1814 Tierra Verde Dr RES19-0123 Replace Door RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RES19-0123 ISSUED: 5/7/2019 800 SEMINOLE ROAD EXPIRES: 11/3/2019 ATLANTIC BEACH. Fl.32233 'F"UPI ALL WORK MU5T-MI+UKFII I4FI At—LI A& —6y6-e by CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. NOTICE:In addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be addit onal restrictions applicable to this property I I on tot, 'a Ic'ec., so 'Is P F ' In the pub ds cff.tth OT t may f. that may be found lic records of this county,and there may be additional permits required from other P. Is cc g gCv.m.. tl title'B. a A.t.,man. overnmental entities such as water managern.,It districts,state agencies,or federal agencies. - -- I JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT TYPE: DES I CRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION REPLACE DOOR $749.00 1814TlERRA VERDE DR RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF REALESTATE ZONING: BUILDING USE SUBDIVISION: CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER: GROUP: 1695425050 SEILVATlERRA COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: — BUTTERFIELD 4220 PLANTATION OAKS BLVD APT ORANGEPARK FL 32065 REMODELING LLC 1516 OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: MORRISON GUY 1814 TIERRA VERDE DR ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233-4527 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. ANOTICEOF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list. Container Cannot be placed on City right-of-way. FEES DESCRIPTION BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000�322 1000 0 $5500 $27,50 BUILDING PUN CHECK 455 0000-322 1001 a jM I STATE USES SURCHARGE 455-0000�208-0700 0 $7.00 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 411 0 TOTAL:$86.50 Issued Date: 5/7/2019 1 of 2 City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATIO�N NUMBER Building Department (To be assigned by ItheVilding DLepar7tment.) Boo Seminole Road -0 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-1445 Phone(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 E_mail: building-dept@wab.us Date routed: Cityweb-site hftp/A�coabus APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: I Gvlt rtment revier Yes -No I Rdi I g FTOFIMU�&,Zoning Applicant: Tree Administrator Project: C-)n 2- Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Revi#N fee Dept Signafd Review or celpt Other Agency Review or Permit Require of Permit Ved led By Date Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation .Johns River Water Managenrent District Any Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPUCATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Brppnovad. E]Denied. [:]Not applicable (Circle one.) Comments: (!��IDINO PLANNING&ZONING Reviewedby:— Mo�— Date:%Z-!o�2&9 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: E]Approved as revised. E]Deniedw E]Not applicable PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date:— FIRE SERVICES Third Review: DApproved as revised. []Denied. EINot applicable Comments: Reviewed by: Date:— Revised 05119/2017 UITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICE COPY 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,171,32233 offiec(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5845 JobAddress: 1814 TIERRA VERDE DR. ATLANTIC BEACH FL -PermitNumher: RU----,,[ q - o1z3 Legal Description 38-28-09-2S-29E SELVA TIERRA LOT 25 aK"I# 169542-5050 1 S ts�ftt � rT ValuationofWorkS 749.00 VloorArea hq W NIA Proposed�Vf,,k cooled ntn-hextedlicooled L) Class of Work(circle one): New Addition Alteration (� Moe Demolition pool/spa wi.dinv/Ax X , . M L) < 0 Use of existing/prefosed structure(s In one): Commercial esidenti < '0 E if"exi5ting strucure,is a fin sp Uie-r system installed?(Circle one):i;iPiQ0 <KD Lu - 13 Florida Product ASproval 4 00 ---FL#13�40.1 0 M != z rr— 00 Formultiplepro nets use product apprmna am C 0 LLJ P: < Dewribe in deWl the type of work to be perlomned- REPLACE EXTERIOR DOOR a M I., Q -5 U < tj cc Primorty O�Inforsonfloso 0 u, Narne: GUY MORRISON ...Address. 1814 TIERRA VERDE DR. W ChYATI ANTIC REACH SusuFL_ZipN2233 Phone 904-704-11370 E-Mail or Fax#(Option UJI W W W _;t Contractor Information: CorrEany Name: BUTTERFIELD REMODELING,LLC. Qualifying Agent: CLINT BUTTERFIELD x Address:4270 PLANTATION OAKS EILVD.#1516 ......City oRANrp PARK State F1 ZIP 32065 OfficePhone 5104-39.1-114119 Job Site/Contact Number qo4-13q-a4 q Factl State Certification/Regisuation# NSs-14 Architect Narne&Phone# Engineer's Nanne&Phone Fee Simple Title Holder Narne and Address Bonding Company Narne and Address Mortgage Leader Narne and Address Appleation kk kemby mack to obtain aormit to dooze work aod im-wil.boo, wob,.1,d, 77tkth�keoossseeeka �efa�.mitandd�allwo,4�illb,�,f,.dio or w,k is�. toki�d lWqd or b.�d,etedjo, W�.d oftkv,��� 0 work is 600nereed I totdrtiand that ,,00te ,ronia owl be re�wedjor Electric,, Work Pine-biv,sk., dA,Pdk TWJ, d At,Co.iffooke.,ew. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR 11"ROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING V6M NOTICE OF CONMENCEMENT. 1�po o' 'work will be comphed with wketh ed heeiw or.". M groo,,V ffa pertirt doer not�.to�ott —tY "r=aftag cook"Odoe re the led&�g OfCOM"'tt'rim prorezons of=y odaerfedaW,swe,or loca signaturcofo%incr -�4�3z Signature olcorrr-6�� Print Nme -G U YMO: F;LF�LSO N Print Norte MINT R Sworn to and subscribed before me Sworn to and an *bed before me this ]'I Day of Hvf-I I zo I C) 6 Day of 2047 d- 4�OA t42��� I . Pubk� Pexary Foul 0 V- RevisDd 01.26.10 M,61h,rml— We of Fbdda I ARQUEANNUGHES My Cwmissjon Expires 02101rMl T "�.�Canvnivsen#G(1214780 Cwmwsm No.GG 68713 Evires December 3,2022 RE: 169542-5050 1814 TIERRA VERDE DR ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICE COPY IFEIP, BAS 41 FGR -24-- OWNER, PLEASE DRAW A CIRCLE ON THE SKETCH TO SHOW WHERE YOUR NEW DOOR IS TO BE INSTALLED. INSURE YOU RETURN THIS WITH YOUR APPLICATION. FAILURE TO RETURN THIS WILL DELAY THE PROCESS. THANK YOU.