Exh 3AAGENDA #3A April 23, 2001 City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach City Commission Staff Report Agenda Item: Lifeguard Pay Date: April 12, 2001 Submitted by: David E. Thompson, Chief of Police/DPS Background: At the Apri19, 2001 City Commission meeting,. members of the Commission expressed concern that the pay that was proposed and adopted by the City Commission would not be adequate to a"ttract and keep.good lifeguards. The Commission requested a follow up report on the matter to assure that we were going to be competitive at the rates adopted on Apri19, 2001. A review of the lifeguard pay scales in "the northeast Florida area indicates that our rates are competitive. Atlantic Beach does not have the highest pay scale in the area, but neither do we have the lowest. AtlanticBeach pay rate is well above Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach pay rates. The following lifeguard pay rates have been obtained from area agencies:. Ponte Vedra Hannah Park Atlantic Beach Neptune Beach 1st Yeaz $10.00/hr $9.00/hr $8.7411rr $7.75/hr . Jacksonville Beach $7.25/hr Senior Supervisor Unk Approx $13.50/hr $9.75/hr $13/hr $9.00 $10.28/hr $8.75 $11.25/hr $8.25/hr $14.28/hr As expressed in the previous discussion relative to lifeguard pay, staff was concerned with losing some of our senior, most qualified lifeguards to Hannah Park and/or Ponte Vedra. Our senior lifeguards were making $8.48/hr, and our lieutenants were making $8.96/lu. They could have gone to work as starting lifeguards in Ponte Vedra and Hannah Park and made significantly more money: The increase in pay scale approved on Apri19, 2001 should provide adequate compensation to keep Atlantic Beach competitive. The lifeguards understand that a pay AGENDA #3A Apri123, 2001 and classification study is underway, and when it the study has been completed, the City can address the pay scale at that time. Budget: No Impact based on. the staff recommendations Recommendations: Staff recommends continuing with the pay scale adopted on April 9, 2001 Attachments: None Reviewed by City Manager: ~ Ag da Item Number: