Exh 7CAGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 May 29, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 20-O1-51 amending the Fiscal Year ended September 3Q 2001 Operating Budget Date: May 21, 2001 Submitted By: Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director Background: During the first half of the fiscal year there were events which were not anticipated or that occurred causing a need to adjust the budget. The following adjustments are proposed and represent numerous transactions covering the first half of the yeaz. Most adjustments aze the result of items that the City Commission has already acted on and aze awaze of. The following is a description of the adjustments that the attached budget ordinance addresses.. In order to eliminate duplicate descriptions for the adjustments that affect multiple funds, I have described the adjustments below in consolidated form 1. To create a budget for the proceeds of the previous auction. The total receipts were just over $49,000. 2. To create a budget of $100,000 for the dune walk-over projects to be funded by the City of Jacksonville 3. To provide $81,000 for tbe Acquisition of the additional six lots at Rose Park that. was budgeted last yeaz, but did not roll due to delays in the closing ofthe sale. 4. To move the budget for the various functions of the Beautification Division of the General Fund to other divisions under the control ofthe department heads responsible for the related expenditures. This includes moving gardening and related expenses to Pazks Maintenance, Cultural Arts Boazd to General Government and the salary and supply budget of the board liaison to the City Manager's fund. 5. To move the budget of $120,000 and add $9,300 for the Information Technology Upgrades from the General Government Division oftlie General Fund to the Finance Department Internal Service Fund. This covers all of the system upgrades and related payroll expenses for the transition to the new network administrator position. The assets and salary costs aze to be tracked in the Finance Department from here forward. 6. To increase the legal budget by $45,000 for various unanticipated expenses including items such as arbitration, surveys for right of way disputes and litigation. 7. To add $182,173 of additional Community Development Block Gratrt funds allocated to the City of Atlantic Beach as carry forwazd monies from prior yeazs funds not spent. These additional funds aze being used to revise the original budget to include the following items: To include $149,492'for Church Road improvements, add $10,278 to the sewer tap program, to add funds for the building inspector to inspect rehab projects and to add $67,722 in additional housing rehabilitation. Also, to eliminate $60,000 for the sewer main installation on AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Ardelta Road. 8. To create a budget for the Jacksonville Community Foundation Grant which carried over from last yeaz of $3,650. 9. To reduce the Water Utility budget by $116,000 due to savings on the Mayport Road water main project. 10. To fund $60,000 of the up-front costs of septic to sewer conversions to date and projected to the end of the year. 11. To fund $70,000 for the unexpected repair to the sewer main at the ditch crossing behind Aquatic Circle. 12. To provide $126,300 of additional funds for the Atlantic. Beach and Buccaneer sewer improvement project which includes improvements for the master wet-well, force main from "C" station to Fairway Villas lift station and improvements to the Park Street lift station. 13. To provide $47,000 of funding for the sidewalk improvements on Levy Road and $38,700 for drainage improvements on West 13`" Street. Both of these projects were budgeted last year but bids were rejected and not awazded late in the year and as a result funds did not roll as was expected, 14. To provide funding for the Strategic Plan initiative related to reorganizing the Public Works Department by adding $4,000 for a part time clerk typist in Public Works Administration and to provide $17,000 of funding for the new technical designer representing 4 months of salary. 15. To provide funding of $20,000 for the televising of storm drains for the Royal Palms project in the Storm Water Utility Fund. The original budget included $480,000 of funds in the Local Option Gas Tax Fund. Those funds will be re-budgeted next yeaz in the Storm Water Budget. 16. To create budgets for the Police Grants awazded this yeaz and to adjust existing grant budgets to actual expenditures for those that have closed out. I 7. To establish a revenue budget for the Better Jacksonville Iocat discretionary sales tax of $245,000. 18. To increase the original budget of $10,000 to 15,200 for the Pay and Classification Study awarded earlier this year. _ AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 ORDINANCE NO. 20-O1-51 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TAE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2000 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2001. WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach requires that the City Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers at the fund level, and WHEREAS, the nature ofbudgetary systems and those day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustmerns from time to time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORH)A, that; 1. The Fiscal Yeaz 2000/2001 Final Budget be amended as follows: General Fund Revenues: Sales of Surplus Property 001-0040-364-41-00 Inter-local Agreement Dune Walk-Over Project 001-0000-337-70-01 Total Revenues Expenditures: General Government Operating Expenses Cultural Arts Boazd Capital Outlay Information Technology Transfers -Out Transfer to City Manager Fund Transfer to Finance Fund Legal Operating Expenses Contract Services Beautification Salary and Benefits Salary and Wages Overtime F.I.C.A. Pension -General Employee Life and Health Insurance Worker's Compensation Operating Expenses Contract Services 001-1009-519-46-O1 001-1009-519-64-00 001-1009-581-91-51 001-1009-581-91-52 001-1004-514-31-00 001-5003-542-12-00 001-5003-542-14-00 001-5003-542-21-00 001-5003-542-22-04 001-5003-542-23-00 001-5003-542-24-00 001-5003-542-34-00 28,000 100.000 $128,000 6,000 <120,000> 26,496 129,300 45,000 <15,741> <1,000> <1,281> <1,797> <2,833> <1 ov <500> AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Travel Per Diem 001-5003-542-40-00 <100> Communications 001-5003-542-41-00 <450> Postage 001-5003-542-42-00 <300> Rentals 001-5003-542-44-00 <900> Repairs and Maintenance 001-5003-542-46-00 <500> Printing and Publishing 001-5003-542-47-00 <400> Offtce Supplies 001-5003-542-51-00 <300> Operating Supplies 001-5003-542-52-00 <35,468> Books and Memberships 001-5003-542-54-00 <300> Internal Service Funds 001-5003-542-56-00 <4,503> Cultural Arts 001-5003-573-49-O1 <6,000> Capital Outlay Machinery and Equipment 001-5003-542-64-00 <2,000> Parks and Recreation Park Maintenance: Salary And Benefits: Overtime 001-6020-572-14-00 800 F.LC.A. ~ 001-6020-572-21-00 61 ' - ~ Operating Expenses ' Other Contract Services .. ,;,,, 001-6020-572-34-00 500 Other Contract services 001-6020-572-34-00 7,000 Travel Per Diem 001-6020-572-40-00 100 Rentals and Leases 001-6020-572-44-00 900 Maintenance 001-6020-572-46-00 3,100 Operating Supplies 001-6020-572-52-00 35,468 Operating Supplies -Landscape 001-6020-572-52-00 4,500 Books and Memberships 001-6020-572-54-00 300 Internal Services 001-6020-572-56-00 3,850 Recreation Improvements Capital Outlay Dune Walk- Over Project 001-6040-572-63-00 100,000 Land Acquisition and Development 001-6040-572-61-00 81 000 .Total Expenses $249,900 Fund Balance: Total Change <$121,900> Community Development Block Grant Revenues: Grant Proceeds Expenditures: Salary and Benefits: Salary and Wages Overtime 110-0000-331-54-00 $182,172 110-1005-515-12-00 $10,542 110-1005-515-14-00 600 AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Special Pay F.LC.A. Pension Life and Health Insurance Worker Compensation Operating Expenditures: Other Contract Services Communications Office Supplies 110-100s-515-1s-00 110-100s-s1s-21-00 110-1005-s15-22-04 110-1005-Sts-23-00 1lo-loos-sls-24-o0 110-1005-515-34-00 110-1005-515-41-00 110-1006-Sts-51-00 s00 891 3,168 387 <a3> <2,s00> <900> 2,035 Capital Improvements: Install Sewer Main on Ardella Road Water and Sewer Improvements on Church Road Aid to Citizens: Sewer Utility Tap in Program Housing Rehab -adding four more homes 110-1005-515-63-00 110-1005-s15-63-00 110-1005-515-83-00 110-100s-s1s-83-00 Total Expenses Jacksonville Community Foundation Grant Revenues: Grant Proceeds Expenditures: Operating Expenditures Other Contract Services 113-0000-366-90-13 113-5003-573-34-00 Water Utility Fund Revenues: Sale of surplus Property 400-0000364-41-00 Expenditures: Atlantic Beach Division Capital Outlay Infrastructure-Mayport Water Main 400-4001-s33-63-00 Fund Balance: Total Change Sewer Utility Fund Revenues: Sale of Surptus Property 410-0000-364-41-00 <6Q000> 149,492 10,278 67.722 $182,172 $3,150 $3,650 $9,600 <$116,000> $125,600 $11,550 Expenditures: Atlantic Beach Division AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Operating Expenses Contract Services-Septic Conversions 410-4101-535-34-00 $60,000 Contract Services-Aquatic Circle 410-4101-535-34-00 70,000 Capital Improvements Infrastructure-master wet-well, force main from "C" Station to Fairway Villas and Park St. Lift Station 410-4101-535-63-00 126300 Total Expenses $256,300 Fund Balance: Total Change <$244,750> Storm Water Utility Expenses: Capital Outlay Improvements Roadway and Drainage Improvements Royal Palms -Televising Utilities 2000 -Drainage on W. 13`" St. Fund Balance: 470-0000-538-63-00 470-0000-538-63-00 Total Expenses Total Change $20,000 38,649 $58,649 <$58,649> Public Works Administration Internal Service Fund Revenues: Charges for Services 530-0000-341-20-00 $21,000 Expenses: Salary and Benefits Salary & Wages -New Technical Designer 530-5001-541-12-00 Operating Expenses Contract Services ~ 530-5001-541-34-00 Total Expenses City Manager Internal Service Fund Revenues: Transfer from General Fund Expenses: Salary and Benefits: Salary and Wages Overtime F.LC.A. 510-0000-381-10-00 510-1002-512-12-00 510-1002-512-14-00 510-1002-512-21-00 17,000 4.000 $21,000 $26,496 $15,741 200 1,220 AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Pension -General Employee Life and Health Insurance Worker's Compensation Operating Expenses: Communications Postage Repair and Maintenance Printing and Publishing Office Supplies Internal Services - HR Capital Outlay: Computer Equipment 510-1002-512-22-04 510-1002-512-23-00 510-1002-512-24-00 510-1002-512-41-00 510-1002-512-42-00 510-1002-512-46-00 510-1002-512-47-00 510-1002-512-51-00 510-1002-512-56-05 510-1002-512-64-02 Total Expenses 1,797 2,833 102 450 300 500 400 300 653 2.000 $26,496 Finance Internal Service Fund Revenues: Transfers - In 520-0000-381-10-00 $129,300 Expenses: Salary and Benefits Salary and Wages Unemployment Compensation F.LC.A. Capital Outlay IT Equipment and Installation 520-1003-513-12-00 520-1003-513-25-00 520-1003-513-21-00 520-1003-513-64-00 Total Expenses 17,500 5,000 1,800 105.000 $129,300 D.U.I. Enforcement Program Grant Revenues: Grant Proceeds 158-0000-334-20-00 $29,095 Expenditures: Capital Outlay Equipment 158-2001-521-64-00 $29,095 D.U.I. Pedestrian and Bicycle Education and Enforcement Program Grant Revenues: Grant Proceeds 159-0000-334-20-00 $10,000 Expenditures: AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Operating Expenditures Operating Supplies 159-2001-521-52-00 5,000 Capital Outlay Equipment 159-2001-521-64-00 5.000 Total Expenses $15,000 F.D.O.T. -D.U.I. Enforcement Grant Revenues: Grant Proceeds 155-0000-334-20-00 <$636> Transfers - In Transfers In from Pursuit Termination Grant 155-0000-381-26-00 44 Transfer from Police Trust Fund 155-0000-381-12-00 592 Total Revenues $p ~; L.L.E.B.G. -.Pursuit Termination Grant Fund Expenditures: Transfers -Out To F.D.O.T. -D.U.I. Enforcement Grant 156-0000-581-91-33 $44 Fund Balance: Total Change <$44> Police Trust Fund Expenditures: Transfers-Out To -D.U.I. Enforcement Grant Fund 610-0000-581-91-33 $592 To -Police Information Technology Grant 610-0000-581-91-34 5.000 Total Expenses $5,592 Fund Balance: Total Change C$5,592> L.L.E.B.G. -Police Information Technology Upgrade Grant Revenues• Grant Proceeds Federal Grants 160-0000-331-22-00 $10,000 Transfer from Police Trust Fund 160-0000-381-12-00 5.000 Total Revenues $15,000 Expenditures: AGENDA ITEM #7C MAY 29, 2001 Capital Outlay Computer Equipment 160-2001-521-64-02 $15,000 Better Jacksonville'/Z Cent Discretionary Sales Taz Revenues: Better Jacksonville''/z Cent Sales Tax 131-0000-312-60-00 $245,000 Fund Balance: Total Change $245 000 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.. Passed by the City Commission on first reading this day of May, 2001. Passed by the City Commission on second and final reading this day of June, 2001. John S. Meserve Mayor /Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness:. Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen King, CMC City Clerk