (or council) is not subject to the Sunshine Law. Commissioner Kelly pointed out another Section in the Code which reads "Members of this committee may hold any other public office provided the power and authorities of this committee remain advisory only. " Discussion ensued about how the Sunshine Law effects different committees, boards or councils. Mayor Glasser asked about a section on page 2 of the Resolution, "Any member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without notice to the Director of Cultural Arts and Special Events ... " CM Gerrity confirmed the title is incorrect and should read ... "Any member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without notice to the Director of Cultural Arts and Recreation ... " MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 18-51 as amended for the title from the Director of Cultural Arts and Special Events to Director of Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Motion: Second: Cindy Anderson Brittany Norris Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson (Moved By) Blythe Waters Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. D. RESOLUTION NO. 18-52 For For For For For A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE MEMBERSIDP PROVISIONS FOR THE BOARD MEMBER REVIEW COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Kelly spoke about the Board Member Review Committee (BMRC) previously having four (4) members and the 5th voting member would have been the Chairperson of the committee. This Resolution removes the voting status of the committee chairperson and adds a fourth citizen to the committee. She deferred to CA Durden for the reason for this change. CA Durden stated this is done mostly for consistency, and the issue came up during the process of drafting this Resolution. One of the issues was having a BMRC member holding a position on another committee in the City because the BMRC makes recommendations and are ultimately serving in a capacity to assist the City Commission. There was also concern of having the Chairperson vote on who the next member of the same committee might be. This could be perceived by the citizens as a potential conflict. Therefore, the better choice became to simply have four (4) regular members and not have that 5th member be the Chairperson and constantly rotating. CA Durden explained, when there is an open position the Chairperson or any member can come to the BMRC and weigh-in if they wish to participate. A lengthy discussion ensued about whether to adopt the change in Resolution No. 18-52 and other suggestions were made. It was agreed to add an accommodation stating, "The Board Member Review Committee shall notify the Chair of the subject committee or board and request input on the subject appointment. " MOTION: Motion: Second: To approve Resolution No. 18-52 as amended. Candace Kelly Cindy Anderson Commissioner Waters: • Spoke about the importance of the City recognizing the Chairs' concerns about not having a vote. Commissioner Anderson: • Will vote for Resolution as amended to make sure all Chairs have a voice even if they no longer have a vote. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Commissioner Kelly: • Will monitor how this change plays out at the next few BMRC meetings and report back. Commissioner Norris: • Emphasized the importance of recognizing and being respectful to volunteers who commit their time to these committees. Going forward, she would like to come up with a better way to notify committee members and get their input before it comes before the Commission and changes are made. Mayor Glasser: • Talked about the complexities of standardizing policy and having vacancies that need filling in the meantime. She is open to giving this amendment a try as long as the Chairs have ample notification of the meetings. Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson (Seconded By) Blytlle Waters Candace Kelly (Moved By) Brittany Norris Motion passed 3 to 2. E. RESOLUTION NO. 18-53 For For Against For Against A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, MODIFYING THE TERMS OF CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION BOARD, THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CA Durden explained the Resolution came about from communications through Commissioner Stinson on behalf of the BMRC for the City's need to identify and track the terms of all members (when terms start and end). This Resolution is defined as such. Through the earlier act of the Commission appointing Mark Tingen as a regular member, CA Durden asks the Commission to modify Section 1 C, page 2, making Mark Tingen (name appears as number 7) as a member with his first term ending December 31, 2020. Further, number 8 would be the vacant position for the alternate member, ending December 31, 2020. This attempts to stagger the terms so that there is continuity. MOTION: To approve Resolution No. 18-53 with the amendment that Mark Tingen be appointed to the regular vacancy ending on December 31, 2020 and that the alternate member of the Community Development Board be vacant. Motion: Second: Blytlle Waters Brittany Norris Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Moved By) Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Seconded By) Motion passed 5 to 0. F. RESOLUTION NO. 18-54 For For For For For A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, MODIFYING THE TERMS OF CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD MEMBER REVIEW COMMITTEE AND THE CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Kellly stated this is a Resolution for standardization and streamlining. MOTION: To approve Resolution No. 18-54 as read. Motion: Second: Brittany Norris Blythe Waters Ellen Glasser Cindy Anderson Blythe Waters (Seconded By) Candace Kelly Brittany Norris (Moved By) Motion passed 5 to 0. For For For For For lOB. Commission/Committee Liaisons (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser reviewed the Commissioners' liaison positions with the various City committees and/or boards in order to determine which board or committee would best be suited to Commissioner Anderson. Commissioner Anderson requested information with regard to the duties of board liaison so that she is clear. Mayor Glasser explained the duties. Discussion ensued, and it was decided Commissioner Anderson will be the liaison for the Tree Subcommittee. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 CA Durden thanked CC Bartle for her assistance and hard work in drafting all of the various Ordinances and Resolutions on this Agenda. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER CMGerriy: • Asked for feedback on the pervious/impervious ratios so that the City can move forward. Commissioner Anderson stated she understood the issues with ratios, but she was more concerned about credits. Therefore, as long as the City is eliminating the credits that existed in the past, she is fine with any ratio the City may decide, including staying with the status quo. With regard to a lightening detection system, Commissioner Anderson would like to hear a presentation before making up her mind. Commissioner Kelly is comfortable at 40 percent but would be willing to concede to 45 percent. She spoke about different ways to manage the ratios, including updating calculations, private inspections, eliminating pools and pavers as pervious, and helping citizens maintain their swales/vaults. Commissioner Norris reiterated the idea of a drone for inspections. She thought it might be prudent to check into any type of new technology the City could use to track the status of inspections. As far as ratios are concerned, she is leaning toward keeping them as they are. Because the main issue is enforcement, she feels that lowering the ratio would not make much difference. She also agrees with getting rid of credits. Commissioner Waters agrees with eliminating credits. The City is putting undue strain on a storm water system that is destined to have larger and more frequent challenges going forward. She is also inclined to agree with 40 percent based on the recommendations from the modeling from the stormwater plan. Commissioner Waters would also consider 45 percent lot coverage. This is a minimal decrease if the City is willing to enforce something other than berm and swale, such as a French drain. She thinks the actual hard mechanism of the drainage encourages owners to keep up with maintenance in a way that berm and swale does not. Commissioner Waters addressed the issue of the lightening detection system. She would like to see and hear the presentation, but she is inclined to move forward with it. Commissioner Waters commented on not having enough room to grow tree canopies at the 40 to 45 percent ratio. She commented on the U.S. government report that coastal areas should expect more inundation with flooding. The City has a system that is already overtaxed and unable to manage what the City has now. To develop more means that development is outpacing the system the City has already outgrown. She feels it is the Commissions' job to be fiscally responsible but to also be responsible with the infrastructure and resources of our City and what can be done to serve the citizens. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Mayor Glasser touched on public safety and enforcing the City's laws 24/7. She spoke about enforcement strengthening by, and it's not feasible for the City to be keep track of residents' swales. She read the technical memorandum that was presented at the Stormwater Master Plan Update, "Local scale surface study will worsen due to increases in runoff volume and runoff rate from additional impervious surface coverage (whether building up to 40 percent or building up to 50 percent). "The additional runoff adds stress to local scale drainage ftatures that have already met or exceeded their hydraulic capacities. " "Our modeling assumes that all stormwater structures and roadside swales between structures are in a well-maintained condition. " "Surface flooding will occur more frequently and at greater depths as impervious surface coverage increases. " She, therefore, thinks the ratio should remain at 40 percent or 45 percent. It is her opinion that it is a responsible action for the community moving forward to lower the ratio for residential builds. CA Durden informed the Commission that if the City wishes to go into a home at some given point in the future after the work has been completed, a permit has been issued, and the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, language can be added to the Code stating the City has a right to do so in order to confirm continuing compliance. Discussion ensued regarding what types of structures can be added to a home at the 40 to 45 percent ratio. A decision was made to move forward with the 45 percent ratio. • CM Gerrity hopes to have this on the Agenda at the first meeting in January 2019 and at the Workshop on December 3, 2018 at 6:00p.m. Commissioner Norris: • Wanted to know if there is some type of reward (other than credits) for homeowners that focus on planting hardwoods to replace the canopy. Discussion ensued about monies in the Tree Mitigation Fund and whether it could be used to buy trees to give an incentive to homeowners to plant trees in their yards. • Referenced the Federal Report about climate changes and the impending impacts. She would like to have a Resolution declaring Atlantic Beach as one of the Florida coastal cities at risk and send it to our senators and congressmen. • Asked about communicating the updated Building Codes (whether this is a State responsibility or a community responsibility). CM Gerrity addressed Commissioner Norris' question and stated this is a FEMA issue, and the City is conforming to any requirements from FEMA. He also informed of the City receiving a $50,000 grant from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to study the City's resiliency (how we will be effected and how to help citizens be more resilient). He thanked PCDD Corbin for working with Langdon & Associates in securing this grant. Commissioner Waters: • Expressed her appreciation of our volunteers. Regular City Commission November 26, 2018 Commissioner Anderson: • Spoke in favor of drafting a Resolution to send to Senators and Congressmen. Mayor Glasser: • Would like to hold public (open) meetings to talk about bicycling and the connectivity between the City's parks via bicycle. She hopes to schedule a meeting in December. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 9:22p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: __ i /_l_:.tf_L./_J___;tf;____ __ Regular City Commission November 26, 2018