Exh 4EAGENDA ITEM #4E JUNE 25, 2001 CITY OF 2.TLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 FAX: (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM: 852-5800 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us June 18, 2001 To: The Honorable Mayor and City ommissioners From: Maureen King, City Clerk ~~ Subject: Changes in Financial Disclosure Laws You recently received your Financial Disclosure forms which must be filed by July 2, 2001. Please note that, effective 2001, a fine of $25.00 per day for each day late will be imposed, up to a maximum penalty of $1,500, for failing to file Form 1 by September 1. However, this $1,500 limitation on automatic fines does not limit the civil penalty that may be imposed if disclosure is filed more than sixty days after the deadline. Under the new law, some of our boards will no longer be required to file financial disclosure. The Division on Ethics has reviewed the powers and duties of our boards and they have determined that the Tree Conservation Board will no longer be required to file. I have sent a memo to the board members advising them of this change and asked that they contact me if they receive a notice to file. This change does not relieve members of their obligation to file for any year for which they were required to file prior to 2001. The following officials/employees are required to file financial disclosure: Mayor and City Commissioners Code Enforcement Board Members Community Development Board Members Pension Board Members City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Building Official Public Works Director Utilities Director Police chief Community Development Director Another change in the law provides that anyone who is required to file disclosure must file a final disclosure form within ninety days of terrninafion of employment or membership on a board. Please let me know if you have any questions or desire additional information in this matter.