Exh 3AAGENDA ITEM #3A MARCH 12, 2001 Mazch 5, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Cit~Commissi FROM: Jim SUBJECT: Follow-up The following are responses to questions and requests for additional information that were made in rece[rt City Commission meetings. Storm water Information from Aikenhead & Odom; Stephen Kuti addressed the City Commission at the last meeting stating that he had received some incorrect information from Aikenhead & Odom in response to some questions he had raised about the storage capacity of the Selva Lagoon, and that he had. since received corrected information. He felt that the Aikenhead & Odom design was based on incorrect information and therefore was flawed. Mr. Kuti was correct in that the first response to his most recent request for information contained erroneous data. However, he was incorrect in assuming that the Aikenhead & Odom storm. water model was based on incorrect information. Mr. Kuti's request for information was passed along by myself to Aikenhead & Odom and wound up being assigned to one of the technicians. They started with some of the data from the software model and applied improper conversion factors to put it in a written form so that it could be returned to Mr. Kuti. Unfortunately, the supervisor at Aikenhead & Odom did not check over the information before it was sent back to me and I forwazded it to Mr. Kuti as it was received. Mr. Kuti discussed his contention about the Aikenhead & Odom model being based upon erroneous information with Bob Kosoy prior to the last, City Commission meeting and Mr. Kosoy explained at that time what had caused the error. Funding for Plavground in Jacksonville Beach; Atlantic Beach officials recently received a request for Atlantic Beach to contribute funds to a playground to be constructed in Jacksonville Beach. A question was raised about possible funding. from the City of Jacksonville Beach. George Forbes has advised that Jacksonville Beach would hold any action on this item'until the private fund raising activities aze concluded. It is recommended that AtlanticBeach hold off on any decision on this. matter until after Jacksonville Beach has take action. Meeting with YMCA concerning Feasibilitv/Market Study for Community Center; The Commission requested at the last meeting that Atlantic Beach officials arrange to meet with the YMCA and Join Together Jacksonville to discuss possible fixnding of the study. While the meeting has been scheduled, it has not occurred as of the date of the writing of this re~ort. A verbal report should be ready by the time of the Commission meeting on Mazch 12 .