Exh 7EAGENDA ITEM #7E MAY 29, 2001 ORDINANCE NO. S-O1-35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE IV, DEPARTMENTS, DIVISION 5, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, AMENDING SEC. 2-80 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES-APPOINTMENT, COMPENSATION; AMENDING SEC. 2-81, SAME-DUTIES; DELETING SEC. 2-82, DIVISIONS; APPOINTMENT, COMPENSATION OF CHIEFS; CREATING A NEW DIVISION 6, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, ADDING SEC. 2-84, CREATED; SEC. 2-85, UTILITY DIRECTOR- APPOINTMENT, COMPENSATION; SEC. 2-86, SAME-DUTIES; AND SEC. 2-87, OTHER DUTIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE _ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BE-ACII, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 2-80 through Section 2-82 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.2-80. .Director of Public Works/City Engineer-Appointment, compensation. The director of public sex~iees works/city en ineer shall be the head of the department of public works and his appointment or removal shall be authorized by the city manager. The director ofpublic ~_~~?.°_ works/city engineer shall receive such compensation as determined by the city commission. Sec.2-81. Same-Duties. The director of public r~r works/city engineer, under the direction of the city manager, shall be responsible for the supervision of the maintenance of streets, sanitation, .,.~«.. ..a ,. _ r ,.;,:+:e..:_,.,..,,:..,. ,:w n«n+:,..,n n.,,, «_....,...,..:, ..,....+n drainage facilities, .,a .. ~,....«:,;«..:.. ,,.+:,..,n stormwater and fleet maintenance. Sec. 2-82. Delete this section. [I I:+L:« «1.,, .l„«....«....,...« ,.F....l.l:,, .,...«Ln tl. o:o ..~i. 1.,, «L,....,. /Z1d~ :..:,. «... ~:iaati.. ~ `ccrrn~iv !11 A n«-,~n+n A.n:..n.... ..:+..a:,.., ..,..J n un+:~.a Ass ~ r ~ e .ic°ax, AGENDA ITEM #7E MAY 29, 2001 /1\ A 4 ,7 4 4 + 1 h a' 1,'~l, ~ 7 a i'A + +' ~i. ~. .. .. ~r j. M.. , ... ~ .. ~ .. ...J 7...71 1.,. ~..hl.,...;..,,,1 7.., hl+r..l:«e,.+,.« ,.F,...7.1:.. ~ ....1.:....h +.. +l.o .. .,.1 ..F +L.,. ,.:+.. .....~.....~,... Tl..... ....ti,.-...F H.e A :..:..:......l.:ef ..A..1/ Lo .. .,.A ~FPL°~Q 1,., hl.~...:+. Sec. 2-83. No Changes. SECTION 2. Division 6, Sections 2-84 to 2-87 aze created as follows: DIVISION 6. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Sec.2-84. Created. There is hereby created and established a department of public utilities. The department shall be an administrative department of the city responsible to the city manager. Sec. 2-85. Utility Director-appointment, compensation. The utility director shall be the head of the department of public utilities and his appointment or removal shall be authorized by the city manager. The utility director shall receive such compensation as determined by the city commission. Sec.2-86. Same-Duties. The utility director. under the direction of the city manaeer, shall be res on nsible for the supervision ofthe maintenance ofwater, sewer and reclaimed water facilities including-production. treatment and conveyance systems. Sec. 2-87. Other Duties. The department shall perform such other duties as may be assi ned by the city manager and the director of the department shall be responsible for keepine the city manager informed ofthe activities ofthe department. Page 2 of 3 Ordinance No. S-O1-35 AGENDA ITEM #7E MAY 29, 2001 SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASSED by the City Commission on first reading this day of , 2001. PASSED by the City Commission on second and final reading this day of .2001. JOHN S. MESERVE Mayor, Presiding Officer ATTEST: MAUREEN KING City Clerk Approved as to form and correctnessr ALAN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE City Attorney Page 3 of 3 Ordinance No. 5-01-35