Exh 4Ac p) ,.. _.....-- -,__... ._ _. .._ CITY OF ATLANTI[.B EACH ~f OR ... ,,.,. PERIOD ..,, ,.~, .,., ,._......~.,~_ r~~~ , FROM 2/01/01 TO 2/28/01 I"' u PROGRAM-0L-4221----- -- --FOR -A6L-DEpAR-T-MENTS--- - ~~ LIC - CT Rt - BUSINESS NAME ISSUED TYPE CLASS oESCRIPTiON t._.. _. _.______---_-__._BUS-INE-SS-AOD-R-€SS_--_________- __-__-~._. __--OWNER-NAME--_- BLS-RHONE - -i L" BUS CITY ST ZIP ~- OWNER ADDRESS ---_ ~~': __ _ -- _ 01 04986 4808 BESTWESTERN MYPT INN & SUITES 2/02/01 _ NEW 5235 HOTEL/MOTEL/ROOMING HOUSES ' ~- ~j 2389 MAY PO RT RD KIRIT PATIDAR -KIETH- -904- 435-3500 ' --- •,.i --~--- AT-L-ANTIC-B€AGN-, FL- 52233-- - ---2389--MA-Y-RO RT--RD-, ~ATL-hN-T-IG~€A-C-N,-F6-3~2233~ ~ ~"'' r'' 01 04987 4072 CALL NAILS 2/02/01 NEW p625 NAIL SPECIALIST -!,___ _ ___ -__ 124-5-MAY-PO$T~D-- --- ---_-- ---_DL ONG-, _60-I-V-AN--- _oOL=-,247=38-11 ~ i'-,~~ ~ - ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 766 PLE A.S URE BAY -0RIVE, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 ._. ~,1--- 01-049&84,^7-2-C-ALA--NA-IL-S 2FO b/-01 --ME:1-~-P-62-5-#A-bI-S~R€FL AI-LST ~ ('.~ 1245 MAYPORT RD ~ DUONG, LOI VAN -904- 247-3811 - I".'._.__. - ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 _... ___ __ _ ._ _ 766 PLEASURE HAY DRIVE, JACKSONVYLLE, fl 32225 __._ ~~ "~ 01 04989 4810 JAMES WILSON SERVICE 8-REPAIR 2/14/01 NEW 5070 AUTO- SERVICE/REPAIR - 1251 CARNATION ST JAMES D.. WILSON - -904- 735-3903 -- --------- ----hT-L-AN-T-I-G-&€AGR,-FL-36233 ~---~--- --1-231--CARNAT I-ON-~ST-.,-AEI-AN-T-I-C-e£~AG-H,-F~-3 ~2~33-- ~° O1 04990 4811 ~ TOP END IMPORT PE Rf ORMRNCE 2/20/01 NEW R030 AUTO PARTS/SUPPLIES "~_... ._._-__._ -___ 1454--MA-Y-R4R-T~-D.-- __._____--.- ._.~Y-LE R.-_B AI€MA1J_-_ ~-_ _ _ _. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 1700 SEAGATE AVENUE -195, NEPTUNE HEACH, FL 32266 ~""-- ~ i -01-04337- L8-12--ATE-VE!S-BR-EA~D-SHOP - -2-L 1~6 L0-1--- ---NEW--R~035------BAKE~tY--------~ .. ``° I`~ 469 -1 ATLANTIC HLVD CHRISTINE M. SMITH -904- 247-6644 - ATLANTIC BEACN, FL 32233 605 N. 11TH STREET, JA% BEACH, FL 32250 01 04992 4686 LAURENCE HIGGINS SERVICES 2/22/01 NEW 5165 DELIVERY/MESSENGER SERVICE 1`'0 1908 CREEKSIDE CIR LAURENCE J. HIGGINS -904- 241-1059 !"~._._- A21_a tLT_V-0.FSLN-_f_I-iJ7l L_ .__ -]911R-_f~FFIC STJI.F-f_TJt_-AT_L4NT TP~fdfA-E1 l7~iS _. __. _. - -_-. O1 04993 4813 CHRISTINE LESTER 2/22/01 NE W 5150 'CONSULTANT, NOT OTHERWISE [LASS IEIED "~ -- -62-5-EAS-~-COAS-T-DR -- -CHR-LSTI-NE-L.ES-TE.R -9-04=21.-7-2261 -. ATLANTIC BEACH, Fl 32233 625 EAST COAST DRIVE, ATLANTIC BEACH, fL 32233 1350 CAMELIA ST TERAY WHISBY - -- - ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 1350 CAME LtA ST, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 01 04995 4616 EDWARD ~L EE PAINTING 2/23/01 NEW 5360 PAINTING/PAPER HANGING 275 B ATLANTIC GARDENS CIR EDWAR D LEE - -904- 249-0280 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. 275 8 ATLANTIC GARDENS CIR, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 01 04.996. 4817 LISA SPARKS CLEANING 2/28/01 NEW 5145 CLEANING/JANITORIAL/MAID SERVICE - - -__-._ _ : _20-2-0-6AK-EVd-EiI--C-T---_~_.-_ -__ ..._. __._.. -_ ..._-__L_IS-A... S PARKS-____--._~--901r -247 ~$7-~ I ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 2020 LAKEVIEW CT, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 y a --~-Oq-114A-9-7--~~ -L-898-- --SURFAC-E-~{€H-N060G I-ES---------- --2-F28/-0~1-- ----~.N EW- 5323-----MI-S-C. SER-V-I-GE-ES3-AUL-IS-MM€NT~--0LOT~-IS1 E-D- 95 1 LEVY RD BARRY MCCOY -904- 241-5491 ~ z i ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32°33 4531 GRASSEY CAY, ATLANTIC OEACH, Fl 32233 ~ ~ 01 04998 4819 VALCOM DRIVER LEASING, INC. 2/28/01 NEW 5185 EMPLOYMENT-AGENCY !~ ~-] .380 AHERN ST JAMES e. MOORE -904- 242-0073 N tl1 -- ---- - -A-T-6-ANCI-C-efrA-C-H--FL~223-3 ---- ---401- M C C-OL-L Upr-C-I-R-NEf-TUNE-e£A~H,-F1-3-2-266 o ~ A --- _ -.-_-__-- -.- ____-__.-____ -_-_-- -__._-__ -._-_-_.~ _.. _...__ __ ~^--~\ ~ _------_-.- ~ (. ~r PREPARED3/02/01, 12-11-31 LICENSE ACTIVITY REP OftT - NEY~LICENSES CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FOR PERIOD FROM 2/01/01 TO 2/28/01 ~~ ---PROORAN-ON22i------ -- --~---FOR- AL L- DEPARTMENTS--~--------- ~~ LIC - CTRL - BUSINESS NAME ISSUED TYPE [LASS DESCRIPTION BUST NESS-ADONL SS - ---- OWNER-NAME- /- '~ - BUS CITY ST ZIP OWNER ADDRESS TOTAL NUMBER OF NEY LICENSES- 73 :Ewe-;Nac-u-v~ - ~.-a _-- -- - ~ HEN, PAYMENT PENDING- 1 - HEY, ACTIVE- 11 - TOTAL NU NBER OF LICENSES PROCESSED- 93 TOTAL, INACTIVE- 1 ---- - TOTAL-,-PA-YMENT-pENU-I N6- - -- 7 -- _ TOTAL, A[TI VE- 11 - PAGE 2 - .. ~ ~ ry - ~, a "~ ~ _ N Ixy N O O ~k F+ A PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT (D)=DESIGN ENGINEER DEPARTMENT _ (CE&I)=CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (C)-CONTRACTOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. AND INFORMATION STATUS ON 3/5/01 1. Village of Mayport (D)=USCG &JEA Force main installation and tie in for Coast Guard Station has been completed. (CE8c1)=JEA & Public Works The lift station is 92%complete, installation of sanitazy sewer is 90%complete, Design - 100%complete (C)=Petticoat Contracting (to USCG Station) and the force main is SO% complete. Roadway work is 90%complete, drainage is (C)=United Brothers (North of USCG Station) 50%complete, water is 100% complete, and electrical conduit is 70%complete. Construction - 75% complete The scope of work was increased [o add substantial electrical work and drainage. Received permit application for new pump station and force main at Coast Guard Station on 212/01. 2. Core City Stormwater Project CORE99 Received 75 % design plans for Sherry Drive on December l 1, 2000. Staff (D)=Original by England, Thims & Miller reviewed and submitted comments to consultant. City Commission approved Preliminary Redesign - 100% Revised Preliminary Design by The subconsultant agreement on 12/l l/00 for wetlands, water quality, and surveying. complete R-A-M Professional Group Staff approved subconsultant agreement for geotechnical and sediment analysis. Sherry Drive Design -100% Re-Design by Aikenhead & Odom Received digital terrain model information on 2/1/01. Received 100% Sherry complete Drive plans on 2122/01. Had presentation for City Commission on 2/26/01. Overall Redesign - 20% Downstream Design - 20% 3. Core City Sanitary Sewer PW0002 Completed 1" thru 9th Street. All driveways and sidewalks are completed, with Improvements Project (D)=Public Works the exception of 6`" through 8`"Streets. (CE&I)=Public Works - Design - 100% complete (C)=lnsituform Technologies, Inc. Construction - 85% complete 4. Wonderwood Connector Utility (D)=The R-A-M Professional Group, Inc. Traffic transferred to new bridge over Puckett Creek. Contractor completed Relocation (CE&I)=JTA, JEA, and Public Works setting hangers under bridge and the force main piping on north (with the (C)=Superior Construction Co. exception of expansion joints) and south side of bridge. Monitoring settlement Design - 100%complete at the east side of Puckett Creek Bridge, and will pressure test existing 12" line after settlement. Construction - 90% complete for Atlantic Beach portion Y .7a 7 - ~ 2 n C .,. 9 ~+ ,,, N N r O ~ '/ S. Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment (D)=Eder Engineering New sludge holding facility design is 100% complete. Awaiting Plant Expansion (C)=Meadors Construction Ca recommendations on solids handling from Camp, Dresser & McKee prior to (CE&I)=Gannett Fleming Engineering advertising for bids. Design - 100% complete Construction ojExpansion- 100% complete Construction ojSludge Facility - 0 6. Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer (DrGee & Jenson This project includes [he Master Wetwell at the Atlantic Beach Plant, Sewer System Improvements - improvements [o Fairway Villas and Park Street Lift Stations, force main improvements on Donner Road, and abandonment of Shangri-La Lift Station. Design - 100% complete - City Commission approved transfer of funds for project on I/8/01. Received Redesign -10% negotiated redesign proposal on 2/2/01. Met with consultant 2/26 to finalize redesign. - 7. Town Center and Atlantic Blvd. (C)=Trim All LawnService Commission approved contract to Trim All Lawn Service on 1/8/01. "Kick off" Median Landscape Maintenance meeting held 1/23/01 and contractor began work on 2/1/01. Trim All placed crimson stone at islands near Sea Turtle. Design - 100% complete Construction -Ongoing 8. Widening of Atlantic Blvd. (D)=H. W. Lochner, Inc., Pilings have been finished, substructure is complete and concreteand steel girders Bridge FDOT have all been completed. Expected completion date of new bridge has been (C)=Superior Construction Co. advanced to mid-May 2001 and traffic will be transferred to new bridge at that Design - /00% complete (CE&I)=Reynolds, Smith & Hills time. Work on existing bridge will then begin. Construction - 60% complete 9. Mayport Flyover (D)=Pittman, Hartens[ein & Assoc. - Received Department of Health clearance to make final tie in. Scheduled to JTA complete early in January 2001. Final inspection was held on 1/26/0 ]. Flyover Design - 100% complete Connelly & Wicker for Atlantic Beach Contractor began onPier S on 212/01 and closed inside westbound lane on (C)=Superior Construction Co. ~ Atlantic Blvd. for approximately 3-4 weeks. Modified eastbound lanes on Construction - 30%complete (CE&I)=Public Works Mayport Road -widening and curb and gutter in place. overall, 100°/u far utility JTA relocation Utility Design - 100% complete 10 Utility Improvements 2000 (D)=Gee & Jenson Engineer submitted proposal for redesign. Engineer submitted renegotiated Design - /00%complete (C)= proposal on 2/2/01. Met with consultant on 2/26 to finalize redesign. Redesign-10%complete (CE&I)'=Public Works Y yn > [y C .ti". Y y N 1~" N N O O ak ~•• L a 11 Beach Renourishment (D)=Army Corps of Engineers Project has been rescheduled to begin in the winter. Funds were approved by City of Jacksonville on I (/28/00. Start date will be determined by Army Corps of Engineers. I2 Water Master Plan (D)=Camp, Dresser & McKee Began digitizing As-IIuilts and performed site visit to water plants on 2/5/01. City staff being trained to input data, learn GIS and facilitate transfer of information [o City in the future. CDM has performed site visits at all plants and is obtaining information for efficiency analysis. l3 Mayport Jr. Enlisted Men Family (D)=Prosser Hallock Received 100% plans and sewer permit on I/26/Ol. Holding permit until Housing - 100 Units (C)=Beneco Enterprises, [nc. ~ maintenance of Nary Lift Station issue is resolved. Permit application signed on "JEM" 2/27/01 and transmitted on 3/1/01. ~ ~ y r=f 7y d x ~ ~. N y y~y N ra O O 7t r~ P a AGENDA ITEM #4A MARCH 12, 2001 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5455 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5828 FAX: (904) 247-5849 SUNCOM: 852-5828 httpaJci.atlantic-beach.fl.us March 1, 2001 To: Jim Hanson, City Manager From: Timmy Johnson, Recreation Directd~ ~~J~/ J Re: Usage Report, Community Center, February 200.1 Jim, here is a recap of activity at the Adele Grage Community Center for the month of February 2001: Theater (Room A) Group/Event No. of Mtgs/Events No. of People ABET Set Bldg/Performances Rehearsals and Workshops 16 700 Narcotics 4 50 Receptions/Board Meetings 7 100 Totals 27 850 Meeting Room (Room B) Group/Event No. of Mtgs/Events No. of People A.A. Meeting 8 65 Board Meeting 3 40 State Attorneys Office 1 15 CribbagelScrabble 5 25 Totals 17 145 .. -~ AGENDA ITEM #4A MARCH 12, 2001 Summary of Donner Park and Jordan Park activities: • Donner Park held its Senior Woman's during a Friday morning arts and crafts session. Later that day, Eight members returned to the center and held a discussion about struggles of African-American's in the 60's, the Civil Rights movement and Desegregation • Donner Park sponsored its first Senior Citizens lunch at Ryan's Steak house on Atlantic Blvd. The lunch was served to show appreciation for the volunteer work that the Seniors provide for various events and activities held at our community center. Donner and Jordan park children held a Valentine's Day celebration. The children exchanged Valentines cards and candy. Refreshments were served during a afternoon tutoring session. Black History Month Discussions were held at Donner Park. The children discussed famous African-American explorers, inventors, musicians and artists. Hot Dogs, chips and punch was served. • The Donner Park Cheerleaders performed at FCCJ Kent Campus for its Annual Black History Month Celebration. This year the children participated in a Brain Brawl and a Spelling Bee. • Basketball Season. has begun for Donner and Jordan Park Community Center. Three games have been played this season. Other Adele Grage and Parks & Recreation activtes included: • Attended bid Opening for Re-Surtacing of the Tennis Courts at Russell and Bull Park. • Met with Atlantic Beach Elementary School on Contract for Athletic Fields. • Planned, set up and scheduled events for Annual Camp-Out Under the Stars festivities. • Met with Karen Sadler regarding the planning of this years programs conducted by Artlife Productions. The first in the program series was "Jazz at the Grage". This was held on February 23; approximately 30 people were in attendance. Refreshments were served. • Oversaw construction of new storage building at Russell Park and new construction of Jordan Park Community Center. • Oversaw Seminole Road tree project. Trees have been planted and project is completed. • Attained quotes from Vee project for Sailfish Drive and Francis Avenue. • Maintained landscaped areas. • Completed weekly city manager reports and Webpage weekly report. • Held departmental staff meetings, attended commission meetings, performed web page updates and weekly reports, answered phones and all other necessary functions of office.