Exh 4BAGENDA ITEM #4B MAY 29, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Construction of Church Road Water Improvements - 2001 CDBG Bid No. 0001-18 SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Public Works Director Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Duect~ DATE: May 21, 2001 BACKGROUND: This project consists of the extension of the water distribution and sewer collection system on Chtuch Road from Mayport Road to George Street. Also included is an additive alternate for storm drainage improvements on Ardella Road. Twenty-one bid invitations were sent. Seven contractors met prequalification requirements and attended the mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2001. Bids were received on May 16, 2001, and three contractors submitted bids as follows: Descripfion Gruhn May, Inc. Jensen Civil Construction Miranda Contractin Subtotal Base Bid -Church Road Water/Sewer $143,758.23 $140,795.00 $120,528.70 15%Contin en $21,563.73 $21,119.25 $18,079.30 Total Base Bid $165,321.96 $fl61 914.25 $138 608.00 Subtotal Additive Alternate 1 - Drains a Im rovements on Ardella Rd. $33,960.60 $25,015.00 $36,015.15 15%Contin en $5 094.09 $3 752.25 $5,402.27 Total Additive Alternate 1 $39 054.69 528 767.25 541 417.42 TOTAL BASE BID PLUS ADDITIVE ALTERNATE i 5204,376.65 $fl90,681.50 $180,025.42 BUDGET: Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $149,000 aze available to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Awazd the contract to construct the Church Road Water Improvements Project - 2001 CDBG, for the Total Base Bid only to the low bidder, Miranda Contracting, in the amount of $138,608.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bid tabulation form. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER----_._ BID H0001-18 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CIIURCII ROAD RATER IMPROVEMENTS-2001 CDBG MAY 16, 2001 3PM Required Documents: Callaway Gruhn-May Jacksonville IS Jensen Civil Miranda Ryan Easterq Petticoat Contracting Construction Construction Contractiog Inc. Contracting Three (3) copies of Bid Forms & Required Documents - ORIGINAL Insurance Certificate ~ t/ Bid Bond (5%) ll t/ Utilization and Affirmative Action Plaq Appmdix"Fr'SecUOn3 Proposal in nccoid°^^•wiW 14 CFP, Pvt - / 1 / ~ - / / 135 (/ _ v . (/ Signed copy of Documents Requirements ~ - Cbecldist ~ ~ ~ ~/0 Subtotal Base Sid j 2 ~ O 9S p p ~g''o 15 Percent (15%) Contingency of Subtotal ~ / ~S 0 930 Total Base Bid z ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~3 ~o~ 0O Subtotal Additive Alternate Bid p ~ ~ BOO 3 D ~/ ~ 15 Percent (15%) Contingency of Submta! 1 09 .3 7s , J~ 02.7 Total Additive Bid pS~/o f ~ 8 7G , as y yi7 Y~- ~. ; -: °" Total Base Bid Plus Additive Alternate ~ aO 376. (n5 ~ ~ D w , s0 ~ Q ~LJ• ToC Bid award subject [o Department analysis and award by City Cortmvssion a 47 d ~G Y '~ trl N O O 3t [b