Exh 8CAGENDA ITEM #8C MARCH 12, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONER MEETING STAFF REPORT ITEM: Appointment of Pension Board Member SUBMITTED BY: George Foster, Human Resource Manager DATE: Mazch 5, 2001 BACKGROUND: In October 1999, the City Commission establish a "joint" General Employee Pension Board and a Police Employee Pension Boazd to comply with Florida Statutes. The term of office for members on the General Pension Boazd is established as a period of four (4) yeazs and for members on the Police Pension Boazd, a period of two (2) yeazs with members able to succeed themselves. Members of the each Board elect a Chair, Chair Pro-Tem, and a Secretary from the five (5) Board Members. Following aze current Boazd Members: General Boazd Member (Appointed) Member (Appointed) Member (Elected) Member (Elected) Member (At large) Vacant Tony Downing Tim Townsend Jeri Benjamin Harry McNally Police Boazd Vacant Tony Downing Henry Bartle Dale Hatfield Harry McNally As one of the two members appointed by the City Commission has resigned, appointment of a new Boazd member is required. FUNDING: This action should not result in any additional direct cost or funding. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission appoint a resident of the City of Atlantic Beach to be a member of the General Employee Board to serve until October 11, 2003 (the remaining period of the four (4) yeaz term) and to serve on the Police Employee Boazd until October 11, 2001 (the re,,,a;n;ng period of the. two (2) yeaz term). ATTACHMENTS: Joint Pension Boazd Chart CITY MANAGER: ~-- AGENDA ITEM #8C MARCH 12, 2001 JOINT PENSION .BOARDS GENERAL BOARD POLICE BOARD 1. Appointed by Commissioners 1. Appointed by Commissioners Note 1 (Currently Vacant) Note 1 (Currently Vacant) 2. Appointed by Commissioners 2. Appointed by Commissioners Note 1 (Currently: Tony Downing) Note I (Currently: Tony Downing) 3. Elected by General Employees Note 2 (Currently: Tim Townsend) 4. Elected by General Employees Note 2 (Currently: Jeri Benjamin) 3. Elected by Police Note 3 (Currently: Henry Bartle) 4. Elected by Police Note 3 (Currently: Dale Hatfield) 5. Selected by Board 5. Selected by Board Note 4 (Currently: Harry McNally) Note 5 (Currently: Harry McNally Total for Joint Board =From seven (7) to ten (10) members. Seven (7) if members I, 2, and 5 are the same. NOTES: 1. Must be a legal resident of the City of Atlantic Beach 2. Must be a active general employee and a member of the Plan. 3. Must be a active police officer and a member of the Plan. 4. Chosen by a majority of the four Boazd members. Must be a legal resident of the City. 5. Chosen by a majority of the four Boazd members. Does not have to be a legal resident of the City. COMMENTS: 1. Term of office for Bazd members will be: a) 4 years for General Boazd members, and b) 2 years for Police Board members. 2. Boazd members may succeed themselves. WP//gatY/MyFiles//PensioNBoaM-'Cable-03-05-2001