NNE 25, 2001
AGENDA ITEM: Review of Recommendations of Stormwater Review Committee
SUBMITTED BX: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Director of Public Works ~?
DATE: June 18, 2001
BACKGROUND: On Tune 12, 2001, we received a letter from Lyman Fletcher, Chairman of
the Stormwater Review Committee (SRC), in which he attached the six recommendations of the
SRC and requested that the recommendations were "...made part of the general discussion and
progress of the general project." The recommendations are mostly positive and can be
incorporated. The following is a current status of the project with regard to each of the
recommendations (see copy of attached letter with recommendations):
1$` Recommendation -Designate specific flood protection level of service and notify all
properties, after project, how they are affected: The design engineer, Aikenhead & Odom,
Inc., has worked into the Core City Project the design of a 5-year storm. The 5-year storm will
be handled within the streets, however, beyond the 5-year storm, all tots will experience some
degree of flooding. Elevations were taken at problem lots and, if necessary, water depths can be
provided at these locations, however it is not practical to notify every property owner in the Core
City of water elevations, since detailed topographic surveys would needed on every property.
2°d Recommendation -Construct downstream improvements first: At this point, the only
downstream improvement being proposed by the design engineer is a tidal control structure.
This structure will be complete before the major improvements in the Core City aze completed.
This recommendation also mentions "immediate flood protection" which needs to be qualified
by the degree of protection, which in this design is a 5-yeaz storm.
It should be noted that the Sherry Drive Project will begin prior to the downstream
improvements being complete; however, this system is plugged and will not discharge to the
lagoon except through the existing piping.
3`d Recommendation -Identify project milestones in accordance with Recommendation #2:
The project milestones will be identified in the final construction documents, and will insure that
the downstream improvements are completed before the fmal completion of the Core City
4a' Recommendation -Consider ordinances to limit impervious surfaces on each lot and
provide onsite storage for any additional pavement or hardscape: Since this initial
recommendation was made in January, 2001, the Community Development Board has
recommended to the City Commission a 50% impervious cover limitation for individual lots.
This rule is under review by the City Commission, as part ofthe proposed zoning ordinance
JUNE 25, 2001
changes. There has been no discussion by the Community Development nor the Zoning Boazds
to recommend onsite storage for additional pavement or hazdscape.
Soh Recommendation -Utilize the services of an arborist: We have engaged the services of a
professional arborist, Mr. Early Piety, Specialty Tree Surgeons, Inc., to review the design, and
we will work with him during the construction of the project. He has been very helpful in
insuring that the specifications provide for proper protection of the existing trees and attended
the pre-bid meeting for Sherry Drive.
6t" Recommendation -Designate an independent construction engineer and resident
observer for the project: We intend to employ the services of an independent resident observer
for the Sherry Drive Reconstruction Project, as soon as possible. Until such time, the Public
Works Inspector will oversee the project. Prior to construction ofthe main portion ofthe Core
City Drainage Project, we will engage the services of an independent construction engineer and
resident observer.
Staff will continue to monitor the design and construction of the project to insure. that the SRC's
recommendations are appropriately addressed. The 75% design submittal will be received from
Aikenhead & Odom on July 13, 2001.
ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Lyman Fletcher to Jim Hanson dated June 12, 2001 with
attached SRC Recommendations.
Jun 14 O1 07:42a City Manager Rdmin 904-247-5843 AGENDA ITEM#8C
JLJNE251, 2001
Fletcher & Conner
Lyman T. Fletcher
Board Certified Marital and pamiy Law
American Academy of Matrimonial Lavryera
Counselors and Attorneys at Law
Jeffrey A. Conner
Member o(the Florida Bar
speciaf¢ing in Marital and Fam11y Law
June 12, 2QQ1
Jim Hanson, City Manager
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach, FI, 32233
Deaz Mr. Hanson:
Enclosed are six (b) recommendations that the Stormwater Review Committee developed
and tentatively approved in approximately January 2001.
In going through the materials, I do not see specific correspondence providing this work
product to you.
I had assumed that the substance of these recommendations, which came out of the
Stormwater Review Committee's meetings at the end of December 2000 and early January 2001,
had been communicated to Aikenhead, & Odom.
I want to be sure that the recommendations have been provided and made part of the
general discussion and progress of the completion of the project.
I am, by copy of this letter, providing these recommendations to Aikenhead; & Odom for
their consideration.
I would apgreciate your providing me, at your convenience, what the time line is for the
project, as it presently stands. I would like to call the committee back together at the appropriate
time, prior to the submission of the final drawings to the City Commission.
The committee worked hard to develop these recommendations and came to a consensus
to them. This was done by those committee members attendiag.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Very truly yours,
541 East Monroe Street (904) 353-7733 phone
Jacksonvilie, Florida 32202 (904) 353-8255 fax
Jun 14 O1 07:42a
City Manager tadMin 904-247-5843 AGENDA ITEM#8C
JUNE 25, 2001
! Y".'
~! an T Fletcher
cc: Neil Aikenhead, Inc.
5'730 Bowden Road, Suite 200
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Jun 14 O1 07:42a City Manager Rdmin
1~` Recommendation
904-247-5843 AGENDA ITEM#8C
JUNE 25, 2001
/J"~Y ~ U
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There should be a specific flood protection level of service established for road,
house and yard flooding identifying depth; frequency, and duration of flooding. Low
houselyard elevations should be compared to the engineer's predicted flood elevations
in those chronic flood areas, to determine the level of flood protection service provided
by the project.
In addition, those properties that would still be subject, after project completion,
to the two-year through. one-hundred-year storm should be identified and the owners
notified of that identification and its consequences.
2"d Recommendation
The City would benefit from constructing first, the outfall with appurtenances /
components including, but not limited to: storage, pumps, tide control structures,
culverts, and channel improvements. This will protect the City and downstream areas
during the phases of construction. Design and construction of the downstream
improvements should proceed first from downstream to upstream and into the Core .
City. To initiate early construction of this portion of the plan would provide the City with
immediate flood protection benefits.
3'" Recommendation
Project milestones should be identified so that downstream improvements be
given precedence over the construction of the Core City improvements to provide early
benefits to the City.
Jun 14 O1 07:42a City Manager Rdmin 904-247-5843 AGENDA ITEM#8C
JiJNE 25, 2001
4"' Recommendation
Increased runoff from new pavement and displaced runoff from fill and binding
placement can reduce the flood protection level of service provided by the completed
project. Therefore, the city should consider an ordinance that requires the
management of onsite storage of water and the amount of impervious surfaces oh each
lot so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties and city rights of way. (i.e. No net
increase in run-off discharged from property due to potential increases in impervious
areas or potential placement of fill on site.) The lot owner must store onsite any
additional runoff generated by additional pavemenf or hard scape or displaced by
placement of fill in onsite storage areas.
5"' Recommendation
The City should use the City arborist to oversee the planning and construction of
the flood protection system, with the goal to preserve the tree canopy, undergrowth,
and root systems.
6"' Recommendation
The City should designate an independent construction engineer and resident
observer to assure the. quality of the construction and that the approved engineering
plans are implemented, including aesthetic issues. This would require frequent
coordination between the City and its construction engineer and resident observer.