Exh 8EAGENDA ITEM #8E IIJNE 11, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Additional Design Fees for 12" Sherry Drive Water Main and BeIlSouth Conflict Structures SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: June 5, 2001 BACKGROUND: Water Line Conflict -After the pregnalification ofcontractors and the prebid meeting, one of the contractors questioned the alignment of the existing 8" water main. This main was shown by the design engineer, Aikenhead & Odom (A & O), to be approximately 8-10' west of the edge of pavement, as shown on the original plans by England, Thims & Miller. At the request of A & O, the location had been reviewed by the City's utility staff in February 2001 and was not noted as incorrect. The achial location is directly under the west edge of the pavement and, due to the age of the main and proximity to the major drainage and roadway work, couid not be left in its present location. It was decided to have A & O design a new 12" diameter water line on Sherry Drive rather than on East Coast Drive, in order to accommodate this conflict. Bell South Conflict -Several months ago, Bell South advised that their duct bank along the east side of Sherry Drive could not be moved, even though A & O had designed temporary conflict structures to facilitate their movement during the construction project. The City sent a certified letter to Bell South, which they received on Apri112, 2001 advising that they had to present a relocation plan within 30 days. Subsequent conversations and meetings led to Bell South representatives meeting with the City Commission on May 14, 2001 and agreeing to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City for accommodation/relocation of this critical duct bank. This duct bank is the major service line for the entire City and goes to Mayport Naval Station. It was decided to have A & O provide a new hydraulic design to accommodate Bell South's lines and have Bell South's engineer, Civil Services, Inc. (CSI), provide a structural design for the new, lazger conflict boxes. A proposal was received from A & O for $45,208.60, which includes $23,044 fqr the new water main design and $22,164 for the incorporation of the Bell South conflicts. Another proposal was received from CSI for $9,492.13 to provide a structural design for new boxes to accommodate Bell South. BUDGET: The fimding will be obtained from available monies for the Core City Drainage Project -Account No. Core 99 Bond Fund -,_ : _>.. Page 1 AGENDA ITEM #8E JUNE 11, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposals from A & O and CSI, totaling $54,700.73, and authorize staffto obtain rennbursement for Bell South related costs ($31,656.13) via a Memorandum of Understanding between Bell South and the City of Atlantic Beach. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter dated June 5, 2001 from Mr. Neil Aikenhead, P.E. with additional fee proposal. 2. Letter dated May 31, 2001 from Mr. Christopher E. Morse, P.E. with fee proposal. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: Page 2 AGENDA ITEM #SE JUNE I1, 2001 1~IKENH^^EI~D ~ ~I]VM inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 5730 Bowden Road, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32216 Phone 904/636-5432 FAX 904/636-5433 June 5, 2001 Re: Atlantic Beach Stormwater A&O Project No. 98-049 Fee Documents, 12" Sherry Drive Water Main and BellSouth Conflict Structures Dear Bob: Attached is the fee summary for the now-accomplished 12" water main effort and the neaz-future effort to accommodate proposed BellSouth conflict structures; including sepazate summary and amounts for the two efforts. The man-hours reflected on the attached have been modified slightly to reflect the very latest efforts. The man-hour listing by person and day since May 18 and through last Friday for work on the 12" water main effort completed remains the same. We will provide that same summary for the remainder of this effort within this week following submittal of electronic time slips this Friday. As we have discussed, the 12" water main revised drawings and addendum documents constitute a significant achievement on our part to complete and deliver this product in a very restrictive time frame. We value your continued confidence in our professional abilities and greatly appreciate the working relationship we are continuing to develop. If you have any questions, please call at your convenience. Sincerely, '~~' ~ z.i'l ~,/ Neil Aike ead, P.E. President Encl (Contract Fee Summary and Supporting Documents) FiPROJECCSIPubticW tlactic-Bch~Stotmwate~Fee-Proposat~Final•Model~Final-Desiga~BK-WM•Addtl-Feo-Submtl.aik.wpd AGENDA ITEM #8E JUNE 11, 2001 CONTRACT FEE SUNINIARY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACII, FLORIDA ,PART ;,T - ~~E1~ERAL ~ `~ ~ ~ ,.; ~ ~ ~. 1. Project 2. Proposal Number Atlantic Beach Stormwater - 12-inch WM Design & BellSouth 3. Name of Consultant 4. Date of Proposal Aikenhead & Odom, Inc. 31-May-O1 ';PART II. = .L ABOR .R EI:A'I"ED .OOSTS . 5. Direct Labor Hourly Estimated Estimated Rate HOUTS Cost TOTAL Principal In Charge $ b0.1D 14 $ 841.40 ProjectManager $ 60.10 37 $ 2,223.70 Project Engineer $ 32.09 76 $ 2,438.84 Design Engineer II $ 19.55 154 $ 3,010.70 Senior CARD $ 13.98 472 $ $ 6,599.96 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR $ 20.07 753 $ 15,114.60 6. Overhead (Combined Fringe Benefit & Administrative) Overhead Rate 162 % x Total Direct Labor $ 24,486.00 7. SUBTOTAL: Labor + Overhead (Items 5 & 6) $ 39,600.60 8. PROFIT: Labor Related Costs (Item 7) x 13% $ 5,148.00 PART III - OTI3ER COSTS 9. Miscellaneous Direct Costs Transportation $ 50.00. Original Reproducibles $ 200.00 Reproduction $ 130.00 Shipping $ 80.00 Other $ 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS DIItECT COSTS SUB-TOTAL $ 460.00 10. SUBCONTRACTS (Lump Sum) SUB-CONTRACT SUB-TOTAL $0.00 - ~...'I"f?TA~I. LUMP~.'~SUM ~ML}LIN~f° ~(Itemsl 3, °6;: 8;~'°~~" and";a;;a)` . ~ ;~ S~ , .4S;2I38:6CM ~~ 11. SUB-TOTALS (Effort Detail by Category of Additional. Scope) Effort to incorporate BellSouth Conflicts $ 22,164 Effort to incorporate Addition of 12-inch Water Main $ 23,044 PART N -SUMMARY TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT (Lump Sum Plus Reimbursables) $45,208.60 ESTIMATE OF MANPOWER APPLICATION AND FEE ENGINEERING SERVICES: Sherry Drive Reconstruction Project Revisions - 12" WM 8: BellSouth Conflict Boxes CONSTRUCTION PLANS- FINAL DESIGN 12" WM MANHOURALLOCATION Principal Project Manager Project . Engineer Design Engr Il Senior CADD TOTAL Manhours AGTtVITY MAN-HOURS by _ Activity 1: Construction Plan Revisions 0 6 8 11 239 264 2. Design & Permittin 0 2 16 90 0 1os 3. Cost Estimates 0 1 2 14 0 17 4. Addendum 0 1 8 0 0 s 5. Coordination Meetin s 0 6 8 0 0 1d 6. Qualit Control Review 0 2 4 0 0 s 5UeTOTALMAN-HOURS O 18 46 115 239 418 BELLSOUTH MANHOUR ALLOCATION Principal Project Manager Project Engineer Design Engr II Senior CADD TOTAL Manhours ACTIVITY MAN-HOURS by Activity 1. Construction Plan Revisions 0 2 8 18 233 2s1 esign & Permitting 2. D _ _ 2 2 8 20 0 32 ~ 3. Cost Estjmates 1 2 4 0 0 7 4. Chan e Order 2 _ 1 6 0 0 s 5. Coordination Meetin s 8 8 0 0 0 16 6. Qualit Control Review 1 4 4 1 0 10 sue TOTAL MAN-HOURS 14 19 30 39 233 335 TOTAL MAN-HOURS 14 37 76 154 472 .753 12-inch wm design5.rtf MHdist 6/6/2001 2:19 PM a ~e a ;~ N O O ~ W OF MAN-HOURS AND SHEET COUN7 Sheet No. SHEET DESCRIPTION No. of Sheets No. of Units Man-flour Units TOTAL Man-hour Man-hour Plus 5% Supervsn REMARKS 1 Cover Sheet 1 2 2 2 6-8 umrnary of Quantifies S 3 4 12 13 9-10 _ ____ Sumrnary of Drainage Structures _ 2 8 _ 16 ___ 17 _ BellSouth structures 12 General Notes 1 2 2 2 13-21,35-41 Plan & Profile Sheets 16 11 176 185 13-21,22-29 BellSouth Drainage Conflict Structures 17 9 153 161 BellSouth structures 22-29 Drainage Structures 8 8 64 67 BellSouth structures 42-56 Traffic Control Plans 15 3 45 47 33 Special betails 1 16 16 17 BellSouth structures 35-41 Water Details 7 2 14 15 .CARD SU®-TOfiAL 71 500 525 __ - - -- -- --- - - ___ Design & Permitfi~n _ __ _ _ - _ _ --- ___ -- - 140 _ --- _ 140 - _ no supervision __ _ Cost Estimates Addendum!Ghan~ce t7rder 24 1a 24 is no supervision no supervisicn Coordination Meetin s _ 30 _ 30 no supervision QUalit~ontrol Review __ _ __ ___ _ 16 _ 16 _ no supervision TOTAL +~ _ , _~ ~~*` ~ _~ £ _ ~~r.= 22s 753 a ~y ~~ N O 12-inch wm design5.rtf _dnvgMH ° ,k Page 1 6/6/2001 r°n X01 13:34 9fl4-645-0057 CIVIL SERVICES INC AGENDA ITEM#8E JUNE I1, 2001 ~ _- l :I CIVIL SERVICES, INC. CONSV~TMQ ENGINEERS May 31, 2001 BRIDGE DESIGN HIGHWAY DESIGN • G.E.I. • GEOTECHN4CAL Jacksonville Atlanta Orlando Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, PL 32233 Re: Sherry Drive Stormwater Capitol Improvements Conflict Structure Resign Dear Mr. Kosoy: Civil Services, Inc. (C5n has been requested to provide structural design services,on the above referenced project. We understand we will design nine (9} cast-in-place concrete conflict structures. with fire appropriate drawings and details. Al] geometric data is to be provided by Aikenhead & Odum, Inc. as per conversations with Mr. James Neal of Bell South and Mr. Robert Pranques of Aikenhead and Odum. Our fee for these services is $9492.13. We hope this fee meets with your approval. .~ you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to call Svncerely, CIVII. SERVICES, INC. ~ ~~~ Chri er E. Morse, P.E. Vice r iderit cc: Mr. James Neal /Bell South -.. f Vnarket-tlproposalsuiry of atlantic brxhlamflict structure.dx 2394 ST. Johns 61uff Road, S. 32246 P.O. 8oX 8185 Jacksonville, FL 32239 (904) 641-1834 FAX 645-0057 1)2001 13:34 904-645-0057 CIVIL SERVICES INC AGENDA ITEM#8E Ji1NE 11, 2001 Sheet 1 CONTRACT FEE SIriIlVL4RX FORMAT FOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC wORI~S CITX OF A'T'LANTIC BEACFT, FLORIDA