Minutes - 04-09-01MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2001- PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Meserve at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation gzven by Mayor Meserve was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of March 26, 2001. Commissioner Mitchelson stated that his intent was for the city to be able to revoke the occupational. license of a business selling alcoholic beverages to minors, not to revoke the state alcoholic beverage license: He requested that the words "state alcoholic beverage" be stricken from page six, the third paragraph from the bottom, and replaced with "city occupational." Motion: Approve the minutes of the March 26, 2001 Commission Meeting as amended. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: A. Reynolds, Smith & Hills with report regarding revitalization of Mayport Road corridor Mayor Meserve indicated representatives from Reynolds, Smith and Hills were meeting with the Jacksonville Electric Authority to resolve some last minute problems concerning the proposed lighting for Mayport Road and the report would be presented at the next meeting. V V O O T T E E S s M S O E T C T O Y 0 N E N N' D S O COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X Y. NLTTCHELSON X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- Apri19,200L J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive reported that the Publix Shopping. Center had added two handicapped parking spaces to resolve the problem reported at the previous meeting. Mr. Marchioli supported the proposed. pay increase for the lifeguards and the establishment of electoral districts. Alan Potter of 374. Second Street stated that April 10, 2001 would mark the fifth year since the bond issue for the still uncompleted core city project. He suggested that the city change its policy to receive citizen input on such matters. Bob Totter of 275 11th Street reiterated his position favoring the establishment of voting districts and hoped the Commissioners would vote in favor of the request. Sally Clemens of 1638 Park Terrace West also favored voting districts and hoped it would be included on the October ballot. Pat Pillmore of 995 Camelia Street commented on or made requests concerning the following items: (1) Requested assurance that a bicycle path would be constructed on the west side of Mayport Road; (2) requested assurance that the Plaza Road intersection would be repaired prior to construction on Mayport Road to allow access to Marsh Oaks, (3) suggested that. a traffic light be installed at the end of the flyover, (4) suggested the city consider constructing a parking garage on the old. Pic `N Save site to alleviate present and future parking problems, (5) expressed concern regarding the column for the flyover which has been constructed on top of the old overpass, and (6) favored voting. districts, but felt the representative should not be required to live in that district. Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive supported voting districts. 3. Unfiniished Business from Previous Meeting A. Follow-up report from the regular meeting of March 26, 2001 (City Manager) City Manager Hanson summarized his written report and stated that the report on the alcoholic beverage violations would be presented at the. next meeting. His report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Occupational License, Public Works and Recreation Departments (City Manager) OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N 0 Minutes Page -3- Apri19, 2001 B. Award annual contract for Electrical Motor and Pump Repairs to Industrial Equipment Services pursuant to the rates submitted in Bid No. 0001-10 (City Manager) C. Award contract in the amount of $6,693.00 to American Landcare for palm tree trimming pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0001-14 (City Manager) D. Award contract for cleaning and televising sewer lines to Metro Rooter at the rates submitted in Bid Nos. 0001-13 and [1001-15; reject all bids received for emergency sewer pumping and jetting as submitted for Bid No. 0001-15 (City Manager). Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A-D as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: There was no action on Resolutions. Action on Ordinances: There was no action on Ordinances. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Action on an application for a Use by Exception filed by Atilli~o and Cathy Cerqueira to operate. a business for the storage of boats and recreational vehicles on property located at the corner of Mayport Road and West Fifth Street, also described as Lots i-7, Block 32, Section H, zoned Commercial General (CG) (City Manager) Motion: Accept recommendation of the Community Development Board and approve the use-by-exception filed by Atillio and Cathy Cerqueira to operate a business. for th.e storage of boats and recreational vehicles on property located at the corner of Mayport Road and West fifth Street, also described as Lots 1-7, Block 32, Section H, zoned Commercial General (CG). (Subject to OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORLVTO X X MITCHELSON X WATERS X X MESERVE X BORNO X MITCHELSON X Minutes Page -4- April 9,.2001 the conditions that (1) The site must meet or exceed all landscape code requirements; especially the buffer requirements between uncomplimentary uses, (2) parking spaces for customers' vehicles and. vehicle storage must be clearly marked on the site, (3) an additional landscaped buffer, equivalent to that required for uncomplimentary uses, should be placed along the Mayport Road frontage of the property, (4) the use be granted to the applicant only and for this site only, (5) the west side lighting must not directly light the residential property to the west, (6) the Exception must be implemented within nine months of approval or it will lapse, and (7) any chainlirik type fencing will be of the coated type. Commissioner Waters stated that he would like to ensure that a proper landscaping buffer would be provided along Mayport Road to block the view of the storage area. He stated that before voting on the request, he would like to see a landscape plan which included some large trees. Commissioner Mitchelson felt the shredded shingles proposed for the parking area became impervious with wear and inquired if any on-site water retention was required. It was reported that shredded shingles were considered pervious and no on-site water retention was required. Discussion ensued concerning the landscaping of this site and its "impact on the proposed revitalization of the Mayport Road corridor. It was the consensus of the Commission that the site should be buffered from view from traffic on Mayport Road. Motion: Defer action on the request to the next meeting or whenever the applicant submits an exact landscape plan lfor Commission review. There was no more discussion and the motion to defer carried unanimously. B. Authorize PBS&J to prepare and submit a grant application on behalf of the City under the Flood Mifigafion Assistance Program, with related fees not to exceed $10,620.00 (City Manager) Motion: Authorize PBS&J to prepare and submit a grant application on behalf of the City. under the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, with related fees not to exceed $10,620.00. OMMISSIONERS M O T I 0 N S E C -0 N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X. BORNO X MITCHELSON X' X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X ITCHELSON X X ATERS X SERVE X Minutes Page -5- Apri19, 2001 There was no discussion and the motion tamed unanimously. C. Approve new pay scale for lifeguards and authorize incorporating lifeguards into the new City pay plan when it is completed (City Manager) " Motion: Approve new pay scale for lifeguards and authorize incorporating lifeguards into the new City pay plan when it is completed. City Manager Hanson explained that in previous years the lifeguards were not included with the other employees for cost-of-living adjustments and the current pay scale was making it difficult to hire and keep good lifeguards. He indicated that the lifeguards would be included in the new pay plan with the other employees. The recommended pay scale is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Commissioner Waters inquired how the hourly rates for the pay scale were determined. Chief Thompson explained that the figures were based on three 3% per year increases for lifeguards and two 3% per year increases for senior lifeguards. Discussion ensued and Commissioner Waters felt the proposed pay scale might still be too low. Commissioner Bomo agreed and suggested a starting rate of $9.00 for a trained lifeguard. Additional information was requested and Chief Thompson indicated he would provide wage comparisons with Ponte Vedra and Hanna Park for the Commissioners.. However, to expedite matters, so the lifeguazd positions could be advertised, it was the consensusof the Commission to approve the pay scale as presented. The Commissioners agreed to revisit the request at the next meeting to determine if a higher pay scale was needed. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. D. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract with M.J. Altman Companies, Inc. to provide collection services for the City (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the City Manager. to negotiate a contract with M. J. Altman Companies, Inc. to provide- collection services for the City. Commissioner Waters inquired if the company's references were checked and the methods used to collected bad debt. OMNIISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X MITCHELSON X X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X TCHELSON X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- Apri19, 2001 Finance Director VanLiere indicated that references had been checked, and the cities using M.J. Altman were very satisfied. He briefly explained how their services would be used by the city. It was reported that the collection fees would be deducted from the payments and the city would receive 65% of the amount collected. Commissioner Waters requested an annual report of the money collected. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports: In addition to his written report, City Manager Hanson cornmented on the following items: A. Repast regarding landscape code issues City Manager Hanson explained the current "trigger" for the landscape code requirements was.50% of the value of the current .improvements on the site and the land value was not included in the determination. It was suggested that the "trigger" level be lowered and it was pointed out that there were no statutory limitations controlling the regulation. Commissioner Beaver requested that the matterbe referred to the Community :Development Boazd for a recommendation. No one objected to the request. B. Customer Service Answering Machine City Manager Hanson reported that a new telephone system had been installed in City Hall and the answering machine in Customer Service had been removed and customers now spoke directly to a service representative. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. City .Attorney to report relative to procedure to establish. electoral districts City Attorney Jensen stated that the procedure to establish electoral districts was set forth in the Florida Statutes and must be accomplished by referendum. He indicated that the matter could be placed on the ballot by ordinance or a petition signed by 10% of the registered electorate ofthe city. City Attomey Jensen further indicated that according to recent Attomey General Opinion, the electoral districts OMMISSIONERS M -0 T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -7- Apri19, 2001 would be established according to current precinct lines. The Jacksonville City Council would have to approve any change in district lines, if the city chose not to follow the current precinct lines. A brief discussion ensued and Mayor Meserve expressed concern that electoral districts might prevent some good people from running for office. Commissioner Borno pointed out that the Commissioners set policy for the entire city; not a district. Commissioner Waters • Referenced a letter the Commissioners received from a resident on Francis Street concerning drug problems in the area and requested that the city work with the residents to keep drugs out of the. area. • Inquired if the hump in the pavement on Plaza would be removed. Mayor Meserve indicated it would be removed but a definite date had not been set. • Felt the Commission should work toward providing restrooms for residents using Bull Park. • Felt someone from the city should'speak with representatives from the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) about installation of underground wiring iri the city. Mayor Meserve suggested that JEA representatives come to a future meeting to discuss this matter, however, it was pointed ouY that Southern Bell would not pay for underground telephone lines. Commissionier Mitchelson • Reported that the Teen Council had chosen a winner of its $1,000 scholarship from the seventeen applications received by the deadline. The winner will be announced on April 17th. Commissioner Borno • Reported that the First Church of Christ "Jesus at the Beach" event would be held on May 6th from noon to 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Beaver • Complimented the city on the upkeep of the Atlantic Boulevard medians. ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -8- Apri19, 2001 Mayor Meserve • Asked the Commissioners' thoughts on proclaiming Apri123 - 29, 2001 National "Turn Off TV Week". • Indicated that he had received input from the Northeast Florida Board of Realtors concerning the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance which he would give to the City Manager. Mayor Meserve reminded those present that a public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance would be held in Atlantic Beach Elementary School on Monday, April 16; 2001. City Clerk King stated that an overview of the proposed changes would be published in the Beaches Leader on Wednesday, April 11, 2001. There. being :no further discussion or business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. John Meserve MayorlPresiding Officer Attest: Maureen King " Certified Municipal Clerk OMMISSIONERS M O T I 0 N S E C O N D Y E S N O