MARCH 12, 2001
TO: Jim Hanson, City Manager
City Cormnissioners
Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director
FR: DeJean Melancon, Chair Recreation Advisory Boazd
RE: Skate Pazk Recommendation
The Boazd met on February 27, 2001 to discuss Questions regazding the construction of a
Skateboard Park. The following responds to the questions submitted by the City
Manager on Jan. 24,2001.
1, Quesfion: Should the City construct a facility specifically targeted for kids
utilizing skateboazds in Atlantic Beach?
Response: The majority of Boazd members voted "YES"
2. Question: Where should the facility be located?
Response: The majority of the Boazd was in favor of Russell Park. It is central to
the core city, space is available and it provides fire and safety facilities neazby.
Both the Tennis Players and Baseball Members expressed concern for the
potential of increased vandalism and damage to existing facilities. Jordan Pazk
was also identified as an alternate location.
Question: What equipment should be located in this facility, what size would the
facility take and how much would it cost?
Response: Prior to the meeting Board Members questioned individuals in the
community and several families attended the Board meeting held on Feb.27. The
following provides some beginning guidelines that should be further reseazched;
• 50x60 azea maybe too small. A series of winding sidewalks and smaller
skill azeas may be preferable to a single large area,
• develop a "street course" with obstacles (grind poles, small jumps, etc.)
instead of a lazge pad with several small jumps,
• jumps should be challenging and not exceed Oft. in height,
• use a "poured concrete base" instead of prefab materials. This will allow
for greater creativity in the overall design and be easier to maintain.
4. Question: If such a facility were built, would the kids presently using Bull park
voluntarily use it?
Response: Yes, most individuals said they would prefer to skate at a location
intended and designed for skating. It was suggested that posfing of signs and some
level of enforcement be considered.
5. How much use would a new skateboarding facility in the alternate location get?
Response: A tremendous amount.
6. What other issues should the Commission consider?
MARCH 12, 2001
• The skateboazd park should be "challenging" for ages 5-15 years. Other
facilities aze available for more advanced skating.
• Will the skateboazd azea be lighted?
• What guidelines can be established to protect the existing Tennis and
Baseball facilities?
Board Recommendation:
• authorize the Boazd to assemble a Design Team comprised of Boazd
Members, Community Members and Staff.
• develop a Skateboazd Park Design with prelinilnary pricing information
during the month of March
• provide recommendations to the Commission by the 2nd meeting in April.