Exh 4BAGENDA ITEM #4B NNE 25, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACII CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA: Construction of Dutton Island Preserve Project Re-bid No. 0001-6 SUBMITTED BY: Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director DATE: June 15, 2001 BACKGROUND: On June 6, 2001, bids were opened at 3:00 p. m, for the Construction of Dutton Island Preserve Project. Six bidders were prequalified and three submitted bids. The bids were as follows: Contractor Subtotal Contingency 15% Total * Miranda Contracting $250,452.00 $37,567.80 $288,019.80 ABBA Construction $340,192.25 $51,028.84 $391,221.09 Military Construction $380,617.00 $57,093.00 $437,710.00 All Contractors submitted the required documentation. The low bidder was Miranda Contracting for a total of $288,019.80. Staff recommends elinw~ating the picnic pavilion from the bid, lowing the contingency to 10% and awazding the bid to Miranda Contracting in the amount of $243,075.80, which brings the project within budget. Staff will make a recommendation to the Conunission concerning the construction of the pavilions at a later date. BUDGET: The funding for this project is within the capital projects account number 300-0000-572-63-00. The City received a grant for reimbursement from FIND for 50% of the project and funding from the Port Authority for the freshwater wetland creation. RECOMMENDATION: Awazd the contract for the Construction of Dutton Island Preserve Project, Re-bid No. 0001-6, to Miranda Contracting in the amount of $243,075.80 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. ATTACHMENTS: Bid Analysis REVIEWED BY CITY MAN AGENDA ITEM #4B JiJNE 25, 2001 City of Atlantic Beach Dutton Island Bid Estimate FY 2000-2001 UNIT/QTY MILCON Miranda ABBA # Item 1 Excavation CY/2600 11488 11700 10342 2 Selective Clearing and Grubbing AC/1 4124 19100 3750 3 Freshwater Wetland Creation AC/1 49487 9087 44583 Fill Material Plantings 4 6" Water Line LF/3400 66101 67830 77214 5 Turnaround Area (To include) LS/1 57376 32398 57077.4 5,800 SQ FT Gravel Pave System with Agg. 20 CUB YD Concrete 8 Wheelstops 42 Pilon bollards 100 FT Manilla rope 6 SeptiGDrainfield System LS/1 18617 12200 812 7 Comfort Station Pavilion LS/1 67573 48578 41149.8 8 Picnic Pavilion EA/1 25392 29474 18000 9 Boardwalk LF/NTE 300 63273 6600 64833 10 Emergency Call Box EA/1 7749 3745 6388.89 11 Valves and Fittings TN/1 3992 8070 2395.83 12 Water Service/Meter Box EA/1 2298 190 2083.33 13 Backflow Preventer-RP2 Type EA/1 1736 280 1750 14 Sample Taps-Water Line EA/4 1414 700 2000 15 16 17 18 Contingency @ 15% 57093 37567.8 51028.84 Total 437,710.00 288,019.80 391,221.09 Linear Foot Price for Pilings Greater Than 35' if necessary LF 24 100 25