Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM #8A APRIL 9, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Application for Use-by-Exception to operate an open storage business for boats and RV's at Mayport Road and West Fifth Street. SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, Community Development Director ~~~ DATE: Apri13, 2001 BACKGROUND: The applicant desires to operate a business providing storage for RV's and boats. The proposed Use is to be conducted in an open area covering the majority of the block. The storage of vehicles in the CG district has been interpreted in the past as a use similaz to limited wazehousing as provided in Sec. 24-111 (c) ("n. This request is somewhat similar to the outside storage of vehicles permitted by Exception at Pan Am Mini-storage. The vehicles will be stored for varying lengths of time in a secured azea. Staffbeiieved that the proposed use could be accomplished in a manner that would not degrade the immediate neighborhood through cazeful placement of landscaping. It is likely that the economically viable uses of this land will be limited by the Flyover construction now in progress. However, the proposed use could create a negative visual impact and will also produce some vehicular traffic to and from the sits. This property abuts a residential district on its western boundary and the storage of vehicles is rarely perceived as a compatible use adjacent to residential lots. BUDGET: None. AGENDA ITEM #8A APRIL 9, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board reviewed this proposal and recommends approval of the Use-bv-Exceptions with the following conditions: 11 The site must meet or exceed all landscaping code requirements especially the buffer requirements between uncomplimentary uses. 2 Pazking spaces for customer's vehicles and vehicle storage must be clearly marked on the site. 4) The use be granted to the applicant only and for this site only. 5) West side lighting must not directly light the residential property to the west. 61 The Exception must me implemented within 9 months of approval or it will lapse. 7Ly chainlink type fencing will be of the coated type. ATTACHIvIENTS: None. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: L/~~ AGENDA ITEM #SA APRIL 9, 2001 Plaaae Tgpe or Prlnt~in Znk ~ ~ Applicatlvn Pee x100.00 i ' APPLICATION FOR "USE BY EXCEPTION" ~; ~~ Data Fileds___.r___r._._.__..._______ k~~7, ~ ~ ;~~ _ ~~ Ram a d Address of Orner or Tenant in Pveseeeion of Pre6tS~eTYi ~tIe~11t~G BedCt6 ~~i I~i'o _~~'Lt~h~ ~~__ lCEft'G~- ~!(l~ih~ ~„~ zF~~~a Phone Jl~ c.,i (e~avd ~iUlV' ~" f L J~ Cny _- ____ 4~_ (3~~~.e d~ + ~jq _ J3aa sU __ R~'"et --- a_1 ~! _7_~'?1' ------- Street addreea and legal description pf the praeiaew as to rhieh the •Use by Exception"is requestedi~~ - ~ ~ ~ . A description oiths •Use bq Exoeption• dseired, rhlah shall apaoiiivally and partioularly describe the type, .ahereeter and extent ai the proposed •Uev by Exasptian•t - .j_c~ _~'~ used ~ r_ ~h.~ _~.~~Q~.t _~' boaf~ R v 's ~~ he GamDl~.f~,lu '~ ~.!'Y~I'YFu Llgh~'r'nG.. Specific reasons rhy the ap lieantieels. the request should be granted _~ti~~ t~ _ -Fh~~~__-~G c~~e_~ __Yhaf__u~,ll_ ~-e,__! i h~i f~ ~~ - - -5~ r^ ~ ot~s~~ (~ Fee _ f ~r~,fc1 _b~_G~r~ 5 }~ra~c Y ~Ja~~S__- ~VT~_1T~-~..e..__L~~~_~fi~_~h- ra~~~ ~~ i l___ ---- ~ ch ~e~du(., Zoning Clsssification~_ ~_~_____~__~.____ ___- ~/J~ Signalure ofy ^pplivent/applicant's 3lgnature of ortter ot/the property. authorized agent or attorney. Zf Appliestion aa~inot._%be proceeeed agent ar attordsr• include lrtter ritheut ornery sign~tbrv. ' froa applicant to that efiaot. AGENDA ITEM #8A APRIL 9, 2001 SECTION 24-49(1)6. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES RERUIRES THAT TFIE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD FIND THAT THE FOLLOWING EXIST IN ORDER TO GRANT YOUR VARIANCE: 1. Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other l ands, structures or buildings in the same district; 2. The specialconditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the owner or applicant; 3. A literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by ;other properties in the same zgning district and would work unnecessary end undue hardship on the applicant. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, TIIE BOARD WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN DELIBERATING UPON YOUR REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE: 1. Will granting the variance confer any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same Zoning district? 2. Will the variance requested be the minimum necessary to~ make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure? !' - 3. Will the requested variance be in harmony with tiie general intent of the Zoning Code? Will it be injurious to the area or detrimental to the public welfare? .. .4,: 1.. 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