Planet Fitness ownershipJUN. 11, 1 5 APIT�30008 T[ON i�P Florida Departmer. of State Division of Corporations Electronic Filing Cover Sheet Note: Please print this page and use it as a cover sheet. Type the fax audit number (shown below) on the top and bottom of all pages of the document. (((H10000135054 3))) MOWM350$OAW Note: DO NOT hit the REFREgRMLOAD button on your browser from this page, Doing so will generate another cover shoot. To: Division of Corporations Fax Number (850)617-6380 From: 7- el Account Name : YOUR CAPITAL CONNECTION, INC.°s7- Account Number 120000000257 Phone (950) 224-8870 3?� Fax Number : (850) 222-1222 **Enter the email address for this business entity to be used for;rkuu uipj annual report mailings. Enter only ona email address please.,Vb-i Euai1 Addresst MERGER OR SEURE EXCHANGE SHOPFES OF LAKESIDE, INC. Certificate of Status 0 Certified Copy — —f Page Cattnt Estimated Cltarge 07' - X323.75 A Electronic Filing Menu Corporate Filing Menu 1 1 of i Help JUN 14 2010 rn �4 6/9/20101,07 PM' JUNt 11. 2010 3:25PM June 11, 2010 SHOPPES OF LAZESIDE, P O BOX 330108 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL CAPITAL CONNECTION FLORIDA DEPARTMENT;. STAM 32233-0108 SUBJECT: SSOPPES OF LAKESIDE, INC. REE: P95000086267 Na. 8856 P. � 2 We received your electronically transmitted dooument. Eowevez, the documnt has not been filed. Please make the following corrections and jefax the complete document, including the electronic filing cover sheet_ For each corporation, the document must contain the date of adoption of the plan of merger or share exchange by the shareholders or by the board of directors when no vote of the shareholders is required. IN SECTIONS FIFTH AND.SIX'TH TWO OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE, PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY ONE. IF CHOOSING SEAREHOLDER APPROVAL, THEN THE ADOPTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITHOUT SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL WOULD NOT HE SELECTED. THE NAME OF TEE MERGER CORPORATION 119 'Forsyth, Inc. EAS BEEN LISTED INCORRECTLY IN THE PLAN OF MERGER. IT IS SHOWING TEE CORPORATE NAME BEINC 119 Forsyth, Street, Inc. PLEASE CORRECT YOUR DOCUMENT-iCCORDINGLY. Please retturn your dormant, along with a copy of this letter, within 60 days --or will be cons3derad abandoned. � 1WiC:9 If yjRu a'any questions concerning the filing of your document, please calla�(B 245-6906. Oarldne Xonn._ FtegIab y ciaZist II t0 4.4 FAX Aud. #: E10000135054 Letter Number: 7102L00014521 'C "�;L P.O BOX 6327-Taliahassee,Plonda 3231 JUN,. 11. 2410 3:25PM CAPITAL CONNECTION NO, 6856 P. 3 T?�CS OF WRGER -o (Prom Corporations) The following articles oFmerger are submitted in accordance with the Florida Business Corporatron Act;'; -`•Ix � pursuant to sention 607.1105. Florida Statutes. ' � r. First: The name and,itrisdiefion of the survivi<na cotporatW; l�I�rme ,Lta:156 tion Secoodt 'Me name and jurisdiction of eacls m n coxpocation: Vale Document D%mber (trrtnowid soplicpb}e) Document N1 ! Qirky N cppliesbloj 119 Xorayth. Xnq. P040POD73943, xore Pronertries, Inc. Flor.itlp P04000028433 Protokore, Ino, Florida _ -. _-- . _ P96�RR§3418 old -Histo ,is` r4bert ie9 : tic „� OOa ,.� --Mir, mal.n -Urmet Pronarkles, Inc_ PlerCda ZQ,d aQ0A47Q„� Continued ng b►�-qp. Third: The Flan of IWelger s attach Fourth: The merger dW1 bowme eftedvo on the date the Ardcles ofMargerare filed whit tfte Florida .Department of State. (rotcr a opWfIc dau, NOTB; An e5ndve data cannot be prier tv the dax of Fling or more than 90 d%Ya 4M merger %le date ) Fifth; Adoption of Marger by twcorporatlon - (COMPIATZ ObMY ONE grA?EiMp.aNT) The Plan ofMerger waa adopted by dm sharcholdet3 of the survlvIng corporation or June •8, 2014-� The Plan Qf.Memv was adopted by the board of directors of the surviving corporation ora �- and shareholder approval was mot mquived. Shdh: Adoption of Merger by gMESIBu omporation(s) (UoWL TR OMY ONE nATXMtN) l _ I The Plan of Merger was adopted by the shambolders of die meWng emporation(s) on 64&:� 2wo The Ran of Miner was adopted by the board of directors of the merging ewrpmtion(s) on and shareholder approval was not required. (Attach aMslanal 1 vvU if rMaimrary) JUN.,11.2010 M5PM CAPITAL CONNECTION A&MLES S Off' MERGER. (Profit Corporations) NO, 8856 P. 4 The #b)iowing articles of merger are submitted in accordance with the Plorida $usiness Corporation Act, pursuant to aeatian 601.11.05, Florida Scatvtes. First: The natme and jueisd'totion of the "EXJ ias catpom on: . urwiction DammgM Number. (Ifknowa/ NPOiaable) Second; The name arz jurlsdiction of each Wrelan corporaflon. (CONTINUED) ly .Twsi t D�oc,x,0= hJumber (Irk"fi amutwe) Savennah Hist:orio Properties, Inc. Plorida P94000055390 Spxingfleld Acquisitions, xnc. r1grida P20000101366 _ Third: Tho Pian of Merger is attached. Fount; Tbc morgor shall become efioctivc. on the date the Articles of Wrger are Mad with the Florida Daps tment of Stats. ! 0 (fir a spcoHfw data NOTE: An e$ixtfve dote cannotbo prior to the etc of ;Ming or more than 9U drys after mcrgcr f1c date) Frith: Adaption of Merger by $oevivin¢ corporation - (tyol ONLY ONE s�cnzr>tI'r7 The Pian of Merger was adopted; by the sharcholden of the surviving corporation alt — kik The Plan of,Mer¢cr was adopted by the board ofdireatots ofthe aurviving corporation ou and shareholder approval vas not zequired. Sixth: Adoption of Merger bya Ee gg corporation(s) (COWMETE ONLY ONE SrATENE 0) r+ ����� The Pian of Merger was adopted by the shareholders of the merging cmporatSon(s) on t� The Plan ofMorgerwas adopted by dm board of directors of the merging corporatlon(s).on ul-A sltwvholdar approval was riot required. (.4rtaeh amournri sloeld {f rrecesaary) JUN.11.2014 3:25PM CAPITAL CONNECTION Seventh, 9YQDj&=U$.f 0RE4CH CORrDR&7jQq Name o#'Carmratlon Slynature of an officer or Shoppes of Lakeside. ono. 1 4 9 ZAXRyth- Kore Proverties lnc, Protokore; 10c. -�A Our historic Properties, Our Main Street Pxoperiiie O.U-U. Propertin i, InS-%—O Savannah Historic Brbpert iti h NO. 8856 P. 5 1";d or Z&%d Name of b0jyadual_8t Title President President President Presiditnt Pro trident President President President 9r.•ealakunt JUN. 11. 2010 3:25PM CAPITAL CONNECTION I NO. 8856 P. 6 Nora Subsldtaries r The -Wowing plan of merger is submitted in compliance w]tb section 607.1101, Florida Statutes, and in accordance with the laws of aay oftr applIcable Jurisdiction of iacorporatiork. MRST 'he name And j urlsdiodon for of tine $ corporation jnq. MOWS: hTM= �, oPP • fir. I�.KB3II]�. �Ic. �� SECOhM Mie dame and juriadiction of each inerang omparadow NOMM ZCiiodictien- 119 for5ytb, Inc. Kori Zh+ types_ Ina. _ _ _ Ejg d []ur Flisl Pronexties. inc. Floridg Our Maln StmAt Propertfa&-rno. D.U.R. Pro otir.& Inc_ _. a s Mori Lug- 33MMD, The terms W conditions of the merger arc as follows; loo fit @ Q�pz yd of MMM a + tint fntihe f i woudbbt,_the Agicles of h109MM9992And the MIMS ofthe „ JUN. ,1 i, 2610 3:26PM CAPITAL CONNECTION NO. 8856 P. 7 81t�,5.$�+i�ents.of tie th mamm gm = A T i in 091ma C :a ft[t4 -Ackpo 1 ir1Ot�CWS96 P Ed229100M 10; .. * Effe tuate this meraet (and mjv smendmc*ts to tids.Plan of Meraer as such is awr ved .. . JUN. 11.2010 3:26PM CAPITAL CONNECTION NO.8856 P. 8 , MAW= ill the Plap of Mc=ipr is introded to.cnnk UM aW third pp= ,am ri t. rem v. obligadon_or iia} M under or h=asoa of this scan. .-- - Ft]i]�tTA: A. The manner and basis of correcting tits intemts, shaves, obllgatioa% or other smwities of each merged party into the interests, shames, obUpdons or other sccurWas of the savivor, in whole or La part, into cash or other pmperty is as follows: * Ile shamheiders of the. merebm ewcotasiam &ball sunmcler_ in wA iwL to the surviving 0 Y -W 01AD kauumlalu IV aging Leo -q1 'hAaLm rendcrcdlmc1mncxi and the yaluDinL mberS.e# s b lcmdwR KlA�'nxm�+a "+irWiCGmd bs the pwar&. B. Tho manner and bases of converting thepja tate inmests,, shams, obligations or other securities of each merged party into the 4gbia to a W m the inWro &, ahmres, obligations or other securities crIthe survivor, in whole twin pact, atm cash or other property is as follows. "JUN. 41. 2010 3:26PM CAPITAL CONNECTION NO, 8656 P, 9 If a par arsbip is tiro aurv:ivor, the Marne and husiness addr m of cath 8631eral partner is as follows: SL&M If a, limited liability company is the survivor. the name and businesa address of each manager or mauagW w=ber is as follows: —Not Awlimb,16 g&VEMM: Any fit' that arc rcqu;zcd by the laws under wi-ich v=b other business tarifa► is formed, o rpWzed, or irrvo%porated are as follows: - - Now other 2M ntainrd hezein- —