Exh 9AAGENDA ITEM #9A NNE 25, 2001 .CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Consumptive Use Permit Renewal Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility DirectorA~~ SUBMITTED BY: DATE: BACKGROUND: December 13,2001. renewal application. June 18, 2001 The City's Consumptive Use Permit to provide potable water expires on Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) is assisting the City with the permit City staff and CDM met with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to discuss the permit renewal. Cazoline Silvers of SJRWMD noted that there have been some recent changes in the permitting process. Following aze some highlights from the meeting: • The City will be requesting a 20-year permit. SJRWMD has not been issuing 20-year permits, and it is likely that the maximum permit duration will be 10 years. The permit will be combined for both the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer systems. • We are requesting an increase in volume; based on projected growth. • 5JRWMD will be requiring quarterly testing on each well. Past requirements have been for monitoring every 3 years. If indicated, the District may require an investigation of some of our wells, to include flow logging or video logging. • SJRWMD will require groundwater modeling, which maybe costly, to determine evidence of interference or saltwater intrusion under 2020 demands. 'T`hey will discuss the actual scope of the modeling after reviewing our initial application. • Conservation requirements may be applied to all City wells. Turf grass irrigation will be discouraged and xeriscaping will be encouraged. hrigation meters may no longer be allowed. • SJRWMD may require abandonment of the free flowing well in Howell Park. • SJRWMD will examine the City's rate's to determine whether they meet the requirements for a water conserving rate structure. BUDGET: This staff report is to provide the City Commission with information only, and no funds are being requested at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS:. Not applicable. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: