Exh 4A PREPARED 9/04/01,11-06-17 LI C~E NSE NCT IV ITV REPORT - NEW LICENSES PAGE 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC 6E A[H - FOR PERIOD FRON 8/01/01 TO 8/31/01 PROGRAM OL122L FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS LIL - CTRL - BUSINESS NAME ISSUED TYPE CLASS DESCRIPTION _-~11S,LNE.S.$.~1ADRESS ~NCV Nenu __-_ nI1C ^upN~ __. _______-____. __________.___. ,; BUS CITY ST ZIP 04JNER`ADDRESS - - ., ~~ 0205106 4898 DESTI NATIOW LIMO SERVILE 8/13/01 NEW 8495 TAXI/LIM OS IIJE SERVILE C-~ 309 ROYAL PALMS DR ROBERT BASKIN -904- 472-5291 '~ ~ __ __ ~ ____-_-___~Ta-A.NII~ AF?~'+,-f L M DP TATLANrrr vrn~y_,__Ef_ g223~- .._.-___-..-.~_ L' _ t 02 OS107 4897 JOHN F. ROD ENBORN, ESOU F.RE 8/13/01 NEW P020 ATT Oft NEY FIRM/CORPORATION ' ~__ _ ____ S99 -/. pT eNTTC HL-~!D -~DII=~~i7-'S~A~ F'! ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 104 LAGUNA VI LLAS BLVD. F-b, JAX BEACH, FL 32250 599 -6 ATLANTIC BLVD - JOH NF.-.R ODENBORN -904- 247-bOD9 ATLANTIC B EACH, FL 32233 104'L AGUNAVTLLAS BLVD. F-6, JAX y EACH, FL 32250 - _ BRIAN BURY.E LANDSCAPE ARCH. 8/13/01 NEW P120 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FIRM/CORPORATION 879 EAST COAST DR BRIAN BURKE -904- 270-0751 AI1J:NrTr AEA CJI-, FI z»zz R7y Facr rnncr norVE,_AILA~'TSI~htH-,-FL3273X ._ BRIAN BURKE-LANDSCAPE ARCH. 8/13/01 ` NEW -P595 LANUSCAP c' ARCHITECT fl79--EAST--_C --9Fty~ZS1-_0.7_$-5-~ ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 - 879 E AST COAST DRIVE, ATLANTIC de-ACH, FL 32233 02 05109 4896 ~; 6m I~.i ____.,_ I~ 02 05110 4896 Y v 1. .Q $_7-~~.____ LR99 ~yy- TIIRF C_, TNf_ R/14/~1 _._NFJ RJ'I~ iN-LEF-NFI-S3LEC __ __ 141EASTCOASTDR GARY W.WASHBURN -904- 249-8175 ATLANTIC-B EA[H., fL 32233. 141 EAST COA$T.D R., AT LANTIC BEACH, fL.32233 _ )-=~ 02 C5112 49D0 KIMBERLY CHANDLER CLEANING 8/14/01 NEW 5145 CLEANS NG/JRNITORIALlMAID SERVICE 'i.e~ 870 ORCHID ST KIMBERLY CHANDLER BALLARD -904- 372-0591 ~~ ______- ._- -ATLAA4TSf PFafH FI Z-94j R7N nRf Hi~,~jLANTTf RFafg, ~_L 4~7z1 _ --- _-__ ___.___- ~. ~ > ~ 02 OS.113 4901- A JOURNEY TO RELAXATION 8/14/01 NEW P.130 MASSA6EESTABIISHMENT _!_ _~_ -~_. - 669..<rIIR~T1l et,r eyg - `,ARI ENC__'n~7m _ ._41J 4.47=5695-____-__-_ _. _ 1"i ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 869-8 ENGLA ND STREE T, MAYPORT, FL 32227 G~ ___ _02_.DS.1-14..... ___490x _.$~1111RNFY ..T-O-RFL.IILASjOjJ 8L1~ /09 NFW_ PROS MP$j.A51__THERARIS_L_ __-__-._--___ _____~ _____ __ -~ 462 STURDIVANT AVE - - ARLENE'b RTI2 -904- 247-5695 "" ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. Bb9-8 .ENGLAND STREET, MAYPORT, FL 32227 1 J 02 05115 4902 ANTO LA'ABERT DRAFTIiJG SERVICES R/21J 01 NEW 5325 P'.ISC. SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT NOT LISTED -i . 869 SEASPRAY AVE ANTO lAhiBERT -404- 241-3763 )` _._ _. _. _ ____ ___AT-L.ANT1t_.BiAtllr_Fl__i2233-- -_ s69_S.EASpRdX_AU.ENll.E,__A7LAPIL.ZL _9.EAL.H.,__EL32233 __..__ _ -_..____... _.__.__._ ~ 02 D5116 4903 PEYE LOFTIS, INC. 8/21/01 NEW 5355 PACKING/SNIPPING/MAIL SERVICE ~ ~ .__ __._____.__.__ ___.._. _ __1Il1iJITL Afd71•C._IlLl!!L_____- - _~ESE_LD.FJ._LS_, _.-- ___. _~. __-_ffi4-..241x_1842___ ___~--__. _. ____..___- M ~ ! ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 3E PONTE VEDRA CIRCLE, PONTE VEDRA, FL 32042 ~ Z ,, ' "~ ,. r _.02__.05712_ _ __.__4204-- __A_.[l)-LABS.VE.._T_RELS.E.R.VItE~-LN-C.._ B121L0.7 --NEW-_~53~_~._TREE_. ?fR.V1CrJ-LRfJ=S.U 4fiE0N___ _ ____..__ _._.__ ___ ___ __.__ _. _ b~ d y 70 LEVY RD GLE N LEWIS -904- 247-0008 ~iy t.+ _ j ATLANTIC 9EACH, FL 32233 402 NORTH 18TH STREEY, JHX BEACH, FL 32250 `J7 ~ ~, I ~" 02 05118 4905 CARNIVAL Vc`NDING, INC. 8/21/01 NEW R240 MI SCEILANEOUG SALES, OTHER THAN LISTED ~ 'r'! 1075 Ol ATLANTIC BLVD - h1URAT JOHPJ ERGISZ -904- 568-7677 c p _ .._ _...__ _.. ______- _1iT LANIS~;i.EAC1Lr-Fi_32253 -732IlD__RTf Htn nZ11 PauK laTy_L,~SLAN7IL_BEA.CJi-.-~L=;.2233-._-.__ ____ - ____...- _._ ° , ~ i": ~ ~oj r-, _ PREPARED 9/04/01,11-Ob-17 LICEtISE ACTT_VI TY REPORT - NEW LICENSES PAGE 2 CITY OF ATLANTIC 3EACH FOR PERIOD FROM 8/01/01 TO 8/31/01 PROGRAM OL 122E FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS LIC - CTNL - - 8US INESS NAME ISSUED TYPE CLASS DESCRIPTION _. ___-_. _ _. _..__.___.._-BUS.IWESS-ADD&€SS--- n~NER NAME _ ___9U5__PJiOAIE._-_-_.__-__._____-_- _ _ _.. BUS CITY ST ZIP - OWN ER`ADD RESS 02 05119 4905 CARNIVAL VENDING, INC. . 8121/01 NEW. 5560 VEND IDIG MACHINE J "- '"- 1075 OL ATLANTIC BLVD MURAT JOHIJ ERGISL -904- 568-1677 - ~__ ___-_._ -_-- -A7L-q-NSlr~a"ru~_~~»~a "z7nn-R--T-GN "'^-...,-h; T,.TN(-BR-I~+~ 7kA-N-'CIE--BED °" ~A LH-~F-L-3 233--_-___-_ `.- _.__ : d 02 05120 4906 MICHELLE GUTHRIE - $/22/01 NEW '5325 'MISC. SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, NOT LI STcD_ :_- -_.__.__. _._- -5.7~~4Q11!>ruL.-0aj Mi ru411 [ t1~IR1E=_ _O-0.4~-2/i-9~9Pib___ -_ .__---__._._ ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 519 AaUATIC DRIVE, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 '-__ __.OZ_O.i122- -_49'.,]IS--__.DAVS-0.E--C14S-7nM-__r F___.r 4aItrtTD#S~-lNC 8/Z3J07 N€W c5,35 -CE~i€N-T1S7-D11F10ltSLK- 157.A LEVY RO ' MARK RUSCO -904- 237-2926 ' i:.I ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233' 119 37TH.STREET SOUTH, JAX 6EACH, FL 32250 OZ 05123 3655 EAKIN, SNEED'& CATALAN 9127/O1 NEW P515 ATTORNEY >" 599 -04 ATLANTIC BLVD SNEED, JEFF -904- 247-6565 _~I1dAIS.C-MEdL U_.,__c _i z»33 azz cnuru aneme ai VT7--,-P-OtS7-E-JLERR6, Fi 37n8Z_- _- ___ .. ~ l~~"°' 02.05124 3136 ENDLESS SUMMER .BODY SALON, INC -8./30/01: P540 •: COSt1ETOL OG IST NEW - '%' ,_: -_ n~ an ral n -. .-A8-1- AN T-I. V - cucaN rcie ZS -RD b_-267-0.8.8..R___-__..__- - -__ .::_ ATLANTIC BEq CH, FL 32233 ATLA NTZC BEACH, FL 32233 - ~ ~ --- -.9Z~5.125_ _._..1i9ll9--THE-_EX7skSna rangy a r ur ui3nmy ey~,i c32?1 MT Nn1~C.ON7 Rd.C7Oa -mrcr nnn -JDB.SJ_R.EP-ASR-- _ __. ~ ~- ~' _ 350 PLAZA STEPN EN D.KIRSTEN-904- 838-9600 _ r' - ATLANTIC 9EACH,.FL 32233 , 350 PLAZA] ATLAtTIC BEACri, FL 32233 . , 9w '02 05126 4910 POIJTE VEU RAS• POOL & SPA 8/30/01 NEW 5385 POOL SERVICE Mq ZNTENA?JCE - ~' '~"" 675 SAILFISH DR DONALD F WALT ERS JR -904- 249-9904 • --_AILA.NII.C_HE&tH„ EI ;'>33 57s cast-E-LSIJ_J28iVF._E,-~T15NS-I.G~EA[.H.r~L~2233-____.__._____._ ..._. 1 `,- ..... ~'~ - .__ - _ __- - ~~S91~JUMBER-Af-NF++I-t:ELF.WScc_ 20 - _- __. ._ _-- __.__. -:. ~ _- _-.__._.- _ _ - _ ied - PIEW, PAYMENT PENDING- 1 _ . _ PIEW, ACTIVE- 19 TOTAL NUMBER OF LICENSES PROCESSED- 20 TOTAL, PAYPfENT PENDING- 1 /i„ i_ d '6'- _____ _ _ ____ _ -- tc y ______ .__ -- - __._ _ __ __._ _____ er i ~.. ' ~ ~ . r+ O A -.- --.-____- -_____________.._-__._ _ _____~ ._.._____-- _--..-_-__ O _._.__. pe AGENDA ITEM #4A SEPTEMBER 10; 2001 Month{y Report For July 2001 Emergency Reaponsc Time: Training Completed: All Officers Individual Police 0.orkload Jacksonville Fve avd Resone Animal Control Statistics 1.75. Minytes Police Fltness Sexual Offender Verifw~tion FDLE CJIS ConFerence Animal Control CertiRoatidrvLrajning Month of Jui 2000 V-T-D Month of Jui 2007 Y-T-D' Number or Calls For Service 1944 73533 2730 14211 Numher of Ameshs 97 689 61 597 NumberofUTCS 42.. . ...3349 ..474 3936 Number of incidents Re orted 77 489 86 557 Month of Jul 2000 Y•T-0 Mbnth of Jul 2001 Y-T-D ' Fire Res rrses # 15 104 21 106 Tinre 3.511 -. ..4:372 Emer enc Medical Res Doses # 74 501 63 442 . tme . _4.29 .. 4:2 _ MaMh ofJUl 2000 Y•L6 Mbnth of JUI 2001 Y- -D Number of Tele hone Calls 149 1317 269 1775 Num rof Animals Im cunded 76 749 110 . 759 Number ofCitations Issued 74 " 723 22 - 145 Numberof Bites Re rted 1 7 1 70 Code Enforcement Report Attached _ _, , ;: ~OR~~ENF.ORCEMEN7 ~NVESjIRRYIQh REPORT FC~jt ~IULY8997 ? ~_ _, _. 2 N'1 '~ yOG y NS OG TC < m ` ~'inO c y Np AR, `fin Zr 70 p 61~ Z+~ ,m ~Gy~ ,yn o N =~ ~~ Z;~ y y m'i0 y3Z N41 ~C N AN A~ y `mN N yf m~N mP CALL INS CE IDENTIFIED TOTALS Feb-01 CALL INS CE IDENTIFIED TOTALS CALL INS CE IDENT~ TOTALS A CALL INS CE (DENT TOTALS M CALL INS CE (DENT TOTALS CALL INS CE (DENT TOTALS CALL INS CE IDENi TOTALS CALL INS CE (DENT 2 O~ O O a ~N 19 756 39 38 34 326 49 24 37 240 1477 b ~ H trl ti7 ~ ~Y ~ H r 0 o o ,a .. PUBLIC W ORKS and PROJECT STATUS REPORT - (D)=DESIGN ENGINEER UTII,ITY (CE&n=CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER DEPARTMENTS (C)=CONTRACTOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. AND INFORMATION STATUS ON 9/4101 1 Core City Stormwater Project CORE99 Sherry Drive advertised on 4/22J01. Bid opening on June 8'" and contract awarded (D)=Original by Ehgland, Thuns & Miller to Callaway Cons[rnction on 6/12/01. Preconstruc[ion Conference was held on Prelimninary Redesign - 100% Revised Preliminary Design by The 6/20/01. Construction on Sherry Drive began on 7/16/01. Schooi began on 8/7/01. complete R-A-M Professional Group Completed installation of 3828 LF of water main. Sherry Drive Design -100% Re-Design by Aikenhead & Odom complete (C)= Callaway Contracting, Ina Sherry Drive Construction - (CE & n =Public Works for Sherry Drive 35% Overall Redesign - 90% Downstream Design - 90% 2 Buccaneer Wastewater (D)=Gannett Fleming New sludge holding facility design is 100% complete. Awaited recommendations on Treatment Plant (C)= solids handling from Camp, Dresser & McKee prior to advertising for bids. Final Design of Sludge Facility- (CE&I)= Report received 7/3/01. Will need minor modification to sludge tank design to 100% accommodate future4hickener. Consduction - 0% 3 Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer (D)=Gee & Jenson Bid opening was 4/25/01. City Commission awarded contract to Meadors Sewer System hnprovements (C)=Meadors Construction Company Constrnc[ion to complete the Base Bid, plus Additive Alternates 2 & 3 on May 14, (CE&i)= Gee & Jenson and Public Works 2001. Preconstruction Conference was held 6/15/01. Contractor has ordered Design -100% canplete materials. Notice to Proceed extended to 9/4/01 to allow time for pump delivery Redesign -100% and transfer of superintendent Construction phase services by Gee & Jenson Construction -<S% approved by City Commission on 8/27/01. 4 Widening of Atlantic Blvd. (D)=H.W. Lochner, Inc, Pilings have been finished, substructure is complete and concrete and steel girders Bridge FDOT have all been completed. Traffic transferred to new bridge and work began on Design - l00% complete (C)=Superior Construction Co. existing bridge during week of 5/21/01. Bridges will have three 12' lanes and two Construction - 98% complete (CE&I)=Reynolds, Smith & Hills 10' shoulders, however one lane will be closed eastbound until Flyover work is completed. Expected to open refurbished eastbound structure by 8/20/01, but projected opening date is now 10/1/Ol. Paving, striping and final cleanup - remain. ro~ H p7 .~ t7 td Y '~ H ~ ~ N ~k O ~ O 1-+ S.a. Mayport Flyover (D)=Pittman, Hartenstein & Assoc. Delivery and installation of steel gkders progressing for flyover ramp. Completed Flyover Design -100% complete JTA steel over Atlantic Blvd. week of 6/25/01. All steel completed during July, work on Construction -70% complete Connelly & Wicker for Atlantic Beach elevated roadway continues and two of the Dine decks are complete. Completion overall, 100%for utility (C)=Superior Construction Co. date is 4/14/01. relocation (CE&I)=Public Works Utility Design - /00% complete JTA (Reynolds, Smith & Hills) S.b. Mayport Flyover (D)=Bessent, Hammack & Ruckman (BAR) BRR completing proposal and expect authorizatim from JTA to complete Plaza Bump design by neat week Design expected to take 5 weeks due to surveying needed. 6.a. Utility Improvements 2000 - (D)=Gee & 7enson City Commission awarded contract to Gruhn May; Inc. to complete drainage West 13i6 Drainage & Levy Road (C) = Gruhn May, Ine. (for W 13th Street) improvements on West lath Street, and authorized staff[ohave annual contractor do Sidewalk. (C)=Robert Lawrence (for sidewalk work) sidewalk work on Levy Road. Contractor to begin fvs[ portion of sidewalk nem Design -100% complete (CE&I)=Public Works Main Street week of 8!20/01. Contractor began work on Q W. 13`h Street on 8/6/0!. Redesign - t 00 % complete Construction- 90% complete 6.6. Utility Improvements 2000 - (D)= - City Commission rejected all bids and authorized staff to advertise project as a Beach Avenue Water Main (C) = design/build project to be constructed during FY 02. Technical proposals were (CE&I)=Public Works received 8/29/01, and ranked by staff on 8/31/01. Bids are due 915/01. 7 Beach Renourishment (D)=Army Corps of Engineers Project has been rescheduled to begin in the winter. Funds were approved by City of Jacksonville on I I/28!00. Start date will be determined by Army Corps of Engineers. Due to high cos[ of material at Buck Island, material will be obtained from channel dredging project scheduled [o be advertised in 9/01 and start m November 2001. _ Renourishment should start in January 2002. Carp has developed technical review plans, and will distribute to City of Jacksonville and Beaches very shortly. 8 Water Master Plan and (D)=Camp, Dresser & McKee CDM made final presentation to City Commission on 8/27!01. Provided CIP Consumptive Use Permit - recommendations on 8/31/01. Still finalizing research regarding storage needs. Renewal Consumption Use Permit Application sent to SJRWMD on 7/27/01. Received _ b ~ .~ C tc Y zy ..~ o~ N ~k O A O '~ H Design -98% complete Request for Additional Information from SJRWMD on Sl29/O1. 9 Mayport Jr. Enlisted Men Family (D)=Prosser Hallock Storm drainage is complete. Construction of sanitary sewecis 100% complete, Housing -100 Units (C)=Beneco Enterprises, Inc. with the exception of the lift station wetwell. Construction of water is 80% AiEM@ complete. Design - 100% complete Construction-35%complete ro~ H ls] ~a zy 0 •. ~ N 7t O A oy AGENDA ITEM #4A SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 FAX: (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM: 852-5800 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us September 4, 2001 To: Jim Hanson, Cily Manager From: Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director Re: .Usage Report, Community Center, August 2001 Jim, here is a recap of activity at the Adele Grage Community Center for the month of August 2001: Theater Room A Group/Event No. of Nc. of Mtgs/Events People ABET Set Bldg/Performances Rehearsals and Workshops 18 .700 Narcotics 4 80 Jacksonville Waldorf Initiative 2 20 Receptions/Board Meetings 1 15 Totals 25 815 Meeting Room (Room B) Group/Event No. of Mtgs/Events No. of People A.A. Meeting 8 120 Board Meeting 8 80 State Attorneys Office 1 5 Cribbage/Scrabble 1 5 Totals 18 210 Total Number of People using Theater- 815 Total Number of People using Meeting Room- 210 Total Number of People using Adele Grage- ,1025 c~_ AGENDA ITEM #4A SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 STATUS REPORT ON SHERRY DRIVE September 4, 2001 Contractor, Callaway Contracting, Inc., began work on 7116/01. (751-8944) - Contractual Start Date 7/2/01 - Completion Date 1/2/02 - Completed Installation of Detour -during construction Sherry Drive traffic will be limited to one northbound lane. Access to be maintained for school, church and homes on Sherry Drive except for brief periods where pipelaying is directly in driveway(s). - Ernie Beadle is the Construction Inspector for City. - Tom Mitchell is the Project Superintendent for Callaway. CURRENT STATUS - JEA has completed their replacement of wooden poles with concrete poles. - Contractor has installed 2300 linear feet of 12" diameter water line from Sturdivant Ave. to 7d' Street. The pipework is now 33% complete. - Contractor completed major crossing for water line in front of AB Elementary School at 3rd Street, prior to opening of school. - Installed highway curb along centerline of Sherry Drive for additional safety in the school area, prior to opening of the school on 8/7. POTENTIAL PROBLEM OR DELAYS - BellSouth will move their major lines within two years from the completion date of this project. - Existing drainage near AB Elementary School needs replacement, and funds were approved at the 8/13/01 Commission Meeting. - School opened on 8/7/01 and bus/vehicular traffic using detour. - Contractor has requested 24 additional days due to the additional drainage, water services and unforeseen conflicts. StafF will review.