Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM #8A MARCH 12, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Application for Use-by-Exception to operate a Cabinet Shop at the northeast corner of Jackson Road and Mayport Road. SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, Community Development Director ,(~~ ~ ~ DATE: March 6, 2001 BACKGROUND: The applicant desires to construct a Commercial building on this site and operate his Cabinet Shop there. Cabinet Shops aze permitted by exception in the CG district. The proposed site layout is sufficient to accommodate parking and landscaping as required. The applicant proposes to comply with all applicable pazking, setback, and landscaping requirements of the CG district. The Cabinet Shop use is compatible with the CG district, but the close proximity of residential properties prompts Staffto recommend the conditions of approval include daylight hours ofoperation only. Staff also recommends that vehiculaz access be from Jackson Road only. BUDGET: None. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board recommends approval of the Use-by-Exception with.the conditions, that the business hours of operation be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. only, that all parking, setback and landscaping requirements of the code be met, and that the driveway entrance to the pazking lot be from Jackson Road only with no curb cuts on Mayport Road. ATTACHMENTS: 1}Application for Use-by-Exception 2) Staff Report to the Community Development Board 3) Minutes of the Community Development Board Meeting of 2/19/2001 REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER:^`. AGENDA ITEM #8A MARCH 12, 2001 Plvaev Type or Print in Ink ~ App~p..~e,~r~t'~ APPLICATION FOR "USE 8Y EXCEPT_IDN• '~ City of Atlantic Beach ~7 Building ancJ Zanin$ Date Filed~_~,J~o%~_ Name and Address of Orner or Tenant 13.~~ _~N~.r~a~o _C~------------- ~C.L~.soll~lt~J.~._~~.t3Sff_7_F~A_---- in Possession of Premiseef Phone Nork t _y~,GY/.t/¢__./_ J _rq~11 ______ Nome ~ ~1_L-__ ~~..L~__-"-- Street sddrees and legal description Pi the. premise. es to rhioh the •Uee by Exoeptian•~i^requested~ --- -------- A desoription of !ha •Use by Exception" desired, rhioh shell rpeaitiaally and particularly devoribs the tgper ohrraatar ^nd extent o.f the proposed "Vee by Exoeption•t ~' t3ix1~L _-~6Ln_?___~..Q__1~>~1J..~TY_--lS.N_~_~~E__11c~_,LS,.o.P_P~~.Fr ., n ,. Speaillo reasons why the appliaent 3a~ls the request should be grantedf r~1?L~6_T__SHoYS_~(/~_.~5LL11~8~.. ~L~!~A_~.~_.,lly _.~~~ .f,~~1tB_~_------- =.c~,~ _~.~s.N1~?__~1_pis.€_13~t_.~YS.~P~~.rt---~-~1'~~' _~~Lt_t~` Qg -- ~d~_~D~__~la.T _ztf~_~.~.~ _Dx~cF1~~ _.~1s2* T_ sQ~ilit:~--____-- „LILL1~__~tld2__t~.~Y.ro.S __I.~.E-,~'-_~ s~_`l_J2~~CL~~.f~~~ 5 _1~~.1?rtX~----- Zoning Classifiaation~~Q~~p FgC~L_____~____-___ i ~/Y1[JJ ' Signsture of ^pplioent/applicant's S~natur~ner-oS the property. suthorized agent or atkornay. IS Application osnnot be processed agent or. attornsy~ inolude letter rithout orners signature. ' Sror ^ppliaant to that e3Ywl.~ Applioant~ Da not'Sill-in beyond thii paint. Hoverer, be prepared to :eCy .~: Lna 1 Lhfu fr, Il1uC 4. IF, U.,nnvi'.. !:c1.!a (, Jr..•n!Enl; to :hr plat LSi. vnf ror u[d ~J In P7n[ IIun4. 1't pn:Ca W ~ ~o and 146 Cf Lhr Ca rtcr.t I'ubl is Itec urd. uC fu c:al Cocr,[y, flnriQa. N .„ x ~ a ~ -nf: Ne :~Jn Y. c:.ltl• ::.ir i, C~~ i•isa Cur[fa and 4:unY.c: Inc. _ - ~... I h.•r ci.y t.•fi.i Cv Liia[ :i.c i.. :.js inr:n ~ td Su:vcyprs and Yl unn cra ~ - hrrc„n vr:r >d r~rT rdunu cr ^v ::oYcrv i~i•vi [:: c:::r:i~:,'f ii is i I•ur+uunt to CL:ipi cr•: UJi E'1 u:'i'_a ~( JAC kSanf 1112, :'lu[ida. J??0? L.'.i fi?",:1^ SSS4-L,^r S.n:u [vs.; /~ _. Y:l r (" it~d A. Itn;f, R.L.S. ~o. ItIS'. S[atu of 41 nri:u t i I r'h/>D ~ O/ I t„-, i ~.,• .o ~.• iQ 1 ~ Lor'-6o I •~r. r. .a.~ . ~. -~._ ,v t a. ~:_~~_ __ to :e• ~ .. ' D6' t/-llC/ ~•~r, ~ II r ,{ , NArcR ~ _ x` ,/ ' ~ ~.sd P/+c~ ;: .~' P~72/{ ~jv I (2r:~E,vriool I~ ` p~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ N I _ ~~ O ~ JR\ •ql@~If II ..I' ' I~ luT1- 1 lv• I luT - I - •T u7 W M V I a .,• I ~ )' N I ,~// , q J 4 _ ~, r ~ t i~ ~.;.. cr~~ll ,c .' ~ c„ yO• -i`~ I ; I sp. I E c' .. ' T _ lLLI u ~-cu... d (o Z.3 SET 50.e.., o YAJI. If '. - , A c IL~s Ord ~ o A'.D (a=' e.~~.,j AGENDA ITEM #8A MARCH 12, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: February 20, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: #4. a. Application for Variance to construct a new home on nonconforming lot and requesting side and reaz yard Variances at 1625 Beach Avenue. The applicant appeared before the Board at its Last meeting and requested time to revise his application. He still proposes to remove most of the existing building and construct a new home. The foundation of the existing structure will remain and be used for the new structure. The lot is 42 feet wide and 75 feet deep where the, minimum lot dimension required is 50 feet by 100 feet. The proposed building will be a single-family dwelling.. The new proposed structure will be only slightly shorter than the existing, but it will be stepped back from the street to reduce the apparent mass of the building. It will include a side entry garage rather than a front entry directly off of the street. Because of the change.. to side entry, the' building will be closer to the street than the original proposal, however it will be further back than the existing building. The applicant has shifted the building away from the north property line to provide the minimum five-foot setback as requested by the Board. This shift does not include the sub-grade garage area as the existing foundation is still to be used. Staff s position remains substantially the same. The applicant has. one or more hardships not of his own creation that aze related to the land. First; the lot is substandard. Second the practical necessity of building on the existing foundation limits the location of the structure. In consideration of the fact that obvious land related hardships exist on the applicam and in recognition of the efforts of the applicant to mitigate for some of these violations, Staff recommends approval of the Variance allowing construction of a Sinele-family home on the existin bg uilding foundation with a 10 foot front setback, a Five foot minunum north side vazd setback, a minimum four foot south side Yazd setback and a minimum one foot rear vazd setback. AGENDA ITEM: #5. a. Application for Use-by-Exception to operate a Cabinet shop at the northeast corner of Mayport Road and Jackson Road, in the CG, Commercial General district. The applicant desires to construct a Commercial building on this site and operate his Cabinet Shop there. Cabinet Shops aze permitted by exception in the CG district. The proposed site layout is sufficient to accommodate pazking and landscaping as required. The applicant proposes to comply with all applicable