AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2001
City Commissioners Present:
John S. Meserve, Mayor
Rick Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem
Mike Borno
Theo Mitchelson
Dezmond Waters, City Commissioners
Selva Marina Streets Committee Members Present:
Keith Falt
Glenn Johnson
Jerry Maddy
Bill Mayhew
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director
Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director
Maureen King, City Clerk
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of receiving public input on the proposed
Selva Marina Streets Improvement Projeet and Special Assessments, was called to order
by Mayor Meserve at 7:25 p.m.
Mayor Meserve indicated that the. Selva Marina Street problems began in the early
1980's and on two separate occasions in 1992 and again in 1998, the Commission
considered taking ownership of the streets, but no action was taken to solve the problems.
Commissioner Bomo, Chairman of the Selva Marina Streets Study Committee, thanked
the Committee Members, City Manager Hanson, and Public Works Director Kosoy for
their assistance which made a big difference in being able to make a recommendation,
which he and the Committee felt was fair and equitable for all of the residents.
Commissioner Borno then read the Committee's report and recommendation. The
report, including the recommendation, is attached and made part of this official record as
Attachment A.
Public Works Drector Kosoy, with the assistance of Utility Director Kaluzniak, provided
a Powerpoint presentation of the proposed project. Photographs of deteriorated streets,
damaged or dead trees to be removed and the location of small retention areas were
displayed. It was pointed out that only twelve damaged or dead trees required removal,.
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Public Hearing on Selva Mazina Streets Improvement Project
and this had been confirmed by the city's azborist, Eazly Piety. An itemized list of costs
was displayed and it was reported that the project would affect 133 lots and would cost
approximately $604,440 to complete. Included in the costs were survey work, legal
expenses and taxes, water line replacement, sewer line replacement, stormwater line
replacement, additional street lighting, tree removal and street reconstruction. The City's
shaze of the costs was estimated to be $354,240.
After the presentation, Mayor Meserve opened the floor for a public heazing. The
following citizens spoke in favor of the improvements: Claire Scott of 339 19th Street,
Roger Weeder of 1912 Creekside Circle, Jerry Maddy of 1915 Creekside Circle,
Glenn Johnson of 367 19th Street, Scott Owens of 1911 Creekside Circle, Tom
McMenemy of 1845 Hickory Lane, Bill Mayhew of 1870 North Sherry Drive, and
Tom Goodrich of 1907 Creekside Circle. The following citizens submitted written
comments supporting the improvements: Karl Klein of 1918 Oak Circle, Rick Banks
of 1860 North Sherry Drive, Beth Nielsen Gildea of 1918 Creekside Circle, Bob
Price of 1873 Hickory Lane, and. Margo Hill of 1918 Hickory Lane. The reasons
most often cited for favoring the improvements were: the improvements are needed and
aze long overdue; the hard work of the Committee, Staff and Commission has provided
the residents a window of opportunity to get the improvements completed; this has been
going on for more than twenty years -move forwazd with the project; and the project is
fair, equitable and doable. Pete Blodgett of 1911 Sea Oats Drive favored the
improvements, but felt the city should accept a greater share of the costs.
The following citizens spoke against the improvements: William McGee of 1831 Selva
Marina Drive, Wendell Sheppard of 1927 Selva Marina Drive and Robert Ford of
315 19th Street. These residents felt they should not be assessed for the improvements
since they lived on dedicated streets. Mr. McGee felt that traffic from the residents of the
condominiums and Fleet Landing caused the most damage to the streets and they should
share in the costs for improvements. It was pointed out that each property owner in the
subdivision would receive benefits from the city's ownership of the streets and from the
related improvements, which it was felt would resulf in increased property values.
A brief question and answer session ensued. Roger Weeder expressed concern that
damage to the edge of the street was being caused by garbage trucks and this would likely
continue after the project was completed. Mayor Meserve stated that type of damage
would occur, and in the fixture the city would make repairs as needed.
Mr. McMenemy inquired as to a time frame for completion of the project. Jim Lucas of
Lucas and Associates indicated that with direction from staff,. they were ready to take the
project to bid. He further indicated that the permits from the St. Johns Water
Management District were already in place and he believed the project could be
completed within six months after commencement. Comrnissioner Borno indicated that
the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) project to replace electrical lines would begin at
the end of July. However, it was pointed out that the drainage improvements could not
begin until all ofthe required easements were obtained. Public Works Director Kosoy
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Public Hearing on Selva Marina Streets Improvement Project
indicated that descriptions for the easements had been prepared but they had not been
obtained. Commissioner Borno indicated that the paving of the streets would be the last
item to be completed, and it would be coordinated with paving in the core city project to
reduce costs.
Mayor Meserve assured everyone that the project would be completed in a manner which
was fair and equitable to everyone, and that the city would move forward to complete the
project as quickly as possible.
Motion: Commission directs City Staff to continue with engineering,
processing For funding, and give the Commission guidelines to pursue the
Since no one else wished to speak, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed and
adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m
John S. Meserve
Maureen King
City Clerk