08-20-19 CDB MinutesPresent: MINUTES Community Development Board Meeting Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber Kelly Elmore, Member Linda Lanier, Member Kirk Hansen, Chair Brea Paul, Vice Chair Sylvia Simmons, Member Brian Major, Member Mark Tingen, Alternate Member Absent: None Also Present: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Shane Corbin, Community Development Director Brian Broedell, Planner Valerie Jones, Recording Clerk Amanda Askew, Principal Planner 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Hansen. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the July 16, 2019 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. 3. OLD BUSINESS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REZN19-0005 PUBLIC HEARING (JWB Real Estate Capital) Request for map amendments to the zoning map for six (6) lots currently zoned as Residential, Single -Family (RS -2) to Special Planned Area (SPA). STAFF REPORT: Planner Askew presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. BOARD DISCUSSION: Ms. Lanier asked if the green space would be cleaned up and Planner Askew said that the applicant planned on cleaning the surface debris. Mr. Elmore wanted to know if there was a minimum lot size for a SPA to be considered. Planner Askew explained that as part of this rezoning they are creating a minimum and it would be 34' x 170'. Mr. Elmore was surprised that there wasn't any language for this and it could be problematic in the future. Ms. Paul agreed that she thought there was a minimum acreage requirement. Director Corbin said that all of the good land of Community Development Board August 20, 2019 Page 1 of 4 the City has been built out and now the development is in the lower areas that are more problematic (close to marsh, environmental issues, etc.). He said that Staff only considered this SPA request because of the unique issues involved. Ms Simmons and Mr. Elmore were concerned about the side yard setbacks being so narrow. There was further discussion regarding the long lots and the tree canopy. Staff confirmed that if the application was approved they would build on the 3 lots then they would not develop the other 3 lots and they would remain as green space. Ms. Lanier asked if the applicant developed the lots as currently platted then would they have to pave Jasmine Street? Planner Askew confirmed that it would have to be paved and brought up to City standards. Ms. Paul asked if any drainage engineering plans had been submitted. Planner Askew said they had not. Ms. Paul said she was unwilling to approve a plan when drainage has not been calculated. Mr. Elmore agreed and said he has an issue with the applicant not cleaning the entire development of any buried waste. Planner Askew reiterated that the environmental reports show that the 3 lots are suitable for building and there is not environmental concern. She said the environmental concerns are in the proposed green space area. APPLICANT COMMENT: Alex Sifakis of 340 8th Street introduced himself as the applicant. He said that originally he presented a development plan that included all 6 lots and a road down Jasmine Street which would have added a lot of impervious surface, whereas it has been cut in half. Mr. Sifakis said that Staff encouraged him to come up with a plan that they thought would be more in keeping with what the City would like to see. He said there would be a conservation easement over the remaining 3 lots and no one would ever be able to build on them. He explained that the idea of the 3' side yards came from zoning in Jacksonville that allows this and they haven't had any issues when doing this type of development. Ms. Paul asked if the applicant had priced out remediation of the 3 lots. Mr. Sifakis said that they did Phase 1 and Phase 2 environment assessment including soil borings and testing. He said that there is no contamination on the site, only household trash, drywall, tires, etc. This makes it unsuitable for building on top of and would have to be removed. Mr. Sifakis said they had quotes to remove the trash that came in between 100,000 to $200,000. Ms. Simmons asked about the tree canopy. Mr. Sifakis said that most of the tree canopy is at the back of the land. He said that if they have to remove all of the buried trash, then the trees would all be cut down. In regards to drainage, Mr. Sifakis said that they didn't have time to get that before the submittal but he would have no problem making that contingent upon an approved drainage plan. Ms. Lanier had him point the existing drainage ditch out on the screen. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Hansen opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers and the Public Hearing was closed. BOARD DISCUSSION: Mr. Elmore was concerned about the 3' side yard setbacks and would be willing to go to 5' side yard setbacks and reduce the rear yard to a 15' setback. There was further discussion regarding the side yard setbacks and the issues Community Development Board August 20, 2019 Page 2 of 4 that could develop with decreased side yard setbacks. Mr. Hansen said that he sees the project as being able to develop as they are and does not see the reasoning for the SPA, other than not have to put in a road. Ms. Simmons and Ms. Paul agreed. There was further discussion regarding Page 10 of the agenda packet which compared the existing impervious maximums to what is being proposed. The Board agreed that the impervious surface isn't an issue as long as there is a good drainage plan. Mr. Sifakis said that the original plan was to build on all 6 lots facing on Jasmine Street and he is open to any suggestions. Ms. Lanier asked if he turned the lots toward 6th Street in order to not have to pave Jasmine Street. Mr. Sifakis said that it doesn't cost that much more to pave the road in front of 6 lots as compared to 3 lots, but it makes sense to not have to pave any road and turn the lots to face 6th Street. Chair Hansen reiterated that the side yard setbacks were his main concern. Ms. Simmons agreed, along with Mr. Elmore. Mr. Elmore mentioned the compromise with decreasing the rear yard setback as he had stated earlier in the meeting. Ms. Lanier brought up the junk yard that exists behind these lots and the costs to the applicant if they are required to remediate and build a road. Mr. Major asked if the Board was saying that 6 houses would be better on the property. The Board agreed that they were. Mr. Sifakis said that he would like to defer and make some changes to the plans to alleviate some of the Boards concerns. MOTION: To defer REZN19-0005. Motion: Sylvia Simmons Second: Linda Lanier Kelly Elmore For Linda Lanier (Seconded By) For Kirk Hansen For Brea Paul For Sylvia Simmons (Moved By) For Brian Major For Mark Tingen For Motion passed 7 to 0. 5. REPORTS None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT None 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chair Hansen declared the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Community Development Board August 20, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Attest: Shane Corbin Kirk Hansen, Chair Community Development Board August 20, 2019 Page 4 of 4