Exh 8DAGENDA ITEM #8D MARCH 26, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CTTY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Seminole Road Beautification SUBMITTED BY: Tim Hanson, C~,1Yj~ er ;~~ DATE: March 20, 2001 BACKGROUND: The Oceanwalk Homeowners Association has approached the City for approva} of a project to beautify the west side of Seminole Road between the two Oceanwalk entrances. The Homeowners Association will install an irrigation system and provide the water from private wells, install sod, plantings and flowerbeds. They are requesting that the City provide some assistance in clearing underbrush from the public right-of way, providing a couple of the green boxes that have been placed at the beach entrances for holding bags for dog droppings, and that the City continue to mow the grass. Some additional maintenance from the City for existing. sidewalks may also be needed as part of the project. This effort should improve the looks of the public right-of-way and would require relatively little assistance from the City outside of normal maintenance activities. Because of heavy workload, City crews will not be available to do the clearing, so using a contractor. may be the best alternative. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission approve the request-from the OceanwaIk Homeowners Association to make landscaping improvements on public right-of--way on Seminole Road. ATTACHMENT: Letter and drawing from Bob Wienberry dated March 14, 2001. BUDGET: The cost of crew time for cieazing the underbrush and .additional items is estimated to be less than $2500. AGENDA ITEM #SD MARCH 26, 2001 March 14, 2001 City of Atlantic Beach ATTN: Jim Hanson SUBJECT: Seminole Road Beautification Your letter dated March 2, 2001 In your response to questions in your March 2, 2001, letter, we are hoping this letter clarify all points. 1.Irrigation system -Ocean walk wiIl furnish the irrigation system and water will be supplied from Oceanwalk well. 2. Sodding and maintaining - Oceanwalk will sod and seed in where necessary. We will furnish and plant flowers,-trees and shrubs to beautify the area. We will maintain flowerbeds. City of Atlantic Beach would mow right of way. 3. Landscape drawings -Attached is a drawing of what we would like to do. The main help we need from the City is cleaning the area of vines, scrub plants, and weeds. 4. Signs -city needs to install `No Pazking' and `No Littering' signs. Oceanwalk will notify all area homeowners in regards to littering and pet waste. 5. Litter Boxes - Can the City of Atlantic Beach supply these? 6. Sidewalk -some areas have washed away, need sidewalk repair and need fill dirt. Can the City repair the sidewallc and supply fill dirt? Oceanwalk will supply sod or seed for the areas. Bob Wienberry a~ W --f- ~ S O t2A~ WAI!{ BAGK ~nlTJLArIG~ 11 I!'P~~/}rld~ _~ I ~ r ' . ~, ± I -~ a' ~ S _ ~ ~ 3, Som2 .~, I) l.~' AYeNrdp{ f 4 6 i p~ w.a 1 k ~~ g[ ~ in ~ ! ,ToMQ bCrrM I•i ~lG r1^Fid.J ~~` Z ' -r'low~../ - Shra hr a {-G 1 11 ~~ r r j i ~~ / /~ ` 7 ~r tw rN. I NO~ RK.,.~ G f 5 A R ~ r, J ~ i ~ ~ (`i i i ! ~ l ~ ~ 4 L. >. ., L~ lier~r'f .nS,~t ~ a ~ j ~ ~ Y L ~ ~ ~ 5 r ~ >- i ~ 3 4.. ~ I ~~ i i as ~ ~ _o ~ , S a ~ i, ~ ~, f o ~~ ~ ~ a ~ ' e Q ~ ,of ; ~ ~ ~` i s ,,,~~ -- C i a r:] xa N N a y~: N ? O ~ O OC `~ C Q a1 W 0 1~, W - J O cer~,~ ,,.~ A t K ~'fO,~l ~ .~ rJ ~}'i AnJG 2