09-17-19 Community Development Board Agenda - Pdf City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Community Development Board Meeting Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2.A. Approve minutes of the August 20, 2019 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. 08.20.2019 CDB Minutes (draft) 3 - 6 3. OLD BUSINESS 3.A. REZN19-0005 PUBLIC HEARING (JWB Real Estate Capital)*deferred from August 20, 2019 Request for map amendments to the zoning map for six (6) lots currently zoned as Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Special Planned Area (SPA). STAFF REPORT REZN19-0005 590 Jasmine Street (JWB Real Estate Capital) SITE PLAN REVISED REZN19-0005 590 Jasmine Street (JWB Real Estate Capital) 7 - 29 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.A. UBEX19-0004 PUBLIC HEARING (Homespun Kitchen) Request for a use-by-exception as permitted by Section 3-5, to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in accordance with Chapter 3 of the code (299 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit #2). STAFF REPORT UBEX19-0004 299 Atlantic Boulevard (Homespun Kitchen) APPLICATION UBEX19-0004 299 Atlantic Boulevard (Homespun Kitchen) 31 - 37 5. REPORTS 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 7. ADJOURNMENT All information related to the item(s) included in this agenda is available for review online at www.coab.us and at the City of Atlantic Beach Community Development Department located at 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233. Interested parties may attend the meeting and make comments regarding agenda items or comments may be mailed to the address above. Any person wishing to speak to the Community Development Board on any matter at this meeting should submit a Comment Card located at the entrance to Commission Chamber prior to the start of the meeting. Please Note: This meeting will be videotaped. To view the meeting video, contact the City Clerk's Office at (904) 247 -5810 or send a request by email to Lori Diaz at ldiaz@coab.us. Page 1 of 37 Community Development Board - 17 Sep 2019 If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Development Board with respect to any matter considered at any meeting may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact City Clerk Donna Bartle at 247 -5809 or at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting. Page 2 of 37 Community Development Board August 20, 2019 MINUTES Community Development Board Meeting Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Present: Kelly Elmore, Member Linda Lanier, Member Kirk Hansen, Chair Brea Paul, Vice Chair Sylvia Simmons, Member Brian Major, Member Mark Tingen, Alternate Member Absent: None Also Present: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Shane Corbin, Community Development Director Brian Broedell, Planner Valerie Jones, Recording Clerk Amanda Askew, Principal Planner 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Hansen. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the July 16, 2019 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. 3. OLD BUSINESS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REZN19-0005 PUBLIC HEARING (JWB Real Estate Capital) Request for map amendments to the zoning map for six (6) lots currently zoned as Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Special Planned Area (SPA). STAFF REPORT: Planner Askew presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. BOARD DISCUSSION: Ms. Lanier asked if the green space would be cleaned up and Planner Askew said that the applicant planned on cleaning the surface debris. Mr. Elmore wanted to know if there was a minimum lot size for a SPA to be considered. Planner Askew explained that as part of this rezoning they are creating a minimum and it would be 34' x 170'. Mr. Elmore was surprised that there wasn't any language for this and it could be problematic in the future. Ms. Paul agreed that she thought there Agenda Item #2.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 3 of 37 Community Development Board August 20, 2019 was a minimum acreage requirement. Director Corbin said that all of the good land of the City has been built out and now the development is in the lower areas that are more problematic (close to marsh, environmental issues, etc.). He said that Staff only considered this SPA request because of the unique issues involved. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Elmore were concerned about the side yard setbacks being so narrow. There was further discussion regarding the long lots and the tree canopy. Staff confirmed that if the application was approved they would build on the 3 lots then they would not develop the other 3 lots and they would remain as green space. Ms. Lanier asked if the applicant developed the lots as currently platted then would they have to pave Jasmine Street? Planner Askew confirmed that it would have to be paved and brought up to City standards. Ms. Paul asked if any drainage engineering plans had been submitted. Planner Askew said they had not. Ms. Paul said she was unwilling to approve a plan when drainage has not been calculated. Mr. Elmore agreed and said he has an issue with the applicant not cleaning the entire development of any buried waste. Planner Askew reiterated that the environmental reports show that the 3 lots are suitable for building and there is not environmental concern. She said the environmental concerns are in the proposed green space area. APPLICANT COMMENT: Alex Sifakis of 340 8th Street introduced himself as the applicant. He said that originally he presented a development plan that included all 6 lots and a road down Jasmine Street which would have added a lot of impervious surface, whereas it has been cut in half. Mr. Sifakis said that Staff encouraged him to come up with a plan that they thought would be more in keeping with what the City would like to see. He said there would be a conservation easement over the remaining 3 lots and no one would ever be able to build on them. He explained that the idea of the 3' side yards came from zoning in Jacksonville that allows this and they haven't had any issues when doing this type of development. Ms. Paul asked if the applicant had priced out remediation of the 3 lots. Mr. Sifakis said that they did Phase 1 and Phase 2 environment assessment including soil borings and testing. He said that there is no contamination on the site, only household trash, drywall, tires, etc. This makes it unsuitable for building on top of and would have to be removed. Mr. Sifakis said they had quotes to remove the trash that came in between $100,000 to $200,000. Ms. Simmons asked about the tree canopy. Mr. Sifakis said that most of the tree canopy is at the back of the land. He said that if they have to remove all of the buried trash, then the trees would all be cut down. In regards to drainage, Mr. Sifakis said that they didn't have time to get that before the submittal but he would have no problem making that contingent upon an approved drainage plan. Ms. Lanier had him point the existing drainage ditch out on the screen. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Hansen opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers and the Public Hearing was closed. BOARD DISCUSSION: Mr. Elmore was concerned about the 3' side yard setbacks Agenda Item #2.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 4 of 37 Community Development Board August 20, 2019 and would be willing to go to 5' side yard setbacks and reduce the rear yard to a 15' setback. There was further discussion regarding the side yard setbacks and the issues that could develop with decreased side yard setbacks. Mr. Hansen said that he sees the project as being able to develop as they are and does not see the reasoning for the SPA, other than not have to put in a road. Ms. Simmons and Ms. Paul agreed. There was further discussion regarding Page 10 of the agenda packet which compared the existing impervious maximums to what is being proposed. The Board agreed that the impervious surface isn't an issue as long as there is a good drainage plan. Mr. Sifakis said that the original plan was to build on all 6 lots facing on Jasmine Street and he is open to any suggestions. Ms. Lanier asked if he turned the lots toward 6th Street in order to not have to pave Jasmine Street. Mr. Sifakis said that it doesn't cost that much more to pave the road in front of 6 lots as compared to 3 lots, but it makes sense to not have to pave any road and turn the lots to face 6th Street. Chair Hansen reiterated that the side yard setbacks were his main concern. Ms. Simmons agreed, along with Mr. Elmore. Mr. Elmore mentioned the compromise with decreasing the rear yard setback as he had stated earlier in the meeting. Ms. Lanier brought up the junk yard that exists behind these lots and the costs to the applicant if they are required to remediate and build a road. Mr. Major asked if the Board was saying that 6 houses would be better on the property. The Board agreed that they were. Mr. Sifakis said that he would like to defer and make some changes to the plans to alleviate some of the Boards concerns. MOTION: To defer REZN19-0005. Motion: Sylvia Simmons Second: Linda Lanier Kelly Elmore For Linda Lanier (Seconded By) For Kirk Hansen For Brea Paul For Sylvia Simmons (Moved By) For Brian Major For Mark Tingen For Motion passed 7 to 0. 5. REPORTS None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT None Agenda Item #2.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 5 of 37 Community Development Board August 20, 2019 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chair Hansen declared the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Attest: Shane Corbin Kirk Hansen, Chair Agenda Item #2.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 6 of 37 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM CASE NO. REZN19-0005 (deferred from August 20, 2019) Request for map amendments to the zoning map for six (6) lots currently zoned as Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Special Planned Area (SPA) LOCATIONS 590 Jasmine Street (RE#170891-0010) 0 Jasmine Street (RE#170891-0030) 0 Jasmine Street (RE#170891-0040) APPLICANT JWB Real Estate Capital DATE September 11, 2019 STAFF Amanda Askew, AICP, Principal Planner BACKGROUND This case was deferred at the request of the applicant from the August 20, 2019 Community Devel- opment Board meeting. The applicant is still requesting to rezone six (6) contiguous lots from Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Special Planned Area (SPA). The vacant property is located at the southwest corner of 6th Street West and Jasmine Street and is approximately 0.71 acre. The applicant is seeking the rezon- ing to develop the property into residents that will be accessed off of 6th Street West and leave the southern portion of the property as green space. The applicant has submitted two options for site plans. Both plans leave the southern portion of the property as green space with a recorded con- servation easement. The purpose of the SPA district is to create a mechanism to establish a plan of development or re- development for a site where the property owner and the community's interests cannot be best served by the provisions of the conventional zoning districts, and where assurances and commit- ments are necessary to protect the interests of both the property owner and the public, and also the unique qualities of the City of Atlantic Beach which are expressed throughout the zoning codes and the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of SPAs are to provide an appropriate zoning district classification for new development and redevelopment where specific development standards and conditions will be established within the enacting ordinance. The quality of design and site planning are the primary objectives of the SPA district. Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 7 of 37 Page 2 of 11 The SPA process should be used where a proposed development or redevelopment project has unique characteristics, special environmental or physical features such that a site development plan is needed as part of the review and approval process. The existing six (6) vacant lots (lot # 1-6) are currently oriented with frontage on the Jasmine Street. This area of Jasmine Street is unpaved. Each existing lot (lots # 2-6), with the exception of the corner lot (lot # 1), has 50 feet of lot width fronting Jasmine Street. The corner lot has 70 feet of lot width fronting on Jasmine Street. All the lots are 102 feet in depth. Lot # 1 is 7,140 square feet and lots # 2-6 are 5,100 square feet each. All six (6) lots are lots of record and could be developed with a total of 6 single-family homes. The applicant requesting the SPA district and providing two different options/site plans. Both op- tions include leaving the southern portion (lots 4-6) as conservation areas. Option A: consists of reducing the total number of lots from six (6) to three (3) and reorienting the lots to face 6th Street W. Each lot would have 34 feet of frontage on 6th Street W. and would be 320 feet in depth for a total of 10,880 square feet per lot. Over half of each lot would have a conservation easement over the properties southern side. The proposed homes would have a zero foot setback on the eastern side of each property. This allows a 6’ 11” setback between structures. If the rezon- ing is approved the applicant will need to plat the property within the SPA to match the approved site layout. Option B: consists of reducing the total number of lots from six (6) to four (4) town homes (semi- detached homes) oriented toward 6th Street W. Each lot would have 28 feet of frontage on 6th Street W. and would be 320 feet in depth for a total of 8,960 square feet per lot. Over half of each lot would have a conservation easement over the properties southern side. This proposal has 10’ setbacks on the two outside units (eastern most and western unit) and the two inside units and 3’ setbacks be- tween the interior units (other than a small connection between units). If the rezoning is approved the applicant will need to plat the property within the SPA to match the approved site layout. The original application (figure 1) had proposed the following development standards: 1. Combine lots 1-3 into three (3) 34’ x 170’ lots (existing lot 1 is 70’ x 102’ and existing lot 2 & 3 are each 50’ x102’) fronting on 6th Street West 2. Provide lots 4, 5 and 6 as conservation/green space by donating to the City of Atlantic Beach 3. Minimum 3’ side yards 4. Minimum 20’ front yards 5. Minimum 20’ rear yards 6. Maximum 45% lot coverage 7. Develop as single-family Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 8 of 37 Page 3 of 11 Figure 1 (original application site plan) OPITION A (figure 2)- proposed the following development standards: 1. Combine the existing six (6) lots into three (3) single-family lots fronting on 6th Street West 2. 34’ x 320’ lot size (10,880 square feet per lot) 3. No side yard setback on eastern side of structures (zero lot line) 4. 6’ 11” side yard setback on western side of structures 5. Minimum 20’ front yards 6. Maximum 20% lot coverage 7. Develop as single-family 8. Maximum 1,900 square feet of heated and cooled area 9. Mechanical equipment (AC) placed in rear yard, behind buildings 10. Saves all but one (1) of the existing trees 11. Conservation easement place on the rear 150 feet of each lot 12. All lots will comply with drainage requirements Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 9 of 37 Page 4 of 11 Figure 2 (option A site plan) OPITION B (figure 3)- proposed the following development standards: 1. Combine the existing six (6) lots into four (4) town-homes fronting on 6th Street West 2. 28’ x 320’ lots (8,960 square feet per lot) 3. Minimum 20’ front yard setbacks 4. 10’ exterior side yard setback for proposed lot 1 5. 3’ side yard setback between proposed lots 1 and 2 (other than small connection for town- house) 6. 5’ side yard setback between proposed lots 2 and 3 7. 5’ side yard setback between proposed lots 2 and 3 8. 3’ side yard setback between lot 3 and 4 (other than small connection for townhouse) 9. 10’ exterior side yard setback for proposed lot 4’ 10. Maximum 20% lot coverage 11. Develop as townhomes 12. Maximum 1,700 square feet of heated and cooled area 13. Mechanical equipment (AC) placed in rear yard, behind buildings 14. Saves all but one (1) of the existing trees 15. Conservation easement place on the rear 150 feet of each lot 16. All lots will comply with drainage requirements Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 10 of 37 Page 5 of 11 Figure 3 (option B site plan A phase 1 and phase 2 environmental site assessment reports were conducted for the property. The assessments found recognized environmental conditions (RECs) and business environment risk (BERs) on the south end of the property (the approximate area shown as green space on the proposed SPA layout – lots 4-6). Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 11 of 37 Page 6 of 11 The REC indicates there was marsh on the southern half of the property until the 1970’s at which this area was reworked and appears to have filled in the marsh. This area may have been a former old dump, operated by the City of Atlantic Beach. Reportedly solid waste was brought onto the property to fill in wetlands and low areas with some trenching and above grade trash disposal. The likely presence of un- known buried solid waste at the property is considered a moderate to high environmental risk. The BER reported that used tires and solid waste dumped on the ground surface, and visi- ble evidence of buried solid waste at the south- ern half of the property (lots 4-6 on SPA layout). Removal and proper disposal of the waste would be necessary before the property is suit- able for development. The conclusions and recommendations from the phase 2 environmental site assessment de- notes that further site assessment of the sub- surface soil and groundwater quality is not war- ranted for the property at this time. According the report the buried solid waste identified at the property would most likely involve the re- moval and off-site disposal of the waste mate- rial, and replacement with clean soil should be considered to assure there is a ground surface suit- able for building construction. The proposed SPA adapts to the environmental limitations and allows the flexibility to develop the property by placing the building areas away from the areas of buried trash. The proposed SPA has less density than allowable under the current zoning district, has the greater chance of persevering trees, and provides significant previous area for storm water runoff. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Residential Low (RL) density which allows up to 6 units per acre. The requested rezoning change is consistent with multiple goals, objectives, and po- lies established in the Comprehensive Plan. Below are specific policies in the Comprehensive Plan that support the rezoning request. Policy A.1.1.1 Land development within the City shall be permitted only where such development is compatible with environmental limitations of the site and only when submitted plans demonstrate appropriate recognition of topography, soil conditions, flooding conditions, trees, vegetation and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas, including wetlands and Figure 4: Environmental Assessment Map Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 12 of 37 Page 7 of 11 coastal resources, and habitat protection of rare, endangered or threatened species and areas of unique natural beauty. Policy A.1.3.3 The City shall continue to manage, preserve and construct facilities that provide diverse opportunities to all residents for both passive and active recreation, including parks, na- ture preserves, trails and bikeways, skateboard parks and ball fields, dune crossovers, wa- terway accesses and associated amenities. Policy A.1.3.5 The City shall continue to expand opportunities and facilities for public access to the beach, the Intracoastal Waterway, and associated creeks and marshes for passive and natural resource based recreation activities, such as hiking and biking, canoeing and kayaking, birding, fishing and other similar activities that have limited impact on these resources. Policy D.5.1.1 The City shall protect and restore floodplain areas when possible through land acquisition or conservation easement acquisition; regulation, including setbacks, buffer zones, des- ignated wildlife corridors, low density zoning, performance standards and open space re- quirements. Policy E.1.2.2 The City shall maintain, within its Land Development Regulations, provisions that require open space and recreation within new development Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 13 of 37 Page 8 of 11 Figure 3: 2019 Zoning Map Figure 4: 2019 Future Land Use Map SPA Written Description for Option A A. The following shall be permitted on the property in the locations generally shown on the concept plan, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1. Lots 1, 2 and 3 each developed as 34’ x 320’ single-family lots with frontage on 6th Street West. 2. Record a conservation easement over former lots 4, 5, and 6. This area is to pre- served and maintained by permitting only those land uses on the property that do not significantly impair or interfere with them, including, without limitation, those land uses relating to active and passive recreation, including but not limited to gaze- boes, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, and boating. Where possible expand opportuni- ties for public access to the Interacoastal Waterway and associated creeks and marshes for recreation uses. B. Development Standards: 1. Zero lot line on the eastern side of properties 2. 6’ 11” side yard setbacks on western side of properties 3. Minimum 20’ front yards 4. Maximum 20% lot coverage 5. Develop as single-family 6. Maximum 1,900 square feet of heated and cooled area 7. Mechanical equipment (AC) placed in rear yard, behind buildings 8. Save all but one (1) of the existing trees 9. Conservation easement placed on the rear 150 feet of each lot 10. All lots will comply with drainage requirements 6th St. W Ca m e l i a S t . Ja s m i n e Residential Low Density (RL) Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 14 of 37 Page 9 of 11 11. All applicable provisions of the City of Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations and Code of Ordinances, as may be in effect at the time any permits are sought, shall be applicable to development authorized by the SPA. C. Infrastructure Electric and telecommunication lines shall be installed underground in accordance with the policies of the utility provider. The Developer is responsible for the provision, construction and maintenance of any required potable water and sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with the terms and requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach Utility Department and other applicable governmental agencies. Sanitary sewer facilities to be constructed by the Devel- oper shall be connected to the City’s central wastewater system. The development shall conform to the requirements of both the St. Johns River Water Man- agement District and the City of Atlantic Beach for storm water storage and disposal. Drain- age plans for the development shall be submitted to the City’s Building and Public Works Departments for approval as part of an application for a development permit pursuant to the Code of Ordinances. D. Access Access will be provided to this SPA development by utilizing the existing 6th Street West city roadway. E. Phases Development pursuant to this SPA shall be in a single phase SPA Written Description for Option B A The following shall be permitted on the property in the locations generally shown on the concept plan, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 developed as 28’ x 320’ town-home lots with frontage on 6th Street West. 2. Record a conservation easement over former lots 4, 5, and 6. This area is to pre- served and maintained by permitting only those land uses on the property that do not significantly impair or interfere with them, including, without limitation, those land uses relating to active and passive recreation, including but not limited to gaze- boes, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, and boating. Where possible expand opportuni- ties for public access to the Interacoastal Waterway and associated creeks and marshes for recreation uses. B. Development Standards: 1. Combine the existing six (6) lots into four (4) town-homes fronting on 6th Street West 2. 28’ x 320’ lots (8,960 square feet per lot) 3. Minimum 20’ front yard setbacks 4. 10’ exterior side yard setback for proposed lot 1 Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 15 of 37 Page 10 of 11 5. 3’ side yard setback between proposed lots 1 and 2 (other than small connection for town- house) 6. 5’ side yard setback between proposed lots 2 and 3 7. 5’ side yard setback between proposed lots 2 and 3 8. 3’ side yard setback between lot 3 and 4 (other than small connection for townhouse) 9. 10’ exterior side yard setback for proposed lot 4’ 10. Maximum 20% lot coverage 11. Develop as townhomes 12. Maximum 1,700 square feet of heated and cooled area 13. Mechanical equipment (AC) placed in rear yard, behind buildings 14. Saves all but one (1) of the existing trees 15. Conservation easement place on the rear 150 feet of each lot 16. All lots will comply with drainage requirements 17. All applicable provisions of the City of Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations and Code of Ordinances, as may be in effect at the time any permits are sought, shall be applicable to development authorized by the SPA. B. Infrastructure Electric and telecommunication lines shall be installed underground in accordance with the policies of the utility provider. The Developer is responsible for the provision, construction and maintenance of any required potable water and sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with the terms and requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach Utility Department and other applicable governmental agencies. Sanitary sewer facilities to be constructed by the Devel- oper shall be connected to the City’s central wastewater system. The development shall conform to the requirements of both the St. Johns River Water Man- agement District and the City of Atlantic Beach for storm water storage and disposal. Drain- age plans for the development shall be submitted to the City’s Building and Public Works Departments for approval as part of an application for a development permit pursuant to the Code of Ordinances. C. Access Access will be provided to this SPA development by utilizing the existing 6th Street West city roadway. D. Phases Development pursuant to this SPA shall be in a single phase SUMMARRY OF THE APPROVAL PROCESS – REZN19-0005 This request requires an ordinance amendment and must follow the public notice and meeting re- quirements individually as described in Section 24-51 (b) and 24-51 (e). Public Hearings for REZN19-0005 Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 16 of 37 Page 11 of 11  The community development board shall hold one (1) advertised public hearing and review option A or option B; and  The city commission shall hold two (2) advertised public hearings on proposed ordinances that amend: 1) The official zoning map designation of a parcel or parcels. ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS FROM THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REZN19-0005: 590 Jasmine St., 0 Jasmine Street (RE#170891-0030) and 0 Jasmine Street (RE#170891-0040) Per Section 24-62 (c)(2) of the Land Development Code, the Community Development Board shall “Indicate the relationship of the proposed rezoning to the comprehensive plan for the City and provide a finding that the requested change in zoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan.” Agenda Item #3.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 17 of 37 Page 18 of 37 Ae r i a l  of  Si t e Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 19 of 37 Re s i d e n t i a l  Cl u s t e r  De v e l o p m e n t Wh a t  is  Cl u s t e r  De v e l o p m e n t ? • Cl u s t e r  De v e l o p m e n t ,  al s o  kn o w n  as co n s e r v a t i o n  de v e l o p m e n t , is  a  si t e  pl a n n i n g  ap p r o a c h  th a t  is  an  al t e r n a t i v e  to  co n v e n t i o n a l   su b d i v i s i o n  de v e l o p m e n t .  It  is  a  pr a c t i c e  of  Lo w  Im p a c t  De v e l o p m e n t  th a t  gr o u p s  re s i d e n t i a l  pr o p e r t i e s  in  a  pr o p o s e d  su b d i v i s i o n  closer   to g e t h e r  in  or d e r  to  ut i l i z e  th e  re s t  of  th e  la n d  fo r  op e n  sp a c e ,  re c r e a t i o n  or  ag r i c u l t u r e . C l u s t e r  de v e l o p m e n t  di f f e r s  fr o m  a planned  unit   de v e l o p m e n t (P U D )  du e  to  th e  fa c t  th a t  a  PU D  co n t a i n s  a  mi x  of  re s i d e n t i a l ,  co m m e r c i a l ,  in d u s t r i a l ,  or  ot h e r  us e s ,  wh e r e a s  the  cluster   de v e l o p m e n t  pr i m a r i l y  fo c u s e s  on  re s i d e n t i a l  ar e a . [1 ] Pu r p o s e • pr o m o t e  in t e g r a t e d  si t e  de s i g n  th a t  is  co n s i d e r a t e  to  th e  na t u r a l  fe a t u r e s  an d  to p o g r a p h y • pr o t e c t  en v i r o n m e n t a l l y  se n s i t i v e  ar e a s  of  th e  de v e l o p m e n t  si t e ,  as  we l l  as  pe r m a n e n t l y  pr e s e r v e  im p o r t a n t  na t u r a l  fe a t u r e s ,  pri me   ag r i c u l t u r a l  la n d ,  an d  op e n  sp a c e • mi n i m i z e  no n ‐po i n t  so u r c e  po l l u t i o n  th r o u g h  re d u c i n g  th e  ar e a  of im p e r v i o u s  su r f a c e s on  si t e • en c o u r a g e  sa v i n g  co s t s  on  in f r a s t r u c t u r e  an d  ma i n t e n a n c e  th r o u g h  pr a c t i c e s  su c h  as  de c r e a s i n g  th e  ar e a  th a t  ne e d s  to  be  paved a n d  the   de c r e a s i n g  di s t a n c e  th a t  ut i l i t i e s  ne e d  to  be  ru n • th e  pr i m a r y  pu r p o s e  is  to  cr e a t e  mo r e  ar e a  fo r  op e n  sp a c e ,  re c r e a t i o n  an d  mo r e  so c i a l  in t e r a c t i o n [2 ] Be n e f i t s • Th a n k s  to  th e r e  be i n g  mo r e  po r o u s  gr o u n d  co v e r i n g s  an d  fe w e r  im p e r v i o u s  su r f a c e s  su c h  as  as p h a l t  an d  co n c r e t e ,  th e  ri s k  of  fl ood ing   an d  er o s i o n  fr o m  st o r m w a t e r  is  re d u c e d .  Ec o n o m i c a l  be n e f i t s  of  cl u s t e r  de v e l o p m e n t  ca n  in c l u d e  th e r e  be i n g  le s s  in f r a s t r u c t u r e  to   bu i l d — f e w e r  ro a d s ,  se w e r s ,  an d  ut i l i t y  li n e s .  Th e  hi g h e r  de n s i t y  of  th e  cl u s t e r s  of  ho u s i n g  al s o  te n d s  to  me a n  mo r e  ef f i c i e n c y  for   se r v i c e s  su c h  as  pu b l i c  tr a n s i t ,  an d  ca n  al s o  pr o m o t e  in c r e a s e d  bi c y c l e  us a g e  an d  th e  en c o u r a g e m e n t  of  pe d e s t r i a n s .  Th e  extra o p e n   sp a c e  ma d e  av a i l a b l e  by  th i s  ty p e  of  de v e l o p m e n t  le a v e s  ro o m  fo r  pa r k s ,  tr a i l s ,  an d co m m u n i t y ‐su p p o r t e d  ag r i c u l t u r e . Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 20 of 37 23 ’ x 7 0 ’  ho u s e 27 x 4 5 ’   ho u s e 27 ’ x  58 ’  ho u s e 34 x 3 2 0  lo t 34 x 3 2 0  lo t 34 x 3 2 0  lo t Re c o r d  a  co n s e r v a t i o n  ea s e m e n t  ov e r  or i g i n a l  lo t s  4,   5,  an d  6  –t h e  re a r  pa r t  of  th e  th r e e  ne w  lo t s . • Ta k e  th e  si x  lo t s  an d  co m b i n e  th e m ,  an d  th e n  sp l i t  th e m  in t o  3  lo t s  fa c i n g  We s t  6 th St r e e t • Ho m e s  wi l l  ha v e  6’ ‐11 ’  of  th e i r  ow n  pr o p e r t y  be t w e e n  th e m  an d  th e i r  ne i g h b o r Ze r o  Lo t  Li n e  La y o u t  – OP I T I O N  A 23 ’ x 7 0 ’  ho u s e 27 x 4 5 ’   ho u s e 27 ’ x  58 ’  ho u s e Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 21 of 37 Tr e e  Su r v e y  – OP I T I O N  A 23 ’ x 7 0 ’  ho u s e 27 x 4 5 ’   ho u s e 27 ’ x  58 ’  ho u s e 1. 2 4 ’ ’  tw i n  un k n o w n 2. 1 7 ’ ’  oa k 3. 1 2 ’ ’  oa k 4. 1 3 ’ ’  oa k 5. 2 2 ’ ’  tw i n  oa k 6. 1 6 ’ ’  oa k 7. 1 4 ’ ’  un k n o w n 8. 1 3 ’ ’  un k n o w n 9. 2 2 ’ ’  tw i n  un k n o w n 10 . 1 4 ’ ’  pi n e • 16 ’ ’  pi n e • 10 ‐12 ’ ’  oa k  (t h i s  is  an   $6 , 0 0 0 ‐$8 , 0 0 0  tr e e ) • Ad d i t i o n a l  tr e e s  ac c o r d i n g   to  tr e e  re q u i r e m e n t s Tr e e s  Sa v e d Tr e e s  Ad d e d Tr e e s  Lo s t 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 10 9 Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 22 of 37 Pr o p o s e d  Lo t  Co v e r a g e  – OP I T I O N  A Im p e r v i o u s  Su r f a c e • Ho u s e  #1  = 16 1 0 + 2 0 0 + 9  = 1, 8 1 9 • Ho u s e  #2  = 12 1 5 + 3 2 0 + 9  = 1, 4 2 4 • Ho u s e  #3  = 15 5 6 + 3 2 0 + 9  = 1, 8 9 5 TO T A L        = 5, 1 3 8 Lo t  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Ar e a  = 34 , 6 8 0 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 6, 9 3 6 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 20 % Si t e  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Ar e a  = 50 , 6 8 0 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 6, 9 3 6 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 13 . 6 % Si t e  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Area  = 50,680 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 22,806 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 45% Pr o p o s e d De v e l o p e d  as  6  lots Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 23 of 37 Ex a m p l e  of  27 ’  an d  20 ’  wi d e  ho u s e s Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 24 of 37 Ag r e e d  to  Co n d i t i o n s • Ho u s e  sq f t l i m i t e d  to  19 0 0  sq f t ,  he a t e d  an d  co o l e d • Im p e r v i o u s  lo t  co v e r a g e  li m i t e d  to  20 % • AC ’ s  pl a c e d  in  th e  re a r ,  be h i n d  th e  bu i l d i n g s ,  no t  in  si d e  se t b a c k • No  fe n c e s  al l o w e d  in  fr o n t  of  th e  re a r  co r n e r  of  th e  bu i l d i n g s • Sa v i n g  10 / 1 1  tr e e s ,  an d  al l  ha r d w o o d s • Pl a n t i n g  a  ne w  10 ‐12 ’ ’  oa k  (6 K ‐8K  tr e e )  in  ad d i t i o n  to  re q u i r e m e n t s • A  co n s e r v a t i o n  ea s e m e n t  wi l l  be  pl a c e d  on  th e  re a r  15 0 ’  of  ea c h  lot– ca n ’ t  cu t  tr e e s ,  et c • Al l  lo t s  wi l l  st i l l  ha v e  to  co m p l y  wi t h  10 0 %  of  CO A B  dr a i n a g e  re q ’ s Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 25 of 37 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 28 x 3 2 0  lo t 23 x 3 2 0  lo t Re c o r d  a  co n s e r v a t i o n  ea s e m e n t  ov e r  or i g i n a l  lo t s  4,   5,  an d  6  –t h e  re a r  pa r t  of  th e  fo u r  ne w  lo t s . • Ta k e  th e  si x  lo t s  an d  co m b i n e  th e m ,  an d  th e n  sp l i t  th e m  in t o  4  “s e m i ‐de t a c h e d ”  to w n h o m e s  lo t s  fa c i n g  West  6 th Street • Ho m e s  wi l l  ha v e  at  le a s t  a  5’  si d e y a r d b e t w e e n  ne i g h b o r s .    In t e r i o r  wa l l s  wi l l  ha v e  3’  be t w e e n  th e m  and  neighbor. Se m i ‐de t a c h e d  La y o u t  – OP I T I O N  B 23 x 3 2 0  lo t 28 x 3 2 0  lo t 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 5’  se t b a c k s 3’  se t b a c k s 10 ’  se t b a c k s Lo t  1 Lo t  2 Lo t  3 Lo t  4 Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 26 of 37 Ex a m p l e  of  se m i ‐de t a c h e d  ho m e s  in  At l a n t i c  Be a c h ‐ 15 ’  wi d e  ho m e s ,  6’  in  be t w e e n ‐ Th e s e  ar e  ~1 7 0 0  sq f t Se m i ‐de t a c h e d  La y o u t  – 1 1 6 ,  12 0 ,  12 4 ,  12 8  Ja c k s o n  Road Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 27 of 37 Tr e e  Su r v e y  ‐ OP I T I O N  B 1. 2 4 ’ ’  tw i n  un k n o w n 2. 1 7 ’ ’  oa k 3. 1 2 ’ ’  oa k 4. 1 3 ’ ’  oa k 5. 2 2 ’ ’  tw i n  oa k 6. 1 6 ’ ’  oa k 7. 1 4 ’ ’  un k n o w n 8. 1 3 ’ ’  un k n o w n 9. 1 4 ’ ’  pi n e • 16 ’ ’  pi n e • 22 ’ ’  tw i n  un k n o w n • 10 ‐12 ’ ’  oa k  (t h i s  is  an   $6 , 0 0 0 ‐$8 , 0 0 0  tr e e ) • Ad d i t i o n a l  tr e e s  ac c o r d i n g   to  tr e e  re q u i r e m e n t s Tr e e s  Sa v e d Tr e e s  Ad d e d Tr e e s  Lo s t 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 28 x 3 2 0  lo t 23 x 3 2 0  lo t 23 x 3 2 0  lo t 28 x 3 2 0  lo t 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 15 ’ x 7 5 ’  se m i ‐de t a c h 10 ’  se t b a c k s Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 28 of 37 Pr o p o s e d  Lo t  Co v e r a g e  ‐ OP I T I O N  B Im p e r v i o u s  Su r f a c e • Ho u s e s  = 11 2 5 + 2 0 0 + 9  = 13 3 4 • X  4 TO T A L        = 5, 3 3 6 Lo t  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Ar e a  = 34 , 6 8 0 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 6, 9 3 6 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 20 % Si t e  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Ar e a  = 50 , 6 8 0 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 6, 9 3 6 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 13 . 6 % Si t e  Co v e r a g e • To t a l  Area  = 50,680 • Im p e r v i o u s  = 22,806 • Lo t  Co v e r a g e  = 45% Pr o p o s e d De v e l o p e d  as  6  lots Lo t  1 Lo t  2 Lo t  3 Lo t  4 Agenda Item #3.A.17 Sep 2019 Page 29 of 37 Page 30 of 37   CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT   AGENDA ITEM 4.A CASE NO. UBEX19-0004 Request for a use-by-exception as permitted by Section 3-5, to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in accordance with Chapter 3 of the code at 299 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit #2. LOCATION 299 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 2 APPLICANT Mark “Aaron” Levine, Homespun Kitchen DATE August 27, 2019 STAFF Brian Broedell, Planner STAFF COMMENTS The applicant is Mark “Aaron” Levine on behalf of Homespun Kitchen, an existing restaurant located in Unit 2 of 299 Atlantic Boulevard. This business is located within an existing multi-tenant commercial building within the Central Business District zoning district. Section 3-5 of the city code requires a use-by-exception for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages within the Central Business District.  The applicant is not proposing any changes to the ingress or egress of the existing building or to the existing parking on site. A central dumpster location is used for the tenant’s building. Surrounding uses include commercial businesses to the east, west and south of this unit with a commercial parking lot to the north. The nearest existing residential is multi-family approximately 165 feet to the north beyond the parking lot and across Ahern Street from the applicant’s unit. Multiple other businesses in the Town Center area sell alcohol for on-premises consumption. The property is located within the Central Business District Future Land Use designation. Policy A.1.11.1 Central Business District of the City’s Comprehensive Plan states that the CBD is an area that contains a well-established pattern and character of development, and permitted uses include retail, office, restaurant, and certain entertainment uses, which contribute to the commercial, civic and cultural vitality of the City. The proposed business is not proposing to alter the character of development and fits one of the desired uses (restaurant) for the district. Agenda Item #4.A. 17 Sep 2019 Page 31 of 37 Page 2 of 2   SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No. UBEX19-0004) to allow on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in accordance with Chapter 3 of the code within the Central Business District (CBD) Zoning District and located at 299 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 2 provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is consistent with Section 24-115(b) in that the proposed use is found to be consistent with the uses permitted in the CBD zoning district with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing industrial uses, commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No. UBEX19-0004) to allow on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in accordance with Chapter 3 of the code within the Central Business District (CBD) Zoning District and located at 299 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 2 provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is not consistent with Section 24-115(b) in that the proposed use is found to be inconsistent with the uses permitted in the CBD zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing industrial uses, commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. 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A . 1 7 S e p 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 5 o f 3 7 _£omm3_mm UC<>_.§>_.m A g e n d a I t e m # 4 . A . 1 7 S e p 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 6 o f 3 7 swam LEGEND In 5|‘!um I».um um: c ::v Rx NHL 4.Im.Ln.um Io-.n .72»MIN HFL IJJ scan . c rum:IlDNP1V[(IlNL|.El1 ru.mu umm mm 4:cvvnmuurn 2:IIIIIZWVDRIIIT 5;,n...-..W. 52.m ‘(ALK 1:;mm mm +mm :1 ma.CDHNN :I won 7 um cumw‘ M -uanmm I I:cum Hum I:am» a noun r-11A ;RAANDID NUDIWD mar o uI>1V I~u.I at W mm.HAMWEAI PARKING..NVNN a EILCVBCM.mm munm uuurv M wan nu: I:NIlM.I-IA root: Imm I:LI-(mm '.I<:'4u Man!on LL am UDTCIAL Ivtcumr:Damn PC we: cu~cIIIII UJCIIIC nmsmmm v/— N Nnvm mmacn I V . ATLANTIC BEACH TERRACE PLAT BOOK Is.PAGE 34. I an Inn’P6.31:: D.l‘I1‘AC ‘£5+/— mw:I20!‘I‘.All-IL M...- )|‘CK no my W,...-,.........--c 4:«~ /2;‘//////////9;‘ #15:. -»-1 .II In m‘PImomy L. N a,s:1="1'‘ ATLANTICBEACH FLAT BODK 5.FACE 53 .,5////?)///I////_/{ff_,- 2"?’ as 7 HTI/A A MAP SHOWINGA BOUNDARY SURVEY O DE5cRIFT1oN:I W._/—-*’ATLANTII:DEACI-I PARCIZL: K NDLI1 _<_.-v \T.’THOSE LANDS DESCRIAEDA5‘PARCELII‘AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT‘A‘m ‘RECORDEDIN OFFICIAL Lr:oRD5 6675.PAGE ms.DuvALcomm TLDRIDA, I BEING THE SDIJTHERLV‘I§'or LOT 7.ALL OF LOT8.AND THATCERTAIN\UNNUMBEREDLot,on STRIP 0F LAND,LYING scum uF LOT E BETWEENISAIDLoIMANDATLANTICBOULEVARD.AS RECORDED IN FLAT BOOK 5...PACE an or SAID PUBLICRFcoRDS,TOGETHERWITH LUIS I.:.:..4.:>.AM)I5. I ATLANTICBEACH TERRACE.As RECORDEDIN FLATaoax I5,FADE J4,OF SAID PUBLIC RECDRDS.TOGETHERWITH TI-IATCERTAINI5 FOOT ALLEV EDUNDEDon THE NDRTHin THE scum LINEDF LDT5 AND 5 AND on I I THE scum av THE NORTH LINE or LOTS I 'r>IRoucFI 4, CONTAININGD.I.II ACRES.MORE DR LESS ,a.=)(I r,M—.:‘0 THE FOLLOWINGSURVEYS WERE USED AS REFERENCESIN PREPER/ITTONor TIIIS SURVEY. ,I)SURVEY 37 HA.DURDEN &/IssocIATI:HLE Na.7 DATED:SEPT.2x,I97I5 2)suRvI:r av I:LI.Is.curms F1 KODKER.FILE Nu.F24 3-I—Dn 18512.DATED:SEPT.I5’.1934LJ)sI.IRvEv av ELLIS.CURTIS &KDOKER.FILE Nu.sens FA32—H4.DATED:MARI I.H37: 4)SURVEY av ELLIS.CURTIS &I<DoI<ER.HLE Na.D0-54—E.DATE‘I 5)SURVEY av R.WELLINCTDN.DATED29 SEPT I917 \a)SURVEY av ELLIS.CURTIS In I<ooI<ER,FILE No.UN6566 FI5:—Me.DATED:oct.I6.T924 .2-4-2000 sE::IIoN No.72In—II3.DATED:17/11/55 I 2:)SURVDI I31 HA.BURDEN.DATED ocT 27.I963ID)SURVEY DURDENLANDsIJRvEvcIR5,FILE Nu 0-2572,DATED:M16.8.I997 III)SUI{VL'Y uv ELLIS.GIIF.1IS..!<KDDKER,DATE :mu I,ma , II)ExI>IARAIIaR m HA.BURDEN D AssocIATEs,Exr=LAININcRIcFIT—oF—wAv PRDHLEMS.DATED: I2)ATLANTIC BEACH.RIJIT BDOK 5,PAGE 59 I3)NEPTUNE DEACII TERRACE sEcTIDII 2,PLAT aoox Is.PAGE 44 VII)NEPTUNE.PLAT 500%4.PAGE ac. \Ia)AII.rIMnI:amen TERRACE.PLATBDOKIs.PAGE .34 THOSE LANDS OF SOUTHCOAST CAPITAL PARTNERSHIP.LTD..A FLORIDA CORPORATION LYING IN ATLANTIC BEACH AND NEPTUNE BEACH.DUVAL COUNTY.FLORIDA FOR:SOUTHCOAST CAPITALPARTNERSHIP.LTD..A FLORIDA CORPORATION 7)STATE DF FLoRIDA.Wm:ROAD DEPARTMENT(FLORIDADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION),RIGHT—Df'—WI\VMAP. IJTIuR\II4; F Nov.2-».l‘J7I W).1...MTV ».;...Ii :I I»STURV-ERICK ..«R 'I (CDMMIZRCIAIJ_~7/' I I 'II1.IIr.5SIIW""'“I T 5 '/IIA‘D4I-0’—IMVA£"/I/V I mu.um am /IIrrurmoru,.-.3.I '(IM';In[a...ma . "I .-II IUO.74 I\I 5 32.1759W,A‘»,/,///1 .mmmy..m...«m....MG‘) ‘7 V '.-.-_-7/////'..I-’////////__.. _______7 _____,__I F ’/”/‘‘W’///’’//'' I;THE FOLLOWINGYIILE REPORTS PREPAREDav cm3REPUBLICTITLE(ORT)INSURANCE COMPANY WERE USEO IN ~<PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY: I II oRT Nu.D3In3I5n DATED’act.22.mm}.I ORT NO.DJTOJIDJ DATED.OCT.22.ZOO} ORT ND.DJIOJIBE DATED:OCT.22.ZOUJ CRT ND.OJTOJIUI DATE OCT.23.2003cmND.osmmz DAT!-.ocr.23.2003 I ORT Nu.D3TO3I97 OATI:OCT.23.2063 'ORT Nu.U1TU3‘93 DATE OCT.23.ZOOJ.I CWT Na.03103230 DATED:OCT.27,ZOO] ML;/V775 gay/_5y,I/an am No.asmssm DATED:ocr.7:4,mm: ‘E Avmtrlvmazvr an-.«rm':I.g-Ir I ~_.,,{/E/.¢~r—0r—IIAr I/452(4) I NOTES:I I)BEARINGS SHOWN HEREUNARE BASED ON THEWEST RIGHT-OI’-WAY LINEOF OCEAN BOULEVARD.IN ATLANTICBEACH.HEINCscum5-sun"EAST.AND REFERTD sIIRvEv av H.A.DIIRDEIIk I-ssocmzs.FILENUMBER7524.DATED:SEPT.21.I973. 2)UNDERGROUNDIMPROVEMENTS/ENCROACHMENTS.IF ANV.WERE NOT LOCATED BY THIS SURVEV. 3)FOR A LIST OI’TITLE REPORTS USED IN THEFREFERATION D7 TNIS SURVEY SEE THE TABLEA5 SHOWN HEREON. __A_W .7 —-—4)THE PARCELS SHOWN HEREON LIE IN ZONE "X.AS SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS T7007?000‘D (NEPTUNEEEACN) /IND 120075 mm D (ATLANTICBEACH).DATEDAPRIL I7.1955. SNECT I Dr 2 f,j§,"»,’?,‘¢‘«_f}{-?Z.',’5;-‘;;»~“,,f,,‘W.5173 NIIRMANDVBOULEVARD. -'JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA32205 —nIoNE(DIu 730-0400 FAX mu 130-I410.........,,D s RVEYORS ’‘’ - 'ucmsm Ixusmrxs mu.usaa:mam FERRARIscmINrm-I nnmu.I-um...MAL<.I~I:«m‘»IuHAPPENNw.:I1Dl w,n.N51,:D3535 I2/IE/2003 DRAFTEDav:A.WALLENT"=ID‘MDTVALIDWITHOUTTHE S|CNATUR[ANDWE DFIIGIIMLNNFIIDcmorArtumwaucmstnsuwvtvunmnW-ER.cIIEcI<EDav:P.FERRARI cm FILE:asassnwc F3 475 pa.45-74 A g e n d a I t e m # 4 . A . 1 7 S e p 2 0 1 9 P a g e 3 7 o f 3 7