1612 Atlantic Beach Dr ERES19-0034 early power releaseEARLY Powu, R,AG r ANT & R,,;Lr,Asr,
�''Ieafric pQiYer is rcc resTed �o�vun�lertl a conditions ar?Cf terIns of flnsfu)fy executed Agreement 8c. Release
Pea2nlfi No. " q— A/ 3ervCcx Type (G"irc2e C)c}; f3verl?eud 1Ttlergrotind
_ �`e, tlr; errx1ef51gnecl Gencfxl Cvrth`ftetor artd'1?feahibiert,.ttrrderat;;rsd.�ncl ttgL•ee:
L `early i?iFcvcr" i$rtrely for 04r c0slrt(ctioit cumrenjeree, it is erre fegVirad. by Codes, urcl ,sloes oI
trisstrfule for 7 r3rat pit?s}iecEio3ts or flee CIp CertiBcafe of CJcxitpanc:),7WjAf must b6 issued be ore. aecup=ry,
era as-slfch i5 af-lbodmat-fio} Orflic Bid dFrrg OfrIciai
2. TJra GitY a£tlflgntle Beach will nmke a lSpeci�I. inspec#'son frhar io lilt carry pa�trcr ettergizirtg A11 ropgh
sm-SPECI=S rnustleave pdor•Appttowl, iuc uclingtlzeterl)aS8•CCft]FleGil4li5.
3: Or!cpprut4 ,or -tjssr of the D61Y u6nstntction Ware n, formAl irlo collwftites fraudulEnf, ltss of. fire earl
:c service. Sikh-aetiaM1 is erre-'SI - grOlzibifbd �1 per[M;Pd by jlv� Qy of A lerstlo Beach
Q:dfn4r:sft. violaEiirn of diirC Agiee
a;ie; notice.
mcilt Af" result i"'a regaEss tor. prontpl ramova� ore#eciric setvJce
4. "Eerly,Pmuer" release, alrfborltp is flee Blectriclan-?nd7ortlrs Gorttrxefaranci axtL+sfnat oecrtr before:
2t]u'iptnerkl, deveces a (I fixivresam installed (or blanked off) saFuly.
oery iscflmeeflo,ati btrol ari�icover,anti(JabelingregtilreditfindIrrspectlun}.
c.ervlce r brntecftat? anti grot nd:t is cctrsplete
e he elebtric sYtlerA hies safe y passed ibrppugh elec#rlcal cheek,
$. Meter cat: rs peia)aue>4ttyy ma& Suint to drm.
F TsrnpOMD r3dciress nurnilets 1sPlayed (P$rnfegenI [iVn?itg7x Ar6 required for CA%
.5. 'f his'felly completed form is in be.strimiifted to the afuldjng Aeparfnraitt by hand, mail ar #ax,
6. Yr mmstrch. Agreerr rnf� •%yill.l nt be j ceopfeci frnrti those.lYho vislttte any v:ie of Clic nbove fteans,
FIZ 7'Zti7AI1 1%J//If� A /1,,
8€lOScnrirrolcI,tarsd, Atlaitli�I3cticJt 327.33
PJ)bn= (9Q4)24,7SSSS 178x: (9R$jz4? 5845 l-4VY/-VftY.L�6*lz rcvfscd 41 k U -q