Exh 8AAGENDA ITEM #8A JUNE 25, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONER MEETING STAFF REPORT ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize a five percent (S%) pay increase and a $300 per month caz allowance, in lieu of the I1tS per mile mileage rate, for the Director of Public Utilities. SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hanson, City Manager DATE: June 18, 2001 BACKGROUND: On June 4, 2001, the City Commission authorized the establishment of a Public Utilities Department per Ordinance No. S-O1-35: Section 2-85 of the City of Atlantic Beach's Code of Ordinances states that the utility director "shall receive such compensation as determined by the city commission". RECOMMENDATIONS: Based upon the increased responsibility place upon Donna Kaluzniak as the Director o€Public Utilities, it is recommended that her salary be increased by five percent (S%) or from $57,491.20 to $60,365.76, and that she be authorized a monthly caz allowance of $300 m lieu ofthe IRS mile rate for use of her personal vehicle. FUNDING: Sufficient funds aze currently within the budget based upon vacant positions. CITY MANAGER: